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The Hopelessness of “Contending For Miracles”

Often times we find ourselves in a dire situation that we can’t manage on our own. It may be a frantic financial situation. It may be a devastating blow to our health. It could be any number of things, but time and again we seek a divine intervention into whatever circumstances we face–a quick fix. … Read more

Concerns About Reformation 500 T4G Conference in Hamburg, Germany

The 2017 Reformation 500 Together for the Gospel Conference will be held in Hamburg, Germany, on April 27-29. The Conference will feature notable speakers from the U.S. as Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever and David Platt. The event is sponsored by Evangelium21, an organization that dubs itself  “a network of Christians who base their … Read more

Christian Hedonism – Is It Right? by Dr. Peter Masters

Dr. Peter Masters has been the minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle (Spurgeon’s) in Central London since 1970 ( This article is taken from Sword & Trowel 2002, No. 3.  We are grateful for Dr. Masters’ permission to republish this article in its entirety.   Christian Hedonism – is it right? Dr. John Piper’s ‘delighting in … Read more

Review: Louie Giglio’s Simple Pursuit: A Heart After Jesus (A Daily PASSION Devotional)

Simple Pursuit: A Heart After Jesus A Daily Passion Devotional Copyright 2016 Published by Thomas Nelson, a registered trademark of HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc. ISBN-13: 9780718087623   Simple Pursuit is a daily devotional book that comes out of Louis Giglio’s Passion Movement.  Merely containing an introduction by Giglio, with brief commentaries by “Christian celebrities” Chris … Read more

John MacArthur Refutes … Andy Stanley?

One of the Monday through Friday daily activities I engage in, during my morning commute to work, is listening to John MacArthur’s daily radio broadcast. (If you’re not a regular listener, go to Grace To You Radio for more information.) Somehow – I consider it providence – JMac’s message is almost precisely timed to match the … Read more

The Long History of Russell Moore’s Break with Southern Baptist Values

Recently, Dr. Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) has caught flack for the debacle that was his opposition to the candidacy President-elect Donald J. Trump.  Many high-profile Southern Baptists are openly opposing his leadership of the ERLC and some are questioning the need for that organization to exist at all.  For good … Read more

Discernment Rules from Doctrine Matters

Recently, Pulpit & Pen came across a list of insightful “discernment rules” authored by Chad Bailey at  These rules are republished below with permission: 1. Know the Truth.  The only way discernment can be a sustainable practice is to first know what what the Bible teaches.The very meaning of the word discernment (to judge/decide accurately) … Read more

Marketing Psychology and American Cults: Examining the Retention Practices of Scientology, Mormonism, and the Watch Tower

Religious Marketing in a Land of Opportunity Before British journalist Christopher Hitchens would ever become known as one of the “Four Horseman”[1] of the New Atheism movement, he was an award-winning, widely-read, globe-trotting journalist.  In a 1997 interview with The Progressive, the well-traveled Hitchens was asked why he chose to make his home in the … Read more

A Calvinist Trojan Horse In The SBC? What a Great Idea! Let’s Fill It With Expository Preachers

A couple decades ago, the dust began settling on Bibles in the SBC. The denomination had just conquered the battle against encroaching theological liberalism, in which the literalness and the authority of Scripture was being formidably challenged. In a laudable act of “contending for the faith,” the convention moved to affirm the preeminence of Scripture … Read more

The Body of Evidence Against Jim Cymbala

Roberta Langella killed herself. Her brother, Steven, reported the news on his blog: “We just received word from the Medical Examiner’s Office on October 30, 2016. All indications are that Roberta committed suicide. There was no evidence of alcohol in her system. However, it has been determined that Roberta took 40 Percocets at once — … Read more

The Pope Gives Priests Authority to Forgive Abortions

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself … Read more

Turning a Gospel Preacher into a Mystical Guru

**Editor’s Note: This Review was written by Bruce W. Davidson, and is being published here with permission. A Review of Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards by Kyle Strobel Bruce W. DAVIDSON Introduction One of the unfortunate results of the current boom of interest in Jonathan Edwards is … Read more