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‘Confetti Cannon’ Ronnie Floyd to Leave Pastorate to Lead SBC Executive Committee

Ronnie Floyd is the stereotypical megachurch pastor in the SBC. He’s also geared up to leave his home church to climb the denominational career ladder. As the typical megachurch pastor, Floyd hangs out with the likes of charismatic arch-charlatan, Kenneth Copeland. He joins forces with hyper-charismatic IHOP. In many ways, Floyd started the ‘woke’ movement … Read more

Recap of Ronnie Floyd’s Presidency

As Ronnie Floyd’s tenure comes to a close, and a new president rises up in his place, many questions will arise as to just how well he actually did as president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Here are just a few examples of why I think this term was more than questionable. Throughout his tenure, … Read more

Ronnie Floyd and Kenneth Copeland: United As One

“I hate, I reject your festivals, Nor do I delight in your solemn assemblies.” Amos 5:21 Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie “Armani” Floyd is at it again. He’s attending yet another ecumenical conference; this one is advertised as “a solemn assembly”. It has been dubbed “The Gathering” and a gathering it is.  It’s a whose … Read more

Ted Cruz Hangs Out with SBC Prez, Ronnie Floyd

Republican presidential contender, Ted Cruz, recently attended services at Ronnie Floyd’s Cross Church in Springdale, Arkansas. Floyd is the president of the SBC, perhaps best know for his confetti cannon baptistry created by a Walt Disney designer and for the recent controversy revolving around his partnership with the New Apostolic Reformation‘s Mike Bickle and International House of Prayer. … Read more

SBC President, Ronnie Floyd, is Helping God Save The World!

Synergize 2016, Where The Global Church Gathers to Save the World. That’s the motto of the next conference of apostasy. The event, sponsored by The Assemblies of God, The International Pentecostal Holiness Church, The Miracle Channel, and others (need I say more?), is a yearly gathering of charismatic, new age mystics and emergent church leaders … Read more

Is Ronnie Floyd Trying to Unite the SBC with Mike Bickle’s IHOP?

As recently posted, Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, will be speaking at an IHOP event in Kansas City in December 2015. While some of you may be picking your jaw up off the floor, or shaking your heads in disbelief, I stated that I simply wasn’t all that surprised about the partnership. After all, the blooming … Read more

Ronnie Floyd and IHOP Now Bringing Catholic Track

Last week I reported on Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, participating in the Onething Conference put on by the apostate IHOP (International House Of Prayer) Church, founded by New Apostolic Reformation “prophet” Mike Bickle. I even went out on a limb and speculated that he may be attempting to unite the Southern Baptist Convention with … Read more

Is Ronnie Floyd Trying to Unite the SBC with Mike Bickle's IHOP?

As recently posted, Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, will be speaking at an IHOP event in Kansas City in December 2015. While some of you may be picking your jaw up off the floor, or shaking your heads in disbelief, I stated that I simply wasn’t all that surprised about the partnership. After all, the blooming … Read more

SBC Prez, Ronnie Floyd, Joining With IHOP Cult To Promote Charismania

Arguably one of the most spiritually dangerous cults in the world today, IHOP (International House of Prayer), headed by the New Apostolic Reformation’s false prophet, Mike Bickle, is hosting its annual Onething Conference December 28-31. IHOP, known for it’s youth-targeted, stage-managed productions of audio-visual, hyper-sensual emotional stimuli that simulates a spiritual revival, will be hosting … Read more

Ronnie Floyd's Continuing Slide into New Age Dominionism.

As anyone who’s been following my blog knows, I’ve been highly critical of Ronnie Floyd and the SBC’s 2015 Annual Meeting theme, Great Awakening. I believe the Southern Baptist Convention has spun out of control under current president Floyd, and is heading downhill faster than ever. Ronnie Floyd is no stranger to questionable practices and teachings, and has been exposed for his mishandling of Scripture to teach Robert Morris’ first fruits tithing heresy, as well as ties to a New Age ministry that practices a borderline form of witchcraft, known as prayer circles. He also endorses New Ager Mark Batterson’s book, the Circle Maker, which also promotes an unbiblical form mystical prayer.

Ronnie Floyd: One more year as pope of SBC thanks to J.D. Greear

The Baptist Press revealed yesterday that Pastor J.D. Greear of Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, NC, has nominated current pope president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ronnie Floyd, to a second term. This comes as no surprise, as Floyd is adored by the neo-evangelical leadership who have now mainstreamed the denomination. One of the problems with this neo-evangelicalism is that many of them are solid bible teachers, and are solid in their doctrinal beliefs, but outside of the pulpit is where they break down. They see no problem associating with, and promoting emergent leaders such as Rick Warren, and they tend to blindly support each other, as I reported before, without any accountability, in order to re-elect and maintain leadership positions within the SBC. This appears to be the same thing here.

Alex Himaya, Ronnie Floyd, and Strange Things

Ronnie Floyd recently announced the members he has named to participate in the Committee of Committees, chosen to nominate the committee members who will actually do the nominating of leaders of various positions in the SBC for 2016. Sounds like a drawn out process, right? It is, and it begins with this committee of origin. … Read more