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SBC’s Mosque-Building Moore Defends Alliances With Evil

Not so many months ago, Americans watched the current Administration create an intentional alliance with Iran, perhaps the greatest threat in the Middle East, and certainly the most vocal enemy of America. Those on the right bellowed a righteous, slack-jawed “what are you possibly thinking?” while many on the left hemmed and hawed searching for … Read more

Popular Charismatic Worship Artist, Phil Wickham, Joining Catholics at Ecumenical Worship-Fest

The Crystal Cathedral, the largest glass building in the world, stands in Orange County, CA as a testament to the idolatry of money and self. The congregation of Robert Schuller, founder of the bankrupt Crystal Cathedral Minstries, once dwelt in this building until it was sold to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange for nearly 60 … Read more

New Apostolic Reformation

Here, you will find useful resources as they relate to the New Apostolic Reformation, and it’s siblings, including Word of Faith, Latter Rain, etc. Pulpit & Pen Resources – Latter Rain Pulpit & Pen Resources – New Apostolic Reformation Pulpit & Pen Resources – Word of Faith The New Apostolic Reformation (Many Articles and Links) … Read more

Trying To Prove Spurgeon Wrong

(You won’t be able to fully file this brief article under our mainsail category of polemics, nor does it necessarily carry sufficient wind to be drawn from either discernment, and theology. It’s a quick burst of breeze that flutters, perhaps, across all three points of our masthead. If you forced me to pick, though, I’d … Read more

Queries Worth Considering: Questions for The SBC Nominees

With the upcoming Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting mere days away – June 14-15 – and since more, shall we say, “conventional” leaning websites have generated their own “Ask The Nominee” queries, I thought perhaps a similar list would be useful from a more discerning source, such as Pulpit & Pen. Here are a few … Read more

United Methodists Step Back from Child Sacrifice… and That’s Not Good

It’s instinctive for us to look favorably upon a situation where a markedly messed up and apostate group such as the United Methodist Church takes a step ostensibly in the direction of a better position than what they held before. But let’s check out some reasons why this is not necessarily a great reason to … Read more

Beth Moore

Here you will find useful information regarding popular teacher, Beth Moore. Pulpit & Pen – Beth Moore Archives A Letter to Beth Moore from Seth Dunn Beth Moore’s Existential Crisis Beth Moore: Fighting Donald Trump is a Fight for the Faith Beth Moore’s Daughter: Boycott Seminaries Without Female Professors David Platt and Beth Moore Beth … Read more

Francis Chan

Here, you will find useful discernment information regarding popular teacher, Francis Chan. Berean Research – Reformed Pastor, Francis Chan, to speak at IHOP cult – again! CRN – JESUS CULTURE AND JUDAH SMITH TO JOIN PIPER, MOORE, CHAN AND OTHERS AT GIGLIO’S PASSION 2013 Sola Sisters – Q&A With Francis Chan About Rob Bell’s Book “Love Wins” … Read more

Strange Fire Pentecostal Out of Bethel Redding Attacks John MacArthur

Recently an interesting Youtube video surfaced featuring John MacArthur speaking about his appearance at a Conference in Latin America, in which he stated, the people in the Hispanic world know about Jesus Christ, they know about the Bible, they know about God, they know about salvation, at least in some ways. They have Biblical terminology, because … Read more

Major Charismatic Denomination Biffs It On LGBTQXYZ and Communion

If we can give some segments of the charismatic Christianoid world credit for anything, it’s their history of standing firm against the acceptance of the invasion of a militant homosexuality in our culture and the church. Dr. Michael Brown, a well-known figurehead of the charismatic movement, and popular author and writer at CharismaMag, has been very … Read more

“The Daniel Prayer” – A Book That Will Move Your Credit Card, Change Your Bank Account, & Leave You Doctrinally Bewildered

Released on May 10, 2016 Anne Graham Lotz’s latest book is sure to make its mark in the “Christian” publishing market.  The reasons for this are twofold.  The book is authored by someone with the evangelically hallowed name of “Graham,” which itself is enough cause to prompt the Biblically-astute to cast a discerning eye.  Secondly, … Read more

The Vision-Casting of the Anointed: a Baptist Push

Stanford University professor and Hoover Institute Economist Thomas Sowell is well-known for his common-sense, straightforward books and editorials about the shortcomings of the progressive leftist worldview.  This worldview, as he explains in his book The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as Basis for Social Policy, is one which posits that a certain “anointed” intelligentsia class … Read more

Evangelical Rock Bottom: Donald Trump, Russell Moore, and Thabiti Anyabwile

Outside of Southern Baptist Seminaries, the editorial pages of The Washington Post & New York Times, and denominational political circles, Russell Moore isn’t that well-known.   Moore is a the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC),  the denomination’s least useful entity and best kept open secret.  Moore’s … Read more

Rick Warren Blames God For Poor Planning

It seems like every time you turn around, someone else in the Southern Baptist Convention is getting direct revelation, or at least, direct conversation, from God. Indeed, God has been quite chatty, it seems, with the uppity-ups in the SBC lately. God revealed to Ronnie Floyd that “Awaken America” wasn’t sufficient enough, apparently, to stem … Read more