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The Gospel Coalition Reinforces Redefinition of “Complementarian”

The Gospel Coalition, a progressive political organization funded by millions of dollars in mysterious dark money, is continuing to push America’s churches to the left. On the heels of the complementarian debate sparked by Beth Moore’s slamming of conventional gender roles, The Gospel Coalition is now actively redefining the term, ‘complementarian.’ TGC, which is stacked … Read more

Beth Moore is Still Being Abused by Men, And it Should Stop

BETH MOORE, ABUSE VICTIM During the media outrage caused by the fake allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, Beth Moore came forward as a victim of sexual abuse. Using the #whyididn’treport hashtag, Moore said, “He lived in my house.” Immediately, Moore began to receive the positive accolades of the evangelical leftist elite who would have been content … Read more

The Social Justice Dark Money That is Funding SEBTS

Many Biblical conservatives are awakening and disturbed to find social justice indoctrination happening in their own seminaries. As revealed in 2017 – a massive effort to introduce the social justice /victim narratives of far left  “Christianity” began in late 2007-2009 and scaled up in 2013 to include some 23 conservative evangelical seminaries. The Kern Family … Read more

Gospel Coalition Editor, Southern Baptist Official, Calls For Impeachment of Trump

A prominent official with two power evangelical organizations is calling for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump. These two organizations, The Gospel Coalition and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) share a good deal of the same board members and contributors. Both organizations are funded heavily by … Read more

Who’s Who of Movers and Shakers in JD Greear’s World of Evangelicalism

In a recent episode of Ask Me Anything, a regular featured segment on Greear’s personal website, he was asked to name those who have most influenced his ministry. The list of names is quite telling, as he admits that Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll, and Rob Bell were instrumental in the early formation of his theology. Founding member of The Gospel Coalition and signer … Read more

Audio: Steve Lawson on ‘Liberation Theology’

Liberation Theology is a combination of Roman Catholic theology and Marxist socio-political thought. The ideology was originally framed and founded by Jesuit priests in South America who, enamored by Communism, wanted to promote communitarian political thought without embracing the atheism that it usually encompasses. Liberation Theology turns every kind of social activism into “justice,” and … Read more

White Horse Inn Supporter of “Hypergrace” Barbara Duguid

Written by Toni S. Brown White Horse Inn has been a consistent supporter of Barbara Duguid and this month Core Christianity interviewed her once again to promote her book Extravagant Grace: God’s Glory Displayed In Our Weakness. Duguid is a popular counselor in the Christian counseling movement and a student of Dr. Tim Keller, who is admittedly her mentor and teacher. The Duguids lived with the … Read more

Setting the Stage for TGC19 – Conversations with Jesus: Emotionalism, Collectivism, Universalism and Error

Written by Toni S. Brown The Gospel Coaltion launched their annual conference this week in Indianapolis, TGC19-Conversations with Jesus, and considering the massive global influence they have successfully established it seems fitting that we should pay attention to the message and instruction coming out of this powerful and far-reaching organization.  Al Mohler kick-started the event with a pre-conference session titled It Takes a Church: Focused on the Family of God. He noted “the Right’s“ nostalgic obsession … Read more

Homosexual “Christianity” – What is Happening?

By Toni S. Brown In all its clear deception, the homosexual “Christian” movement is spreading like gangrene, packed full of emotion and cloaked in biblical language, it leaves many dumbfounded as to how such a radically unbiblical lie could possibly “catch-on”  in so-called biblically sound churches? For the answer, we must survey who is now promoting the lie of same-sex attracted (SSA) “Christians.” For the record, … Read more

Ligon Duncan’s Ecumenical Push for Unity

By Toni S. Brown On April 01, 2019, Ligon Duncan will be teaming up with homosexual pastor,Sam Allberry for a mini-conference co-sponsored by Mark Dever’s 9Marks at TGC19 (The Gospel Coalition 2019 National Conference). They aim to “rethink”denominations, as they ask: “Do they help or harm the unity of the Church?” In addition, Duncan is promoting a book on church unity from his personal webpage by a progressive, social activist and former president of RTS, Dr. Luder G. Whitlock. … Read more

Carl Trueman at TGC: Marxism is Everywhere, But Don’t Call it That.

Carl Trueman (five months ago): Who’s a Marxist? Ain’t no Marxists! That’s crazy talk. You gotta be an atheist to be a Marxist. Y’all are some tinfoil-hat wearing crazies! Pffft. Carl Trueman (today): It’s Marx’ world we’re living in. Most everybody is a Marxist. Is that really such a bad thing? That’s my paraphrase, admittedly. … Read more