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Eight Reasons We Should Avoid Christian Conferences

Listen, people. These conferences are killing us. By “us,” I mean evangelicals. Revoice, MLK50, Together for the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, the Passion Conference, Asuza, and so many more conferences inundate us, largely with things that are not good. Every week there is a new conference in which heretics share the stage with some otherwise … Read more

I’m a Bigot. What’s Wrong with That?

I’m an evangelical Christian, who the exception of the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws, don’t believe private Citizens should engage in physical violence. However, my viewpoints – which are in accordance with historical Christian thought and supported by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution – are largely considered bigoted. After being … Read more

The Social Justice Dark Money That is Funding SEBTS

Many Biblical conservatives are awakening and disturbed to find social justice indoctrination happening in their own seminaries. As revealed in 2017 – a massive effort to introduce the social justice /victim narratives of far left  “Christianity” began in late 2007-2009 and scaled up in 2013 to include some 23 conservative evangelical seminaries. The Kern Family … Read more

Evangelical SJWs and LGBT Successfully Teamed Up to Get Tech Giants to ‘Demonetize” P&P

Social Justice Warriors associated with The Gospel Coalition and ‘woke’ evangelicalism have teamed up with the LGBT lobby to get tech giants, Google and Amazon, to demonetize Pulpit & Pen by flagging it as ‘hate speech.’ Pulpit & Pen is not the first conservative news and/or commentary outlet to be censored by the technocracy. Praeger … Read more

Movements, #Exvangelicals, and the Primacy of the Local Church

As history plays itself out according to God’s providential plan, movements within the visible church come and go. Oftentimes these movements revolve around heresies. Gnosticism and Arianism come to mind as very early ones. Almost as often, movements develop as a response to heresy. After all, what is a fundamentalist without a modernist? Sometimes a … Read more

Robert Gagnon Challenges Joe Carter’s Cultural Marxism Hypocrisy

Robert Gagnon, who has proven himself one of the preeminent champions of Biblical sexual ethics within academia today, recently challenged editor of the leftist Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter. The two figures really exemplify the divide in evangelicalism over this issue of encroaching Marxism. Before we post the words of Gagnon, it should be stated that … Read more

Joe Carter’s Attack on “Cultural Marxism” Term Likely Borrowed from Southern Poverty Law Center

Joe Carter, a contributor at both The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), yesterday blamed the tragic San Diego synagogue shooting on kinism (a philosophy we’ll describe below). Likewise, Carter claimed that kinism is to blame for the term Cultural Marxism, and argues that anyone using the term is complicit … Read more

The Dismantling of Joe Carter’s Embarrassing “Racist Conspiracy Theory”

[P. Andrew Sandlin | Christian Culture] The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has been increasingly tolerant of and sympathetic toward the “social justice warriors.” Thabiti Anyabwile (aka Ron Burns), for example, champions leading tenets of Cultural Marxism (CM) under TGC rubric. He declared that whites should collectively repent for assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. (Yes, he did write that.) … Read more

Who’s Who of Movers and Shakers in JD Greear’s World of Evangelicalism

In a recent episode of Ask Me Anything, a regular featured segment on Greear’s personal website, he was asked to name those who have most influenced his ministry. The list of names is quite telling, as he admits that Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, and Rob Bell were instrumental in the early formation of his theology. Founding member of The Gospel Coalition and signer … Read more

Sam Allberry Defecting From Pro-Gay ‘Living Out’

Sam Allberry is the same-sex attracted Anglican priest who is being heavily promoted by The Gospel Coalition and other Social Justice Warriors, who are letting him direct their theology on sex and the family. The homosexual is celibate (and therefore is welcome at the table of the Evangelical Intelligentsia) but promotes incredibly troubling sexual ethics. … Read more

University Promoting ‘Men’s Cuddling Group’ to Promote ‘Real Masculinity’

Although this sounds like something crafted by Sam Allberry, it’s not. This program is designed by Lehigh University in Philadelphia and is the brainchild of a psychology professor named Dr. Christopher Liang. The school hosts ‘meet-ups’ every other week and engage in non-sexual, fully-clothed, all-male cuddling. The group has 69 members and has had 46 … Read more