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Bethel Church Hires Lindsay Lohan Crisis Manager Over Dead Baby Controversy

What do you do when you’re a celebrity pastor with a crisis? You call Hunter Frederick to manage publicity for you. It’s what he does. Sources within Bethel Church have confirmed to Pulpit & Pen that Hunter Frederick, who has served as a crisis manager for Lindsay Lohan and disgraced pastor Perry Noble, was hired … Read more

Bethel Church ‘Dead Raising Team’ Fails to Save 2-Year-Old

In spite of having a dead-raising team who specialize in bringing the deceased back to life, Bethel Church was unable to resurrect a two-year-old despite repeated pleas for help from a leader of their church and music performance team. Jenn Johnson, who heads up Bethel Music and is a regular preacher at Bethel Church (pastored … Read more

Rick Joyner Says Bentley Should Be Restored AGAIN and Accusers Are Guilty of ‘Witchcraft’

Influential Word-Faith and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Apostle, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, has claimed that Todd Bentley’s sexual accusers “have the spirit of witchcraft.” Joyner was named by Bentley as having known all along about his continued sexual immorality but chose instead to cover it up. Todd Bentley – who was restored to the … Read more

Defending Bethel Church, Jackie Hill Perry Says Word-Faith Teaching Is Not Heresy

A contributor to The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and the ERLC – a butch lady preacher and Same-Sex Attracted ‘spoken word artist’ named Jackie Hill Perry – is only making things worse for herself as she’s trying to defend her endorsement of Bethel Church and Jenn Johnson over the weekend. From Reformation Charlotte: “Last week, … Read more

Michael Brown, Todd Bentley, and the Charismatic Cover-Up

[828 Ministries] Regarding the most recent Todd Bentley scandal, which includes allegations of homosexuality and polyamory, as well as other kind of sexual misconduct, Dr. Michael Brown said, “The internet is burning up with news of yet another scandal in the church, this time with serious accusations against charismatic evangelist Todd Bentley. What is God … Read more

Michael Brown is An Apologist for the Devil

Michael Brown is a popular ‘Christian’ apologist who is right on some issues, but damnably wrong on others. But more than anything, Michael Brown is an apologist for the worst and most extreme occultism of hyper-charismania. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll see that Michael Brown is an apologist for the devil. Most recently, Michael … Read more

Jackie Hill Perry Embraces Bethel Cult, Discernment Leaders Silent [See Editor’s Note at End for Update]

A popular Intersectional celebrity who regularly preaches alongside men like John MacArthur recently endorsed a leader in what is perhaps the most radical sub-Christian and hyper-charismatic cult in America. Jackie Hill Perry, a militant social justice warrior and subversive LGBTQ speaker, fully embraced Bethel Church’s Jen Johnson over the weekend. Perry, who is heavily promoted … Read more

Todd Bentley Confirms Disqualifying Accusations in Public Confession

After a former staffer came out publicly with accusations about Todd Bentley’s ‘open marriage,’ homosexuality, and sexting, the evangelist went to Facebook to confirm some of the allegations and (vaguely) denying others. THE ACCUSATIONS Over the last 24-48 hours, alternative Christian websites like the Bible Thumping Wingnut, Reformation Charlotte, and Pulpit & Pen have written … Read more

Bethel Church Weirdos Still “Grave Sucking”

A video has been making its way around social media of yet another person affiliated with Bethel Church in Redding, California “grave-sucking.” The practice includes a charismatic Christian laying upon the grave of a deceased preacher and “sucking the anointing” out of their corpse. Although Bethel denies any association with such practices, those closest to … Read more

Bethel School of Ministry Student Expelled for Opposing False Doctrine

[Reformation Charlotte] Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is a school operated by Bethel Church in Redding, CA. Under the leadership of Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, the school boasts a full curriculum with a focus on the Apostolic sign gifts. The Apostolic sign gifts — which were given to the Apostles and those closely associated … Read more

Charisma News Says Spurgeon Would Attend Conference with NAR Apostles, Hillsong, Bethel and IHOP Pastors

No one who spoke at the G3 Conference alongside the Rauschenbuschists wanted to interact with my post on why Spurgeon would not attend G3. They did not interact with the article because they could not. It was indisputable. While these men claim the heritage of Spurgeon, they ignore his absolute detestation of partnering with compromise … Read more