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Christian Pro-life Grad Student is Compared to the KKK

“I heard different voices saying the same thing– that I should not do work on abortion because of who I am: a white, Christian man.” Steven Jacobs, a University of Chicago PhD, spent the last six years of his life in an agonizing struggle to publish research on the abortion debate. All the while, he … Read more

Brave Christian Designer Refuses to Make Gay Wedding Dress

A brave Christian designer rejected the request from a homosexual couple to make a wedding dress and instead gave them the Gospel. Now, liberals are outraged. Couples in sodomy-based relationships go out of their way to ask Christian businesses to provide them services. In doing so, they further the stereotype of victimization that empowers them. … Read more

Christian University Kneels at the Rainbow Flag

Azusa Pacific University is quickly becoming Apostasy U. Last week Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University (APU) chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, disgraced his calling with his political pandering to the LGBTQ lobbyists in California. Monday, the California State Assembly passed ACR 99, a resolution calling for religious leaders … Read more

Beth Moore Labels Christians Against Homosexuality, “Hyper-Fundamentalists”

In a continued social media meltdown, similar to the one that had the unstable and hysterical feminist take a break from Twitter back in May, Beth Moore labeled Christians explicitly opposed to homosexuality “hyper-fundamentalists.” Moore was referencing her Christian critics who have repeatedly asked her to clarify her position on homosexuality, noticing her leftward drift. … Read more

Pastor Greg Johnson Delivers “Gay Christian” Speech at General Assembly. Met with a Round of Spontaneous Applause

Who says Reformed Pastors can’t engage in theatrics? Last week PCA Pastor Greg Johnson, who recently published his gay coming out article with the help of Christianity Today, put on quite a performance for his applauding brothers at General Assembly. Pastor Johnson delivered a speech full of victimology, identity politics, and blame with the aim … Read more

Christian Radio Host, Steve Deace, (Rightfully) Rips Into Russell Moore

A popular conservative Christian radio personality, who is also a Blaze TV host, recently ripped into Russell Moore over the same tweet that was criticized by Liberty University President, Jerry Falwell, Jr. Deace, who was a Never-Trumper during the 2016 election (partially due to his concerns over Trump’s moral character), is a committed evangelical with … Read more

Christianity and Religious Freedom Conference Goes Against Facebook Community Standards

Every day millions of Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith. They are often intimidated, abused and in fear for their lives all because of their commitment to Christ. The Pew Research Centre Report, which analyses religious freedom in 198 countries and territories, reveals that Christians are the most persecuted religious group in … Read more

Eight Reasons We Should Avoid Christian Conferences

Listen, people. These conferences are killing us. By “us,” I mean evangelicals. Revoice, MLK50, Together for the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, the Passion Conference, Asuza, and so many more conferences inundate us, largely with things that are not good. Every week there is a new conference in which heretics share the stage with some otherwise … Read more