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Should Christians Participate In Cannibalism?

The following is a parody of something published by Relevant Magazine. Relevant, a purportedly Christian magazine, released an article attacking the partisan approach they see in many Christians (mainly conservatives). The article is called Should Christians Participate In Partisan Politics? In it, Andrew Voigt, a “self-renowned root beer and coffee enthusiast,” argues that we should … Read more

The Pope Appoints “Christian Islamicist” to Lead French City

Pope Francis recently appointed a pro-Islam bishop to serve as bishop over the influential French city of Marseille on the Mediterranean coast. Bishop Jean-Marc Aveline is an adherent to “Chrislam,” the belief that Muslims and Christians worship the same God and that the two religions can seamlessly merge into one. Bishop Aveline hopes to achieve … Read more

From Pilgrim’s Progress: Christian and Hopeful Converse

A Dialogue Between Hopeful And Christian From Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress CHRISTIAN: How came you to think at first of doing what you do now? HOPEFUL: Do you mean, how I came at first to look after the good of my soul? CHRISTIAN: Yes, that is my meaning. HOPEFUL: I continued a great while in the delight of those things … Read more

Banned on Amazon: Christian Gay Conversion Books Continue to Disappear

(Joe Dallas) On July 8 my publisher informed me that my book Desires in Conflict, along with a number of other books on overcoming homosexuality by different authors, has been pulled off the catalogue. A gay activist worked for months to convince Amazon to take this action and, bolstered by 80,000 signatures on a … Read more

Southern Baptists Put Lifeway Profit Above China’s Persecuted Christians

Acting as greedy colonialists and corporate imperialists indifferent to human suffering in China, the Southern Baptist Convention put Lifeway’s corporate profits above the poor Christian martyrs suffering persecution. China is a lead persecutor of Christians and one of the greatest violators of human rights throughout the world. China currently makes professed Christians report to the … Read more

4 Main Things Christians Need to Know About Critical Race Theory

As Christian institutions like Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary are promoting Critical Race Theory, many believers are confused as to what the doctrine is or why it’s dangerous. As the Southern Baptist Convention approved Resolution 9 in June, which promotes Critical Race Theory as an analytical tool, we … Read more

Five Good Reasons Why Nationalism is Christian

Nationalism is not Christianity, but it is Christian. There is much confusion about the ideology of Nationalism in recent months, and much of it is being propagated by those who oppose Christianity altogether. Here are five good reasons why Nationalism is Christian, and why Christians should be Nationalists. This is an important topic to understand, … Read more

Christian Cathedral Becomes Mini-Golf Course to Attract Visitors

The Rochester Cathedral, belonging to the Church of England, has turned their historic and beautiful facility into a mini-golf course designed to attract visitors. The Rochester Cathedral, formally the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the second oldest bishopric in the Church of England, behind the church’s seat in Canterbury. The … Read more

Social Justice Christians Attack ‘Nationalism’ With Joint Statement

A group of leftist ‘Christians’ recently drafted and signed a statement against so-called Christian Nationalism. Although most signers identify as evangelicals, several Roman Catholics joined in the effort. Some endorsers of the statement partner heavily with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Russell Moore. WHAT IS NATIONALISM? Nationalism is the historical political philosophy of the United States … Read more

American Jesuit Magazine Endorses Communism, Say It’s the Christian Worldview

According to The Gospel Coalition’s Carl Trueman, someone can’t be a Marxist if they’re a theist. According to Jesuits – Roman Catholic priests in the order founded by Ignatius Loyola – that’s not true. A Romanist magazine operated by American Jesuits claimed this week in an article entitled The Catholic Case for Communism that the … Read more

Joshua Harris Announces He is Not A Christian

In what might be the most notable Christian celebrity to become so explicitly apostate in more than a century, Joshua Harris—former I Kissed Dating Goodbye author and heir-apparent at C.J. Mahaney’s Sovereign Grace organization—has officially announced on Instagram that he is no longer a Christian. Other Christian apostates, such as Rob Bell, have not been … Read more

Support P&P on Patreon to Make Christian News Great Again

According to web rank, Pulpit & Pen has more readers than the Religion News Service, the Baptist Press, Charisma News, and other major Christian News publications. However, we don’t have the support of large corporations or denominations because we are independent Christian news. The Religion News Foundation – in partnership with RNS – for example, … Read more

Pro-Trump Evangelicals Worse for Christianity Than Atheists, Says Former GOP Guru

A former GOP strategist says that pro-Trump evangelicals are worse for Christianity than atheism. Michael Smerkonish, who now hosts a program on CNN International, recently had on his program, Peter Wehner. Wehner was once a strategist for the GOP, but over the weekend, he claimed that evangelicals who support the president are damaging Christianity. With … Read more