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Why is Christianity Today Running Interference for Pastor James MacDonald?

[WARHORN] Pastor James MacDonald runs a pretty shady operation in Elgin’s Harvest Bible Chapel. The Elephant’s Debt blog and others have documented its financial shenanigans for years. Most recently Julie Roys of World magazine has written an article with stories of expelling kids from the church school when their pastor father refused to sign a noncompete agreement, revising church bylaws to move authority from … Read more

Powerful Christian Media Group Stands Up Against Tech-Giant Censorship!

Pulpit & Pen has been throttled by Facebook (however, we believe the trottle is now over or at least reduced). Facebook banned P&P’s publisher after posting an article that correctly states Bruce Jenner’s gender. Some of our affiliate media groups have been put on notice by Google Adsense that their politically-incorrect (Christian) content will get … Read more

Gay Christian Celebrities: A Peculiar and Alarming Development

Since Old Testament times homosexuality has been an uncontroversial topic among God’s people.  It’s sinful. That’s that; no argument, no debate. However, recent developments in Western society have caused homosexuality to become a hot-button issue in the public arena.  In the wake of what Baptist theologian and pundit Albert R. Mohler has labeled “the Moral … Read more

‘Christian Minister’ Claims Pre-Marital Sex is Not Sinful

Three false ministers, including one who identifies as homosexual and another as polyamorous, recently told the Huffington Post that they believe that sex before marriage is “not sinful,” and that it is rather “unreasonable,” “outdated and silly” to expect people to stay chaste until marriage. One said that he doesn’t “judge” those who choose to … Read more

Satanists Upset People Are Stealing from their Christmas Tree

I’ve never met Christians with a Satan tree or Beelzebub bush, so I don’t know why Satanists would have a Christmas tree. But nonetheless, there’s at least one Satanist Christmas tree out there and it’s in San Jose, California. And that Satanist Tree is making the news because people keep stealing its decorations. The Satanists … Read more

Despite Resurgence in ‘Christian Drinking,’ Majority of Christians Still Abstaining from Alcohol

A LifeWay study recently reveals that a majority of Protestant evangelicals are still choosing to abstain from alcohol, despite a resurgence in ‘Christian drinking’ that has particularly become popular and accepted in New Calvinist circles. While some denominations, like Lutherans for example, have never had a strong tradition of abstinence, most mainstream denominations have had … Read more

John Allen Chau and the Ethics of Christian Missions

Various news outlets have reported on the death of “Christian Missionary” John Allen Chau.  Was his encroachment upon native lands ethical?  Were the actions that led to his death foolish?  Was he even a Christian? Pulpit & Pen contributor Seth Dunn addresses those questions in an episode of his podcast, The Christian Commute. [Publisher’s Note: I … Read more

Support the Book “Ungodly Mess: How Marxists Stole Christianity in America”

Pulpit & Pen has been at the forefront of observing and reporting on the intentional take-over of American evangelicalism for years. P&P has broken story after story, report after report, that has been a necessary tool in today’s battle for the American church. The book “Ungodly Mess: How Marxists Stole Christianity in America” will continue … Read more

Hillsong Christmas Musical Trailer Depicts Jesus Born in a Bar

Increasingly, Hillsong Church’s Christmas musical productions seem to break the blasphemy barrier of the year before. In 2015, Hillsong made international news for a “Sleazy Night” Christmas special, which was a cabaret and burlesque-type show that incorporated Christmas hymns. At the time, charismatic apologist, Michael Brown, defended Hillsong from critics, claiming that they meant well  … Read more

VIDEO: “Gay Christian” Says Jesus is Promiscuous and Polyamorous

Warning: The following article contains a description of extreme blasphemy. It also has offensive language. We only write about this with fear and trembling, so as to lift it to scorn and contend against it. In a video entitled, “Jesus is Polyamorous,” amateur theologian, Brian G. Murphy – a co-founder of “Queer Theology” who identifies … Read more

Why Christians Vote Republican (and should continue to)

On the eve of the 2018 mid-term elections, evangelicals are being told how they should vote. Do not think we’ve failed to take notice that many of those who attempt to guide our vote have little regard for the Scripture themselves. This has not stopped a great many from telling us that our Christian faith … Read more

Should Christians Rethink the Language of “Same-Sex Attraction”?

[Thirty Pieces of Silver] At the beginning of 2013 the Christian community in America began to be flooded with new terms and players using new words for human sexuality, gender and sexual norms. These new speakers like Sam Allberry, Rosaria Butterfield, and a small herd of others, began making the rounds at conferences and working to … Read more