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An Atheist Minister In Canada vs. A False Teacher In Lifeway

Orthdoxy. Sound doctrine. Authority and sufficiency of Scripture. The exaltation of Christ in His Word. These things may seem obvious expectations to be found in a church, for even the most casual reader of Scripture. Add the Biblically prescribed ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and you could probably safely assume you have a … Read more

Praying Effectively For the Lost – A Polemical Review

HERESIES PRESENT WITHIN THE BOOK Manichaeism Montanism Mysticism Limited Theism   REVIEW During a pastor’s conference in Montana, this book’s author, Lee E. Thomas, claimed that his book was 85% direct divine revelation. This means that he is a Montanist. We can see his Montanism fleshed out in his book as well. On page 33, … Read more

The Gathering … Cuz America is the New Israel

In just a couple of days, the preeminent, and self-proclaimed, spiritual “leaders” of “American Christianity” will be convening, on behalf of America, a “solemn assembly,” a la Old Testament precepts for God’s actual and only chosen nation – Israel. (But really, pesky little interpretative details about God’s revelation in Scripture don’t really matter when it’s … Read more

Andy Stanley’s Relentless Attack on Christianity and Covering His Tracks

We’ve covered several stories on the notoriously unorthodox pastor at Northpoint Community Church, Andy Stanley. Everything from denying the Scriptural foundation of Christianity to referring to people at small churches as “stinkin’ selfish.” Stanley has made up his mind–he’s discovered a new and better Christianity, and it doesn’t rely on the Bible. He’s going to reach people, … Read more

Doug Groothuis’s Unmasking the New Age: A Review

Who is Douglas Groothuis? According to various autobiographical web pages, Doug Groothuis is an “evangelical, protestant, near-Anglican”[1] Christian and a “constructive curmudgeon”[2]  On these informal web pages, Groothuis writes with regularity and at some length, with a fire in his bones[3], about Christianity. He is well-qualified to do so. “Groothuis joined the faculty (of Denver … Read more

Franklin Graham Hopes the Roman Catholic Church Will “Remain Unmovable” on Biblical Teachings

Who hates the Scriptures more than the church of Rome? The Roman Catholic Church has perverted the Grace of God, twisted His Word, and blasphemed His name more than any other religious system in the world. They are the counterfeit version of Christianity, masquerading as the final authority in Christendom while neglecting the very teachings of … Read more

The Circle Maker – A Polemical Review

Heresies taught in this book: Montanism  Mysticism Review [From Worldview Times, author Gary Gilley] This latest prayer fad stems from the teachings of Mark Batterson, lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C., and in particular his 2011 book, The Circle Maker. The publisher claims that Batterson is offering a new way of praying … Read more

Andy Stanley: You’re Not Smart Enough If You’re Not In “One of Our Churches” (Doubling Down on Unnecessary Scripture)

“In regard to the divine and holy mysteries of the faith, not the least part may be handed on without the Holy Scriptures.  Do not be led astray by winning words and clever arguments.  Even to me, who tell you these things, do not give ready belief, unless you receive from the Holy Scriptures the … Read more

Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses Subject by Subject: A Review

Who is David A. Reed? David A. Reed is a former Jehovah’s Witness and the author of numerous books, almost all of which critically address the religious doctrines and operation of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (the Watchtower), which Jehovah’s Witnesses believe to be “God’s organization on Earth” (103).  Wood first began writing about … Read more

Heresies: Open Theism

Open Theism is a heresy that teaches a false representation of God, asserting that God is not knowing of all that will come to pass. Sometimes called “Free Will Theism,” Open Theism is associated often – but not always – with adherents of Pelagianism. Unique for a heresy, Open Theism is relatively new and contained … Read more

Heresies: Osteenism

Osteenism is one of the five heresies (along with Vinism , Kenyonism, Rauschenbuschism and Theoerosism) coined by Polemics Report or its sister ministry, Pulpit and Pen. Osteenism is so named in the tradition after naming heresies for their founders or most prominent proponents. In this case, Osteenism is named after not the founder, but perhaps the … Read more

Charisma News & Hillsong: The Spirit of The Age

I heard a remark the other day, on some intellectual-esque podcast – far above my own cranial capacities, by the way – that the post-modern era has ceased. We are now in a post, post-modern era, as yet unnamed. This may, or may not be true, but a couple of clear carry-overs from the post-modern … Read more

Is the Roman Catholic Mass Biblical?

The Catholic Mass is a daily ritual performed by Roman Catholic priests.  Because the Sunday morning mass is the most well-attended mass of the week, many believe that the event is essentially equivalent to the Sunday morning Worship services held by Protestant churches.  This could not be further from the truth; there are a number of practices that set … Read more