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November and Everything After: A Christian Reflection on American Elections

“I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him. And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His … Read more

Patterson Puts Ergun Caner Back into the Spotlight

For the first time in well over a year, Google Alerts pinged users with a news story relating to Ergun Caner. Polemicists were shocked to read the article; Ergun Caner was coming back to the big stage, and with prominent friends. Ergun Caner rose to prominence in the days following September 11, claiming to be a … Read more

Ergun Caner and the Kingmakers: An Enforcer Leaves the Penalty Box

“All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel.”  Judges 2:10 People forget.  No matter what type of scandalous enterprises come to light, there seem to be those people in society who are continually … Read more

Apologia Church Booze and Tattoos: How the Story Ended

FIRST, A SMALL CAVEAT I’ve written, re-written, thrown away and written again this post multiple times. I recorded a podcast with a segment on this topic, that I chose not to play (which is why Tuesday’s episode is delayed). In short, the risks are incredibly high. Virtually anything I write or say about this already-public … Read more

We've Joked About Justification by Politics: Trump Believes It

During this election cycle, I started using the phrase “Justification by Politics” or “Justification by Presidential Primary.” It was tongue in cheek, and was in reference to Southern Baptist and other Evangelical Intelligentsia members declaring salvation over a Roman Catholic candidate, Marco Rubio. Even though Rubio said he was “fully theologically and doctrinally aligned with … Read more

Floyd Fill-In Properly Exegetes Scripture On Former SBC Prez’s Blog … Just Kidding… No He Doesn’t

Former President of The Southern Baptist Convention, Ronnie Floyd, invited the President of his church’s “School Of Ministry” Jeff Crawford to fill in on his blog today. Yippee. In pure Floyd-esque style, Crawford, who is also a “teaching pastor” at Cross Church proceeded, out of the gate, to promote not only an extra-biblical, thus unbiblical, … Read more

Aint Nobody Got Time for That

Twenty-eight minutes. That’s the time Dr. White took on yesterday’s Dividing Line to explain why he didn’t have time to discuss Christian Liberty. White explained that he had been traveling in a tri-state area. He’s been busy. He’s busy now. So he doesn’t have time to talk about Christian Liberty just yet.  If you remember, … Read more

Under This Sign Conquer: James White and ReformCon

For years now, Pulpit & Pen has been writing articles about the dangers of associating with false or unorthodox teachers on the conference speaking circuit.  Pulpit & Pen contributors have written so many articles about unwise partnerships that it almost doesn’t make sense to link to them in order to provide examples.  Do I link … Read more

P&P Interviews Michael Marcavage Regarding the Booze and Tattoos Article

We’ve heard it all, folks. As polemicists, deflections avoiding substantive discussion typically come from either (1) misdirecting accolades of the good qualities of the person or institution questioned or (2) firing accusatory bullets toward the messenger. Examples of these common deflections… NewSpring plays Highway to Hell on Easter, but did you hear about their young singles … Read more

When Reformed Theology is a Cloak for Debauchery

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.   I’ve written and spoken much about the difference between being a Calvinist and being Reformed. To be a “Calvinist” in theological parlance … Read more

Dobson Reports it was Charismaniac Prophetess Who Led Trump to Christ

Maybe Dobson’s source is somebody in the room of prosperity charismatics who laid hands on him and anointed him along with Robert Jeffress, Paula White, Mike Murdock or David Jeremiah. That’s what I wrote in the piece outlining the soteriological Sinner’s Prayer-related problems behind Dobson’s declaration of Trumps baby-Christian status and recent conversion. And as Dave … Read more

While You're Eviscerating Dobson, Don't Over Look the Real Problem – Evangelical Soteriology

“He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ, and that’s fairly recent … I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.” – James Dobson Explaining away the vile, self-aggrandizing, penitent-less, sulfured stench wafting off the vapid moral character of the Republican presidential nominee, James Dobson … Read more