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5000 Worshippers Gather for Bethel Music Concert in Redding, CA, Flouting Shutdown Regulations

Worship leader Sean Feucht, a Bethel Church School of Supernatural Ministry alum who has been touring across California singing Bethel worship tunes and engaging in the charismatic darks arts of “spirit-filled manifestations,” drew up to 5000 people to an outdoor worship gathering under Sundial bridge last night in what was the first leg of 5-city, … Read more

Bethel Music Under Fire for Putting on Impromptu Concert at George Floyd Memorial

Bethel Church has come under fire for being “opportunisric white colonizers” after Bethel Music musicians visited the George Floyd Memorial in Minneapolis and put on an impromptu worship concert, complete with all the charismatic shenanigans that accompany such an event. Sean Feutch, a worship leader at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California, brought … Read more

Confirmed: Bethel Cancels Faith Healing Because of Coronavirus Concerns

As polemics ministries began to post articles about Bethel Church in Redding, California, canceling their “healing room” events, the church leadership at first lied to supporters, claiming the services were canceled because of staffing conflicts. Pulpit & Pen has received several emails stating so. Michael Klassen contacted Bethel church staff in response to a Pulpit … Read more

Video: Bethel Cult Members Chant to Resurrect Dead Child

Late last Friday, Bethel Church pastor, Bill Johnson, announced that it was time to let the baby girl be buried. Thanks to the superstition and witchcraft promoted by his cult, thousands of its members were hopeful that they could raise the child back to life by their ceaseless chanting. Here’s a video of one of … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry Embraces Bethel Cult, Discernment Leaders Silent [See Editor’s Note at End for Update]

A popular Intersectional celebrity who regularly preaches alongside men like John MacArthur recently endorsed a leader in what is perhaps the most radical sub-Christian and hyper-charismatic cult in America. Jackie Hill Perry, a militant social justice warrior and subversive LGBTQ speaker, fully embraced Bethel Church’s Jen Johnson over the weekend. Perry, who is heavily promoted … Read more

Bethel School of Ministry Student Expelled for Opposing False Doctrine

[Reformation Charlotte] Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is a school operated by Bethel Church in Redding, CA. Under the leadership of Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, the school boasts a full curriculum with a focus on the Apostolic sign gifts. The Apostolic sign gifts — which were given to the Apostles and those closely associated … Read more

Charisma News Says Spurgeon Would Attend Conference with NAR Apostles, Hillsong, Bethel and IHOP Pastors

No one who spoke at the G3 Conference alongside the Rauschenbuschists wanted to interact with my post on why Spurgeon would not attend G3. They did not interact with the article because they could not. It was indisputable. While these men claim the heritage of Spurgeon, they ignore his absolute detestation of partnering with compromise … Read more

Bethel Faith Healer, Beni Johnson, Seeks Medical Treatment for Cancer

We should pray for healing to come to faith-healer, Beni Johnson, who has recently announced having cancer. Beni is the wife of Bill Johnson, with whom she serves as co-lead pastor of Bethel Church. Bethel Church in Redding California famously has their School of the Supernatural, where they practice simony and for an exchange of … Read more

In Spite of Decreeing the Fire Away, 25 Bethel Staff Lose Homes in Carr Fire

Bill Johnson, the leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, claims that God has given complete power regarding what happens on Earth to man. Charismatics, like Johnson – especially those who teach Word-Faith theology, believe that they can exercise control over disease, sickness, and even weather. Bethel Church is the leading proponent of “teaching the miraculous” … Read more

Bethel Pastor Contradicts Bill Johnson’s Narrative on the now Infamous practice of “Grave Sucking”

Banning Liebscher, a pastor at Bethel Church in Redding California, did a tell-all interview in which he gave testimony conflicting with Bethel’s previous narrative on the topic of their infamous 2015 grave-sucking trend. It was widely reported throughout Christian discernment media in the summer of 2015 that students at Bethel College – led by certain … Read more

NAR Plots Business Dominion with New Bethel School of Computer Coding

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a hyper-charismatic and Neo-Montanist movement designed to consolidate the evangelical world and conquer the globe under the 7 Mountain Mandate. This mandate, as preached by NAR apostles, is a supposed call from God to take over education, religion, family, business, government (or military), arts (or entertainment) and the media. … Read more

Bethel Missionary, Ben Fitzgerald, Has Tantrum over Tarot Card Correction

  Ben Fitzgerald is the missionary of Bethel Church in Redding, California. We exposed his parents (or some non-nuclear version thereof) for running the ministry, “Christalignment” which employs New Age and occultic practices in the name of Christianity. Our post about their use of “Christian tarot cards” went slightly viral, with more than ten thousand … Read more