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Rosebrough Explains What’s Wrong with Servus Christi

What’s wrong with Servus Christi? Well, the obvious warning signs are all there. Like Satan, he twists the Scriptures and applies a (Biblical) call to godly separation to an infinite degree, essentially anathematizing the entire Body of Christ and severing it limb from limb (which is not the Scripture’s teaching). Like Satan, Servus Christi’s goal is … Read more

Ed Stetzer and Wheaton Partner with Prophetess, Christine Caine

A lady of the night needs a man to facilitate their transactions of transgressions. And no matter how liberated or independent today’s female preachers seem to be, they need men in positions of authority to assist them in their sin of leading astray the church’s more vulnerable and impressionable weak women (2 Timothy 3:6). For … Read more

Gay “Christian” Woodstock Taking Place This Weekend

The “Wild Goose Festival” is a four-day extravaganza of music, interactive story-telling, “reconciliation yoga,’” and “progressive Christian mysticism.” In other words, is a big, gay, fake-Christian Woodstock. Taking place July 12-15, the Wild Goose festival boasts a whole gaggle of evangelical and gay-affirming speakers that include Jen Hatmaker, Tony Campolo, Frank Schaeffer, Shane Claiborne, and … Read more

“Lifeway Women” Promote Hillsong Prophetess, Christine Caine

Lifeway Christian Resources is the retail and publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, known easily as the world’s largest retailer of heresy in the United States, if not the world. As we have thoroughly documented on this news site, Lifeway sells books by Anti-Trinitarians, Word-Faith and Prosperity teachers, New Age gurus, gay activists, mystics, … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves RNS Amidst Contract Dispute

Jonathan Merritt, who has had one foot in the closet since at least 2012 when a homosexual man outed Merritt as his one-night-stand lover, is a press ally of the left-wing of evangelicalism that has been slowly but surely taking over the Southern Baptist Convention and other evangelical institutions. The son of a one-time president … Read more

Wider Christianity Is Noticing SBC’s Hard-Left Turn

After reporting for years about the Southern Baptist Convention’s turn leftward, almost single-handedly orchestrated by a former Democratic staffer and George Soros business partner, Russell Moore, Pulpit & Pen is very glad to see many outside the SBC recognize their wayward trajectory. The following was published by One News Now, the website of the American … Read more

Revoice Conference Blacklist on Conservatives Continue, Now Rejects Ex-Gay Christian

Pulpit & Pen reported earlier in the day that the Revoice Conference rejected the registration of Peter LaBarbera, a conservative Christian advocate for traditional marriage, Biblical sexuality, and the sanctity of life. We can now report that the Revoice Conference has continued to ban those with a more biblical understanding of human sexuality from attending, … Read more

Revoice Conference Bans Pro-Christian Activist from Attending, Refunds Registration Fees

In case you’ve yet to hear, the Revoice Conference is an event designed to celebrate “Queer Culture” within the Christian Church, to “de-sin” Same Sex Attraction (SSA), and to move American evangelicals to abandon a traditional, historic and orthodox understanding of human sexuality. Although a conference like this is standard fare among mainline liberal denominations … Read more

Southern Baptist Writer Accuses Attorney General of “Subverting Christianity” with Biblical Defense of Immigration Policy

In the United States, when someone is suspected of committing a crime, he is arrested, incarcerated, and tried for his alleged crime before a jury of his peers.  If he is found not guilty, he is released.  If he is found guilty, he is sentenced to a term in prison.  This process is relatively uncontroversial.  … Read more

Ed Stetzer Ignores the Voice of Black Christians

Ed Stetzer, the former vice-president of Lifeway, a professor at Wheaton College, director of the Billy Graham School of Social Justice Evangelism, and the interim pastor at Bible Moody Church, launched a Twitter-attack today against those who insist that there has been a demonstrable mission drift away from the Gospel recently, and toward the Social … Read more