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How To Be Mad at Your Pastor

It happens regularly, in every church and among every congregation. Sooner or later, you or someone you love is going to be mad at your pastor. Even the best-intentioned pastors, the longest serving, the most faithful men and the most loving shepherds will reach the point that somebody, somewhere is mad at him. And often, … Read more

On The Gospel Coalition’s “Wretched Infatuation” With Culture

Phil Johnson posted perhaps the most appropriate response to it.  His one-word reaction evokes a sort of slack-jawed, eye-rolling, bang head on desk, “Father forgive them” chiding. (Phil Johnson is the Executive Director of Grace To You.  According to the website, “He has been closely associated with John MacArthur since 1981 and edits most … Read more

The Self-Deceived Conference “Christian”

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  Acts 2:42 There is little argument that the post-modern persona of the “church” has been grotesquely deformed from what the first-century bride of Christ looked like.  The church has been prostituted.  Her visible face is no … Read more

The Shack: A Pastoral Review of the Popular Novel

William Paul Young has written a New York Times best-selling book entitled “The Shack” which has taken the Christian world by storm. Many in our church have read it. Many in our church have asked my opinion on it. And others have denounced it as heresy and dangerous. In an effort to provide good pastoral … Read more

Conservative Evangelical Leaders Enabling Radical Islamic Groups

Matt Chandler’s Village Church and the American Left: Giving Leftist-Islamic Groups a Foothold in the Church The conservative movement, and more importantly the conservative evangelical church, is being undermined and compromised by well-known evangelical leaders. Men, such as Matt Chandler, are accommodating and participating in interfaith dialogues with groups who share ties to radical Islam. It … Read more

New Apostolic Leader, Bill Johnson, Teams Up With Catholic Priests to “Proclaim the Gospel”

According to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops website, the New Evangelization of Catholics: calls each of us to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel. The focus of the New Evangelization calls all Catholics to be evangelized and then go forth to evangelize. In a special … Read more

Touch Not My Anointed

Whenever a post like this goes public, I’m usually only a few hours away from a slew of family phone calls and text messages commanding me not to “touch the Lord’s anointed” lest I experience an array of divine judgments. This type of charismatic gag order resembles more of a mafia mentality than the heart of … Read more

How To Read The Bible by Charles Spurgeon

It cannot be adequately defended that the preeminent problem in the modern evangelical church – both in its pews and its pulpits – is not the severe disregard for Scripture.  While Scripture is oft a lauded focal point, the lip-service-only it is given is reflected throughout the visible church. It is seen on perspicuous display … Read more

Tongues: The Final Word … Got Better, Not “Lesser”

  For believers who are part of the glorious, contemporary revival of Reformed theology spreading across the globe, the pillar of sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone – is a well-known feature revived during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.  We recognize that Scripture is THE sole rule for our Christian faith and life.  It is the infallible … Read more

Calvinists, We Need to Talk

Alright, I need to talk to the Calvinists out there. Stop with the John Piper memes for five minutes and gather ’round; it’s time for a family discussion. Like you, I came to Calvinism by the mercy and grace of God. I’m one of you. I named one of my daughters Piper. I named another of … Read more

ERLC Promotes Marxist "Racial Justice" This Sunday

This Sunday is “Racial Reconciliation Sunday,” as bequeathed by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. As a part of that effort, they have released free bulletin inserts to advertise the theme-day and promote the ERLC. The insert begins with a quotation from Martin Luther King, who they said “famously spoke of the ‘fierce urgency of … Read more

How Readest Thou? A Tract by J.C. Ryle

  (The following is excerpted from the public domain work “How Readest Thou?” by J. C. Ryle.  John Charles Ryle was a Bishop in the Church of England during the late 19th century.   One biographer1 wrote of Ryle that “on June 10 [1900], he died, but he left behind a spiritual legacy that has … Read more

Heresy-neutics: A Review of “Destined To Win” by Kris Vallotton

Destined To Win: How To Embrace Your God-Given Identity And Realize Your Kingdom Purpose Author: Kris Vallotton Foreword: Lisa Bevere Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Thomas Nelson (January 3, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0718080645 / ISBN-13: 978-0718080648   The endorsements alone are enough to warrant a “Warning: Heretical & Hermeneutical Danger Ahead” notice on its cover.  … Read more

A Review of the Milk-Dispensing, Highly-Esteemed Jokers at G3

Twenty-five hundred people saved their milk money to afford travel to and attendance at the G3 Conference in Atlanta last weekend. I was one of those. Little did I know when I registered for the conference that the speaking roster would be a hodgepodge of immature, milk-dispensing, highly-esteemed jokers. Lawson, Mbewe, Washer, Johnson, White, et al; … Read more