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Tim Keller, Russell Moore, Trying to Move Christians Into Democrat Party Fold

POLITICAL SUBVERSION MOVING CHRISTIANS INTO DEMOCRAT PARTY FOLD [Thirty Pieces of Silver] Midterm elections demonstrate that the classic battle lines are being redrawn among Evangelical voters. Ongoing and concerted efforts through American conservative Christian seminaries, churches and secular mainstream media are intensifying to reshape the foundations and convictions which drive the Evangelical vote. Leadership continues … Read more

Transexual Lady Pastors Say Trump Isn’t Being Very Christian

[Huffington Post] Transgender Christian leaders have a message for President Donald Trump’s administration, following reports that it plans to drastically narrow the legal definition of gender. Even though the administration is moving to stop recognizing the existence of transgender and nonbinary people, there’s nothing it could do that would erase trans people’s inherent worth, the faith … Read more

More Plagiarism from Christine Caine

[Churchwatch Central] Warren Throckmorton brings to light more evidence of plagiarism by Christine Caine… “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17 Warren writes: Recently Christian motivational author Christine Caine settled a lawsuit with Christian author Carey Scott … Read more

Christianity Plummets in Australia as Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam Grow

Daily Mail Religion in Australia is steadily changing, with the number of people turning to Sikhism, Hinduism and Islam rising. The 2016 Census showed almost a third of Australia’s population identify as having ‘no religion,’ although many of those still see themselves as spiritual. While Christianity’s popularity has plummeted, down from 96.9 per cent of … Read more

Iran’s Idea of “Human Rights”: Persecute Christians

Gatestone Institute • often uses it [the charge of ‘acting against national security’] against converts instead of the charge of apostasy… in an attempt to avoid international scrutiny.” — Morning Star News, July 13, 2017. • Not only does Iran persecute its Christian minorities, but it also tries to coerce them to embrace Islam — … Read more

Christian College President Compares Homosexuality to Sexual Assault – Apologizes

THINKPROGRESS The president of a Christian college in Iowa last week compared homosexuality to sexual sins like sexual assault, pornography, and adultery, while reflecting on his 10 years leading the university. Northwestern College (NWC) President Greg Christy made the comparison in an essay published on the school’s website Friday, titled, “What remains unchanged since 2008?” … Read more

Tim Keller Tells Christians How to Vote, Says Jesus ‘Lost Power’ on Cross

Tim Keller writes in nuanced language. But in his latest column in the New York Times, the incarnation of the intellectual think-tank of the American religious left (as embodied in Tim Keller) has a simple message: Christians shouldn’t vote straight-line Republican. Projecting himself as above politics, the man who has asserted more times than I … Read more

“Gay Christian” Event Planned with Mark Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Update: Capitol Hill Baptist Church has been removed as one of the partnering churches. At this point, we are not sure why the change has been made and if Mark Dever has pulled his support for the event. Sam Allberry, who still personally wallows in Same-Sex Attraction (SSA), is the founder of an organization that … Read more

Hillsong Pastrix, Christine Caine, Sued for Copying Book

CHRISTIAN POST: Carey Scott, a Colorado author and life coach, has accused international evangelist Christine Caine and her publishers of copying portions of a book she published in 2015 to include in two best-selling books Caine published later. In a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court of the Western District of Michigan in May — a … Read more

Despite Revoice “Gay Christians,” Crowds of Ex-Gays March to Celebrate Freedom from Sin

Yes, Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) is a sin. Clearly, Jesus taught that desires of the heart can be sinful and unlike heterosexual attraction, homosexual attraction can never be properly oriented or harnessed for the glory of God. SSA is a deviation of the natural, an offense to the supernatural, and an indication of an unconverted heart. … Read more

Christian College, Azusa Pacific, Becomes Gay-Affirming

As of this semester, Azusa Pacific – an evangelical and Christian college and the undergraduate school attended by John MacArthur – removed a prohibition against sodomy-based romantic pairing on the school’s campus. While the official teaching of the school is that a “sexual union is intended by God to take place only within the marriage … Read more

Wikipedia Correctly Notes Russell Moore is “Christian Democrat and Communitarian”

To be clear, Wikipedia has not called Russell Moore a “Democrat Christian,” but a Christian Democrat (which is a whole other thing, and we’ll explain). Also, Wikipedia did not call Russell Moore a “Communist,” but a Communitarian (again, we’ll explain). While it might be perceived as more salacious to accuse Moore of being a Democrat … Read more

Chelsea Clinton Calls Abortion “Social Justice Issue,” Says It’s Christian Duty

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Bill Clinton and former Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, recently argued that ending abortion is unchristian. Speaking on the radio program, “Signal Boost,” which airs on Sirius Radio, Clinton spoke of the necessity of abortion-on-demand and explained that her Christian faith motivates her to keep infanticide “safe” and “legal.“ When … Read more