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SBC Deacon Doubles Down on Building Abortuary

If helping to build an abortuary doesn’t qualify as a disciplinary offense in the Southern Baptist Convention, suffice it to say that nothing does. Pulpit & Pen brought you the news story of a new child sacrifice center being renovated in Oklahoma, and the various construction outfits providing the services necessary for it to become … Read more

SBC Deacon Doubles Down on Building Abortuary

If helping to build an abortuary doesn’t qualify as a disciplinary offense in the Southern Baptist Convention, suffice it to say that nothing does. Pulpit & Pen brought you the news story of a new child sacrifice center being renovated in Oklahoma, and the various construction outfits providing the services necessary for it to become … Read more

Rapper, Lecrae, Receives Honorary Degree From Same College as T.D. Jakes, Myles Munroe, and John Hagee

The Christian rapper, wait..wait! The rapper, who “happens to be Christian,” (whew, almost messed that one up) known as Lecrae, should now be addressed as Dr. Lecrae. Dr. Lecrae (not to be confused with Dr. Dre), who is known for his rap music that appeals to worldly-minded professing Christians, recently received his honorary doctorate from Canada … Read more

SBC Pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile, Suggests Unborn Babies Aren’t a Top Priority

In a recent article penned at P&P, we showed how former Muslim-turned-Southern Baptist pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile, was a staunch supporter of the racist #blacklivesmatter movement, and a subtle adherent to certain ideologies that would promote that agenda. In a recent conversation on Twitter, Anyabwile (a name he took as an Islamic convert which represents his … Read more

Rubio, Candidate of Both Political and Evangelical Establishment

The Political Establishment  Last night’s caucus in Iowa can be summed up by one term; anti-establishment. A majority of Iowans chose to support one of two candidates that the Republican political establishment absolutely despises. The first is a billionaire whose real-life persona actually exceeds his caricature in outrageousness. The other, unlike the former, has actual long-time convictions … Read more

John Piper Promotes #BlackLivesMatter

John Piper, who dug-in yesterday with another anti-gun tweet, also surprised many in evangelicalism with a tweet in seeming support of Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter is an international organization advocating against violence done toward blacks by non-blacks (they’ve been virtually silent on black-on-black violence, which constitues 93% of homicides in the black community). … Read more

Evangelicals, Stop Throwing a Hissy About Donald Trump

The Evangelical Intelligentsia (EI) has clearly thrown support behind the non-evangelical candidate in the Republican primary, Marco Rubio. In the collapse of Jeb Bush’s candidacy, the EI has followed suit of the GOP establishment about moved on to back the younger Floridian. The EI is tied so tightly to the GOP establishment, keep in mind, that … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile May Not Be the Race-Relations Expert We Should Look To

As the evangelical world looks for the cause of racism (hint **it’s sin**) and looks for the solution to racism (hint **it’s the gospel), it’s important to know where not to look. Some have looked toward Ron Burns. You know Ron Burns by his Muslim name, Thabiti Anyabwile. I would encourage against that. The “Gospel” … Read more

SBC Ethics Guru Writes Op-Ed with Roman Catholic RINO Candidate

As Pulpit & Pen has told you again and again and again and again, the Evangelical Intelligentsia has put their stock in the RINO Republican and Roman Catholic candidate, Marco Rubio. As we reported several weeks ago… Russell Moore has led the support for Rubio, albeit stopping short of officially endorsing him. Moore, a former democratic … Read more

The Buffoonery of the SBC’s Open-Border Agenda

In the wake of Donald Trump’s comments regarding the banning of Islamic immigrants in the United States until the government can “figure out what’s going on,” the Southern Baptist Convention has seized the opportunity to rebuke Trump’s popular stance, and paint those who agree with him, especially Christians, as anti-religious freedom, anti-missionary, and unchristian. In … Read more

Evangelical Intelligentsia Fawn Over Catholic, Rubio

The Past It is becoming abundantly clear that the Evangelical Intelligentsia has chosen their candidate in the 2016 Republican primary election, and it’s not the evangelical. It’s not even a Christian. No, it’s former Mormon and current Catholic (and still-protesting Protestants don’t consider that an improvement), Marco Rubio. Russell Moore has led the support for Rubio, … Read more

All Aboard the Anti-Christ Train

3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to … Read more