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SEBTS Says White Ministers Shouldn’t Pastor Mixed-Ethnicity Churches

Cultural Marxism takes various forms and goes by various names, including Critical Race Theory, Multiculturalism, and Intersectionality. Essentially, it all has the same underlying purpose, which is to cause division. Economic Marxism sought to cause division between the classes and pit the proletariat against the borgeouis to bring political change. Cultural Marxism, the kind and … Read more

Gospel Coalition Says God Raised up “Same-Sex Attracted Christians” to Lead Us

The Gospel Coalition, a subversive political organization funded by suspect financial sources, posted an article earlier today telling Christians that we should get behind ‘faithful’ Same-Sex Attracted Christians who God has raised up to lead us. The progressive organization, who has as an editor and contributor a gay Anglican priest named Sam Allberry, has steadily … Read more

Michael Horton’s Slippery Slope

By Toni Brown Michael Horton headlines the Valued Conference 2019 on sexual abuse. Given the recent and no doubt opportunistically timed controversies regarding so-called rampant sexual abuse in protestant churches, some may consider this more than appropriate – I say not so fast. Firstly, this is nothing new, especially considering the vast number of false converts in the church, and it’s … Read more

Michael Horton Gets ‘Woke’: A Review of His Doctrinal Drift

Social Religion is spreading throughout American religion like Necrotizing Fasciitis, a dangerous infection that causes tissue death in living bodies. In this case, Social Religion is eating away the Body of Christ. Even the best theologians, like Michael Horton, are completely abandoning the Gospel-commitment they’ve fought their entire careers for, in exchange for sitting at … Read more

Be Forewarned UnWoke Churches: SBC Approves “Disfellowship” Language

[Reformation Charlotte] Southern Baptists are leading the way in the cultural Marxist “woke” movement. The movement is a mass structured attack on white people using Marxist ideology right out of the Frankfurt School’s playbook. Ideologies such as “white privilege” and inherent guilt of racism based solely on the color of one’s skin are rampant in … Read more

Gay Priest at Ravi Zacharias Event: Jesus Had Dysphoria, Body Issues

Ravi Zacharias hosted Sam Alberry yesterday, who spoke at the event to explain “How To Know Your Gender.” The answer was not as simple as, “Do a DNA test.” Alberry, the gay Anglican priest, is an editor and writer for The Gospel Coalition, an organization run by Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, HB Charles … Read more

Believe in the Baptists: Conquering Social Justice Through the Pews

It’s with much respect I write these words to my friends who are fellow co-belligerents against the Social Justice juggernaut in evangelicalism. I write this to help encourage you to employ a successful strategy in realigning our churches to the Gospel and away from the mission drift of social religion. To make the case for … Read more

Helping People Escape the Evangelical Black Ghetto

The ghetto was a term originally used in Italy to refer to parts of Venice occupied by Jews as a result of social ostracization. Over the course of the 20th Century, however, the term came to describe the dilapidated parts of any city that are predominately occupied by the economically underprivileged. Often times the term, … Read more

Russell Moore Says Rights Are Never Absolute

[Christian Intellectual] In a video released yesterday by The Gospel Coalition, Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, said, “every right that we have in society is never an absolute.”  This was in response to the question posed by Kevin DeYoung, Chairman of the Board of The Gospel Coalition, about how to defend … Read more

Shutting Down the Truth: TGC, We’ll Just “Block” Them

[Medium] Amid backlash, evangelical leaders are finally acknowledging sexual abuse — but not a high-profile preacher allegedly facilitating it. Why? One afternoon in late 2014, a friend told me that he’d been blocked on Twitter by The Gospel Coalition. The sheer power and influence that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) holds is mind-boggling. The group is … Read more

What Happened to Justice? ‘Woke’ Evangelicals Largely Silent on New York Abortion Holocaust.

All we hear from the ‘woke’ Social Justice Warrior in evangelicalism is about how important it is to “engage culture.” WorldMag accused Phil Johnson of not wanting to engage culture, which is an old canard used against those of us who want to preach the Gospel rather than preach Social Religion. In reality, however, when … Read more

Vatican Pays Tribute to Castro and 60th Anniversary of Cuba’s Communist Revolution

The Pope is as much of a Marxist as Tim Keller…and that’s saying something. As if the Jesuit pontiff couldn’t make it any clearer, the Vatican News press outlet posted celebratory comments lauding Fidel Castrol and the 60th anniversary of Cuba’s Communist Revolution. You remember Fidel Castro, right? According to university studies, the death toll … Read more