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ERLC Council Member Says Christians are “Wolves” for Criticizing Beth Moore, Sam Allberry

Dave Miller wants to pink slip the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) because it’s a waste of money, serves no necessary purpose, and takes money away from real missions. Scratch that. Dave Miller wanted to pink slip the ERLC. After years of flattering servility, the soft-handed and paunch-swollen potluck-driven professional sycophant from Sioux City, … Read more

An Open Letter to Southern Baptists: You Are in Sin

This is an open letter to Southern Baptists who continue to support the Cooperative Program and fund its grievous errors. That caveat, in italics, is important. I wrote this as an email to a Southern Baptist pastor and I’m making it available as an open letter to all Southern Baptists who spit upon the Bible’s … Read more

SBC President Cancels Church for Christmas, Charges $5 for Good Friday Service

Today is Good Friday, the anniversary of Jesus’ death on the cross. Given the significance of this day, as well as the general interest that surrounds Easter Weekend, many churches choose to hold special “Good Friday” evening worship services. One such church is Summit Church, a multi-campus organization based in North Carolina. Summit is led … Read more

Russell Moore Takes Pelosi’s Side, Urges Trump to Give Away Your Taxes to Foreign Countries Amidst Shutdown

President Donald J. Trump is resisting pressure to sign a Democrat-led House bill that would end the government shut-down but wouldn’t fund the border wall and would instead use tax dollars to fund abortions overseas. Russell Moore has recently joined with 24 other “faith leaders” to urge the president to not cut foreign welfare no … Read more

Former SBC VP Calls for Affirmative Action in Denominational Hiring

[Sioux City, Iowa] Dave Miller, aka The Company Man™, is a 2nd Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention, an office typically reserved for non-celebrity pastors. Think of it as “throwing a bone” to the little guys, while most other major offices are staffed by denominational superstars and major conference speakers. Miller is the owner-operator … Read more

What You Need to Know About the Dallas Statement on Social Justice

I don’t think people adequately understand the significance of The Dallas Statement (as I call it) and its reception. Let me put some thoughts down here and explain exactly what has happened and what is happening. As someone who has been covering the mission drift of the Young, Restless and Reformed (YRR) into social progressivism … Read more

The Beasts of England and the Southern Baptist Convention

George Orwell’s Animal Farm was included in the curriculum of my 9th Grade “World Cultures” class at Central High School in Chattanooga, TN.  In the book, which is an allegory of the Russian Revolution, a group of animals, led by pigs, overthrow their human master and take over the farm on which they live.  Having thrown off … Read more

SBC Leaders Float Idea of Beth Moore As Next Denomination President

Beth Moore, who is best known as Lifeway’s Cash Cow of Bashan, the extremely popular women’s teacher whose increasingly wild-eyed prophetic visions have gained prominence in a wide berth of evangelicalism well outside the SBC (especially in charismatic circles, as she coalesces with other egalitarian prophetesses like Anne Voskamp, Joyce Meyer, and Christine Caine), may … Read more

The SBC, JD Greear, and Reformation: a Polite Polemic of Michelle Lesley

I really like Michelle Lesley and her work at  I cite her often.  Michelle is the type of (female) author the SBC needs but, unfortunately, as LifeWay sales indicate, not the type of author the SBC wants.  As a minister’s wife and long-time Baptist, Michelle is well aware of the desperate need of reform … Read more

Al Mohler and the Conviction to Lead from Behind

“The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1 I am tired of Al Mohler. For years, I listened to his various podcasts: every month, every week, every day.  Every month or so, I listened to his literary podcast, Thinking in Public, in which he discussed … Read more

Former SBC Prez: God’s Heart For This Nation is Unity

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household.“ –Matthew 10:34-36 Ripping … Read more

On that Video and Six Degrees from Kevin Bacon

For whatever reason, James White saw fit to RT the guy who made this nutso (that’s the official term) video about me the other day. I had seen it previously and chose to ignore it until White decided to go full-unhinged and send it to his Twitter feed because so long as it attacks me, White … Read more