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“American” Christianity: When Religious Liberty Permits You To Protest One Atrocity In Order To Defend Another

Yet another ecumenical march took place on American shores by devotees of various “faiths” on Tuesday, August 16.  A Christian Post article entitled “Over 1,000 Christians Protest Against Satanic Black Mass In Oklahoma City” says this: Faith-based Christian groups such as the Family Policy Institute of Oklahoma, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma and The American Society … Read more

Cautions About Alan Hirsch

Alan Hirsch is an Australian missiologist who has heavily influenced the Missional Church Movement. He is the founder of Forge, author of many books, and adjunct professor at Fuller Theological Seminary. He has worked with Christianity Today and has spoken with J.D. Greear, Tim Keller, and Danny Akin (Source). This guy has done well at flying … Read more

False Teachers … They’re Not Just on TBN

Bearing a rhetorically inverse relationship, it seems, to the believer’s duty to discernment is the occasionally seen-on-a-meme quote by Joseph Heller, from his work Catch-22, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” To be sure, for the Christian, the enemy is always on the prowl.  He is always after believing prey of … Read more

YouVersion: A Discernment-Free Zone

One of the greatest assurances of regeneration that quickly pops up in the new believer’s life, continuing to grow in both depth and understanding, is a passion for God’s Word.  We love to know as much as we possibly can about God from the revelation of His written Word. Reading Scripture, studying it, consuming it, … Read more

A Dallas Police Officer Speaks Out To Evangelicals

**Editor’s Note: The following was written entirely by a Dallas Police Officer that reached out to me. With the exception of minor formatting, no modification was done to this letter.  I’m a Dallas police officer.  For reasons related to the safety of my family, I must withhold my name.  I knew Sgt. Mike Smith who … Read more

Beth Moore Entitles Latest Series “Entrusted;” Correct Title Should Be “Mistrusted” … and for good reason …

  Coming on the heels of her “Audacious” teaching series, which should’ve probably been correctly titled “mendacious,” StrifeWay’s … err … LifeWay’s favorite false teacher and cash-cow, Beth Moore, is releasing a new series.  Entitled “Entrusted,” false teacher Moore will presumably expound on Paul’s epistle of Second Timothy. The pre-order hype and hoopla generated by … Read more

Hillsong: Heresy Goes Hollywood

The setting might not be all that unrecognizable from the typical hipster, prosperity gospel, mega-church anywhere on the planet. A darkened room. A state of the art sound system. A big screen. A room full of fans eager for a show. But this one actually is a theater as Hillsong: Let Hope Rise is due … Read more

SBC ALERT: Is Steve Gaines Lost?

No, no, no.  I don’t mean “lost” salvifically.  I mean lost as in, “where’s he been?”  It’s been 23 days since Bellevue Baptist pastor Steve Gaines ascended to the hierarchy of the largest Protestant denomination in the country. For the bulk of those days, he’s been noticeably absent from social media, the Christian news world, … Read more

A Pilgrim's Guide to Christian Liberty

When a Calvinistic church in Arizona chose to raise funds through booze and tattoos and then chose to post about it in a video online while talking about its “coolness,” news sites covered the story as sensationally as the videographer meant it to be. Many Christians expressed disgust at the church’s flaunting of what some call … Read more

Lecrae Joins Secular Artists Begging Government for Gun Bans

The Christian artist artist who happens to be a Christian, Lecrae Devaughn Moore (who self-identifies as simply Lecrae) has joined a litany of other musical artists in asking Congress to remove the Second Amendment right of Citizens to engage in the private trade of firearms and also remove due process from our legal system. In an open letter to … Read more

SBC MegaChurch Says LGBT Community is the Chief Cornerstone

The First Baptist Church or Orlando (SBC), pastored by David Uth (who polemicists have recently criticized for having a cultist preach from his pulpit), hosted a church and LGBT unity event last night. Paying closer attention to the naming and claiming, strange-fire decreeing and declaring from Ronnie Floyd at the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting, … Read more

Southern Baptist Lava Lamps – Douglas Wilson

The Southern Baptist Convention is in decline because it’s elevating cultural engagement and political activism over biblical truth. The lead ethicist, Russell Moore, is partnering with Muslims (in contradiction to 2 Cor. 6:14, Eph 5:11, etc.) to advocate for mosque building. I believe in religious freedom too, but it’s not an idol, and we shouldn’t … Read more