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The SBC’s Gay Priest: Sanctification Doesn’t Require Heterosexuality

Sam Allberry may be a gay Anglican priest, but he is the gay bff of the Southern Baptist Convention. He is promoted heavily by Southern Baptist leaders like Mark Dever (9Marx), Russell Moore (ERLC) and Jason Allen (Mid-Western Baptist Theological Seminary). Allberry has a very long history of normalizing Same-Sex Attraction (SSA), shows no signs … Read more

Al Mohler: No Surprise Compromise

By Toni S. Brown There is much confusion in the aftermath of the Shepherd’s Conference 2019 Q & A Session, especially regarding the embarrassingly blatant, evasive and downright rude behavior of Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. But there shouldn’t be, as there is a wealth of reliable evidence clearly testifying to the fact that Mohler’s associations, as well as his position and public statements on any number of … Read more

9Marks, SBC Leaders to Speak at Cultural Marxism Conference

Jonathan Leeman is the editorial director at 9Marx, the ministry founded by Mark Dever that once focused on helping local churches with their ecclesiology but now is a ‘woke’ Social Justice organization. Isaac Adams is a pastor at Dever’s church, Capitol Hill Baptist (he’s also a writer at Humble Beast, a hip-hop artist collective with … Read more

A Week After ShepCon, Ligon Duncan Promotes Gay Priest During Ligonier Q&A

Just a week or so after side-stepping questions on Social Justice and evading the topic at the Shepherds Conference, Ligon Duncan emphatically endorsed the homosexual Anglican Priest, Sam Allberry on a Q&A panel at Ligonier Ministries. Duncan is the president of Reformed Theological Seminary, which receives money from leftist financier, James Riady, who is banned … Read more

Michael Horton’s Slippery Slope

By Toni Brown Michael Horton headlines the Valued Conference 2019 on sexual abuse. Given the recent and no doubt opportunistically timed controversies regarding so-called rampant sexual abuse in protestant churches, some may consider this more than appropriate – I say not so fast. Firstly, this is nothing new, especially considering the vast number of false converts in the church, and it’s … Read more

Michael Horton Gets ‘Woke’: A Review of His Doctrinal Drift

Social Religion is spreading throughout American religion like Necrotizing Fasciitis, a dangerous infection that causes tissue death in living bodies. In this case, Social Religion is eating away the Body of Christ. Even the best theologians, like Michael Horton, are completely abandoning the Gospel-commitment they’ve fought their entire careers for, in exchange for sitting at … Read more

Al Mohler Orthodox

From time to time at Pulpit & Pen, we employ a term of our own invention: website orthodox. This term is used to describe a Christian public figure whose confession of faith (as published on his website) meets the standard of Christian orthodoxy but whose behavior does not reflect biblical fidelity. Andy Stanley’s picture is printed next … Read more

Is Marginalizing the Family the Latest Evangelical Idol?

[P. Andrew Sandlin | Christian Culture] Just in time to catch the cresting wave of our secular culture’s anti-family crusade, Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, chides Christians for championing the family. He’s not the only one. In the 80’s and 90’s, evangelicals perceived the family as under … Read more

It’s Time For Southern Baptists to Boot JD Greear, Nominate Tom Ascol

For too many years Southern Baptists have viewed Calvinism and Traditionalism as the division in our Convention. That isn’t what divides Southern Baptists. What divides Southern Baptists are those who hold to an orthodox understanding of the Gospel as opposed to progressives who promote ethnic Gnosticism and the “tearing down of all hierarchy” to empower … Read more

Three Things You Need to Know About David Barton

David Barton is the unofficial historian of American right-wing Christianity. Through his organization, WallBuilders, he regularly hosts groups of pastors in Washington, DC for briefings with Christian congressman and “spiritual heritage tours.” He also travels across the country speaking at local churches about the Christian heritage of the United States. He is the author of numerous … Read more

Why calling Mary “Mother of God” at Christmas Time is Not Helpful

With “Reformed” Christians gradually getting less and less Reformed all the time, it’s important to set matters straight on Mary’s supposed status as “Mother of God.” While Reformed believers across the West are becoming more Catholic (celebrating Lent, for example) and its leaders (like Tim Keller, for example) claiming that the Papists are Christians, it’s … Read more