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Why Christians Shouldn’t Support Alyssa Milano’s Sex Strike

In March of 2019 the Georgia General Assembly passed one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws, House Bill 481. This action caused actress Alyssa Milano to call for a boycott of the state’s lucrative film industry. Following Milano’s lead, a group of actors wrote a letter to Governor Brian Kemp threatening to lead movie … Read more

Christian Couple Vows in Sickness and Health: Marries in Hospital Chapel

Carol Stevenson, 67, and Everett Conyers, 73, made the decision to marry in the hospital chapel because their devotion to their Christian faith prevents them from “living together before marriage.” When Carol Stevenson fell, fracturing her hip, she needed immediate surgery. Stevenson was prepared to make a full recovery within a few weeks with physical … Read more

Baptist Theologian Says Christians Against Homosexuality Guilty of ‘Selective Literalism’

Pete Buttigieg is a sodomite who is running for president in the Democratic primary. Late last week, after Buttigieg called himself a ‘gay Christian,’ Franklin Graham made waves for telling him that homosexuality was something to repent for, not to be proud of. Since then, Graham has received constant criticism for his remarks from leftist … Read more

Charismatic Prophet Says 5G Phone Service Will Usher in Anti-Christ

A notable charismatic prophet who made a name for himself predicting ‘Four Blood Moons’ and is now predicting that 5G phone technology will usher in the coming anti-Christ. It’s impossible to throw out the baby with the charismatic bathwater because there is no baby in the bathwater. It’s a pile of sludge and sewer waste … Read more

ERLC Council Member Says Christians are “Wolves” for Criticizing Beth Moore, Sam Allberry

Dave Miller wants to pink slip the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) because it’s a waste of money, serves no necessary purpose, and takes money away from real missions. Scratch that. Dave Miller wanted to pink slip the ERLC. After years of flattering servility, the soft-handed and paunch-swollen potluck-driven professional sycophant from Sioux City, … Read more

Three Important Things Christians Need to Know About Earth Day

Yesterday, believers around the world gathered in local assemblies to celebrate the resurrection of the God-Man, Jesus Christ, from the dead. The Christian celebration originates from the belief that the Second Person of a Triune God – who had previously and eternally been spirit – took on the flesh of humanity by making himself an … Read more

Churches Bombed in Sri Lanka, Clinton and Obama don’t refer to victims as “Christians”

Today is Easter. As a celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is a uniquely Christian holiday. This morning, in a horrific turn of events, three Sri Lankan churches were bombed during their Easter worship services. In Twitter condemnations of these vicious and deviously-timed attacks, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and … Read more

SBC President Cancels Church for Christmas, Charges $5 for Good Friday Service

Today is Good Friday, the anniversary of Jesus’ death on the cross. Given the significance of this day, as well as the general interest that surrounds Easter Weekend, many churches choose to hold special “Good Friday” evening worship services. One such church is Summit Church, a multi-campus organization based in North Carolina. Summit is led … Read more

TGC’s Same-Sex Attracted Christian Apostasy Cover-Up

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and 9Marks are fully engaged in a cover-up of Sam Allberry’s abominable doctrines. Stop and think. has been full of appalling teaching and counsel for years. The men behind TGC and 9Marks have been promoting Sam Allberry and for years. They were not ignorant of the gross exchange of … Read more

LGBT “Outlaws” Demand and get Yale to Pull Funds from Students Working for Christian Public Interest Groups

[Troy Worden | Washington Examiner] Yale Law School will no longer offer financial aid to students who work at public interest groups with a traditional Christian view of marriage. The law school announced the change in policy on March 25 by email, citing an extension in its “nondiscrimination” policy to cover summer public interest fellowships, … Read more

Homosexual “Christianity” – What is Happening?

By Toni S. Brown In all its clear deception, the homosexual “Christian” movement is spreading like gangrene, packed full of emotion and cloaked in biblical language, it leaves many dumbfounded as to how such a radically unbiblical lie could possibly “catch-on”  in so-called biblically sound churches? For the answer, we must survey who is now promoting the lie of same-sex attracted (SSA) “Christians.” For the record, … Read more