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Jerry Falwell Jr. Looking to be Repaid for His Donald Trump Campaigning

Jerry Falwell, president of the flagship Southern Baptist university, Liberty University, and one of Donald Trump’s loudest evangelical supporters, is now seeking repayment for all of his efforts in helping Trump land the job of the nation’s leader. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that Falwell has expressed interest in serving a prominent role in the Education Department … Read more

Responding to the Doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witness “The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1884 under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.”[1]  It is under the structure of this corporation, as well as a number of affiliated legal entities, that the religious group known as “Jehovah’s Witnesses” carries out its … Read more

Enchanted and Ensnared by Music

One of the biggest heretics of Church History was a scholar in the 200s named Arius. Arius’s heresy was a denial of the divinity of Jesus. He taught that only the Father was God and that Jesus was merely a creation of God. This heresy was clear and is one of the most blatant examples … Read more

Ergun Caner and the Kingmakers: An Enforcer Leaves the Penalty Box

“All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel.”  Judges 2:10 People forget.  No matter what type of scandalous enterprises come to light, there seem to be those people in society who are continually … Read more

Justin Peters & Jim Osman on Spiritual Warfare: It’s About Gospel Truth, Not Spiritual Territory (Part 2)

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought … Read more

Justin Peters & Jim Osman: Spiritual Warfare From A Biblical Approach (Part One)

“Be assured, there is nothing new in theology except that which is false.”  Charles Spurgeon Perhaps not since the apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church, still in full swing after all these centuries, has there been such a soul-damning, Scripture-defying movement as the modern day charismatic movement.  Charismania, with its aberrant word-faith/prosperity theology, is unparalleled … Read more

Polemics Terms: Gossip

THE TERM, OFTEN MISUSED In polemics conversations, there are often accusations of gossip against those reporting on theological or behavioral error. In this sense, “gossip” is often misdefined as: Something spoken about someone that can be perceived as negative; something not helpful to their public image. Slander is often a similarly misdefined term used as … Read more

Polemics Terms: Evangelical Intelligentsia

DEFINITION The Evangelical Intelligentsia are those who purport to be smarter or more distinguished academically than most local church leaders. Typically, the Evangelical Intelligentsia consists of those not in exclusive ministry to local churches, serving instead academic institutions or parachurch ministries. HISTORY Peter Berger coined that phrase in The Emerging Evangelical Intelligentsia Research Project done for … Read more

Sub-Christian Teachings: Evangelical Feminism

DEFINITION Evangelical Feminism is a movement that claims to have a high view of Scripture, but simultaneously believes in egalitarian gender roles (that men and women do not have role distinctions based upon gender). Evangelical Feminism, as it is commonly called, distinguishes itself from regular feminism, which has an abysmally low view of Scripture. Evangelical … Read more

Polemics Terms: Deconstruction

Deconstruction is a common tactic among many cults or sub-Christian sects. Common among the Emergent Church, Sectarian Minimalists and Restorationists in particular, the error is not confined to them and permeates the thinking of many who deny the validity of Historic Theology. Most post-modern theology engages in some degree of Deconstructionism. DEFINITION Deconstructionism involves questioning and … Read more

Polemics Terms: Dissection of a Downgrade

This term, “Dissection of a Downgrade,” refers to the way in which Downgrade ordinarily happens within popular evangelicalism. The term was first coined in a 2013 article in the Reformation Montana Journal. As written in the Journal, which explains the phenomenon of Downgrade (the definition is linked above)…. Much Down Grade, Spurgeon argues in his … Read more


Who are McKeever and Johnson? Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson are on staff at Mormonism Research Ministry (MRM), an organization dedicated to “propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to critically evaluating the differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity”[1] This has been an interest of McKeever since his conversion to Christianity in 1973.  Having been … Read more

Satan’s Second Greatest Battle Tactic? Creating The God of Mistaken Identity

It’s hardly an understatement to say that, in the 21st century, the effort of churches to accommodate your personal preferences as to worship “style” is unprecedented in history. There’s a good reason that worship has, perhaps until this current and its most previous century, been constant for those who know and honor the one true … Read more

Cult Warning Signs

ABOUT WHOM THIS IS WRITTEN This post was written to deal with the sub-Christian sect and organization known as “Abolish Human Abortion (AHA),” but can apply to virtually any number of such sects that fit the definition of “cult.” As time progresses and as our Lord tarries, many such cults will arise and Christians would … Read more