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Rodney Howard Brown Says Coronavirus a Sinister Plot to Kill People With Vaccines

As we have been chronicling at Pulpit & Pen religiously (no pun intended), charismatic prophets are going to get people killed with their crack-pottery. It’s one thing to decree-and-declare an end to coronavirus with ineffectual blathering, but it’s another thing to offer horrible medical advice and instill confusion into the global discourse on this pandemic. … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Says Coronavirus Would Be Over ‘In an Hour’ If China Gave Religious Freedom

This is getting old, admittedly. We’re trying to chronicle all the crazy things charismatics are saying about the coronavirus. You know, to make fun of them in the future (like God intended). So far we have, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that God had ended the virus. Perhaps Bethel didn’t get the memo. … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Says Coronavirus is the Devil’s Way of Stopping President Trump

Well, we continue in our marathon of posts about crazy things charismatics have said about coronavirus this week. And we come to Charisma’s Robert Henderson. But for the record, Bethel’s affiliated pastor, Shawn Bolz, declared a prophecy that God had ended the virus. Perhaps Bethel didn’t get the memo. Rodney Howard Browne promised to bind coronavirus from the … Read more

When Faith-Healers Can’t Even Handle the Flu…

Bethel Church in Redding, California – which dumps chicken feathers, fog, and glitter out of its ventilation system to simulate a “glory cloud,” has a supernatural school of healing, and regularly tells tall-tales of raising the dead – has apparently closed its “healing rooms” because it’s afraid that all the touching involved will pass along … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Claims Coronavirus Won’t Hit Republicans

Charismatic prophets keep giving out great news regarding the coronavirus. Sure, they all claim to have received their news from God himself through direct and divine revelation while their accounts all vastly differ, but still. Challenge not the Lord’s anointed, amiright? Shawn Bolz prophesying an end of coronavirus (right before a half-dozen dropped dead in Washington state), … Read more

Charismatic Prophet (Another One) Claims Christians Are Immune to Coronavirus

Pulpit & Pen is working overtime trying to document the dumb, dangerous charismatic claims regarding coronavirus or COVID-19. It’s getting hard to keep up with. Shawn Bolz prophesying an end of coronavirus (right before a half-dozen dropped dead in Washington state), Rodney Howard Browne promising to bind coronavirus from the United States (again, it’s growing), Jim Bakker claiming his venereal disease … Read more

Another Charismatic Prophet Offers Coronavirus Cure

Pulpit & Pen has been documenting the charismatic prophets who are either selling snake-oil coronavirus cures or prophesying a swift end to the illness. Apparently there’s not a single faith-healer in the world who can heal those with the illness, but there’s plenty of them with promises to heal…for a price. Even though Pat Robertson … Read more

Jim Bakker Says He Was Put Into Prison Because Government Was Afraid of His Presidential Endorsement

Jim Bakker recently claimed on an episode of his doomsday survival supply infomercial that he was put into prison because the U.S. government was afraid he would endorse Pat Robertson for president. In reality, Bakker was put into prison after an investigation into tag-team raping a woman with another evangelist, along with a real estate … Read more