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Three Things You Need to Know About David Barton

David Barton is the unofficial historian of American right-wing Christianity. Through his organization, WallBuilders, he regularly hosts groups of pastors in Washington, DC for briefings with Christian congressman and “spiritual heritage tours.” He also travels across the country speaking at local churches about the Christian heritage of the United States. He is the author of numerous … Read more

Does Ed Stetzer Debunk an Urban Legend?

[Captain Cassidy] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote about the way that bad ideas enter the canon of Christian beliefs. The bad idea I examined back then was love the sinner, hate the sin. As terrible as that idea is, and as demonstrably impossible as it is for Christians to put it into … Read more

Trump Endorses Bible Courses in Public Schools: How Should Christians React?

Among other outlets, Yahoo News has reported that President Donald Trump gave his endorsement to recent state-level initiatives to teach “Bible Literacy” classes in public schools. Trump’s statement has generated a fair amount of controversy, not only among secularists, but Christians as well. While many secularists are openly hostile to the biblical message, some Christians … Read more

Shutting Down the Truth: TGC, We’ll Just “Block” Them

[Medium] Amid backlash, evangelical leaders are finally acknowledging sexual abuse — but not a high-profile preacher allegedly facilitating it. Why? One afternoon in late 2014, a friend told me that he’d been blocked on Twitter by The Gospel Coalition. The sheer power and influence that The Gospel Coalition (TGC) holds is mind-boggling. The group is … Read more

Mancow: Speaking My Truth to Harvest Bible Chapel’s Pastor James

Daily Herald Editor’s Note: WLS radio personality Mancow Muller of Wilmette has attended Harvest Bible Chapel since 2014 and been friends since 2016 with founding pastor James MacDonald, a nationally known church leader and preacher. Muller has been outspoken in recent weeks about the controversy at the suburban network of megachurches that led to MacDonald … Read more

G3, Shepcon, and Social Justice – Clarity Needed from Phil Johnson and Josh Buice

There is a reasonable amount of controversy surrounding the speakers at the recent G3 Conference in Georgia (associated with Pastor Josh Buice of Prays Mill Baptist Church) and the upcoming 2019 Shepherds’ Conference in California (associated with Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church). The controversy does not concern the theological orthodoxy of these speakers … Read more

What Happened to Justice? ‘Woke’ Evangelicals Largely Silent on New York Abortion Holocaust.

All we hear from the ‘woke’ Social Justice Warrior in evangelicalism is about how important it is to “engage culture.” WorldMag accused Phil Johnson of not wanting to engage culture, which is an old canard used against those of us who want to preach the Gospel rather than preach Social Religion. In reality, however, when … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #25 – Children traumatized by Descriptions of Hell

This entry is part 25 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His … Read more

Top Evangelical Leaders Call For Amnesty to ‘End Government Shutdown’

[Reformation Charlotte] In the midst of a federal government shutdown, progressive Evangelical leaders from several entities wrote an open letter to President Trump urging him to compromise on conservative ideas and work in a “bipartisan” way to end the government shutdown. The letter was penned by the George Soros-funded  Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), which is signed by several … Read more

Sex-Trafficking Bisexual and Heretic, Martin Luther King, Celebrated as Hero at SBC Seminaries

[Baptist Press] NASHVILLE (BP) — When a white supremacist gunned down nine black worshipers at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, S.C., mission catalyst Bob Lawler knew he had to say something to the Baptist association he led in northern California. [IMGCAPTIO=50034@left@50%]So Lawler gathered the association’s 48 ethnically diverse churches for a joint worship service. When … Read more

Chinese Rewrite Bible to Make it More Communist

[Lifesite News] BEIJING, January 18, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – As it arrests Christian pastors, vandalizes or destroys Christians churches, and demands control over Christian leaders, the Chinese government is also altering Christian scriptures to suit its tastes. In 2018, the Communist Chinese government embarked on a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible to what it … Read more