According to web rank, Pulpit & Pen has more readers than the Religion News Service, the Baptist Press, Charisma News, and other major Christian News publications. However, we don’t have the support of large corporations or denominations because we are independent Christian news.
The Religion News Foundation – in partnership with RNS – for example, received a 4.9 million dollar grant from the Lilly Foundation to be used over an 18 month period in cooperation with the Associated Press. It should come as no surprise that it’s P&P’s less-read competition, RNS, is the one using these large grants to publish articles attacking those of us against the Social Justice Movement (they ran two such articles last week, one here and here).
Who is standing up for conservative, Biblical Christianity? It’s Pulpit & Pen.
P&P is a publication without 4.9 million dollar grants from leftists, and publishes real Christian news that you’ll never see in denominational-owned publications. Our news is more real and more raw than what you’ll find in the Christian Post or Christianity Today. And, we could use your support to continue to beat the Mainstream Christian Media giants with little more than our grit and gumption.
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Our role is essentially important. In the battle for evangelicalism’s survival, we are the equivalent of Thomas Paine’s American Crisis. It’s our information that is being used to put up a resistance to the Modern Day Downgrade and fight this Revolution.
Can you imagine a publication that started as a small church pastor’s blog has become a leading Christian news source in America and has – by God’s grace – managed to ‘mainstream’ the field of polemics throughout the world? Please help us do what we do by contributing a monthly amount to help us carry on with our mission.
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