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Aint Nobody Got Time for That

News Division

Twenty-eight minutes.
That’s the time Dr. White took on yesterday’s Dividing Line to explain why he didn’t have time to discuss Christian Liberty.
White explained that he had been traveling in a tri-state area. He’s been busy. He’s busy now. So he doesn’t have time to talk about Christian Liberty just yet.  If you remember, I stated in Tuesday’s program (prior to the Dividing Line coming out)…

“Let me be very clear on this particular charge on this issue because Dr. White is going to come out and he’s going to say…on the Dividing Line tomorrow or Thursday and talk about how he’s been debating Muslims in Swahili in a cave in Kenya somewhere or thumb wrestling the KJV Onliests over at Steven Anderson’s church. And he’s very gifted. He’s important and he’s a gift to the church and has been traveling and speaking to these little groups here and there. That’s good. Don’t not speak to those groups to talk to little ole me…don’t mind the little people. That’s not the issue. The issue is you have had time but you’ve used that time to only attack. And frankly sir, that’s not a good witness to the young men who [when questioned by pastors or brothers about their liberty usage] just attack.”

During this 28 minutes, as with every other time he’s talked about why he doesn’t have time to talk about Christian Liberty, Dr. White provides a litany of ad hominem diversions. In that 28 minutes-long talk, Dr. White transitions to an oddly out-of-place and irregular, soft-spoken voice to make the following red herring claims…

  • I am “unhinged.”
  • Asking him to discuss Christian Liberty is an “inquisition.”
  • I have “lied” in some kind of nebulous, non-defined way.
  • This wasn’t initially about Christian Liberty and I am “changing what the real issue is about” (to see this accusation is flatly wrong, see the first words I wrote about it here).
  • This is “Yellow Journalism” and “half stories.”
  • Asking him to discuss the appropriateness of beer and tattoo fundraisers is a “Jihad.”
  • Click here for a fuller list of Dr. White’s ad hominem arguments as collated by an impartial listener to both sides.

This follows, of course,  the 33 minutes Dr. White spent in the 4th of July Dividing Line in a vitriolic polemic toward myself and the Christian News Network for covering the content and sensationalism of Apologia’s tattoo video. Then came the 15 minutes Dr. White spent launching ad hominem attacks at me on the July 7th Dividing Line. This all came after his rather lengthy invective via blog form on June 30. Weaving in and out of these blog posts and webcasts are social media posts filled with the same kind of deflecting explanations and attacks.
Compare this to the substantive discussion of Christian Liberty in my post, A Pilgrim’s Guide to Christian Liberty. Compare Dr. White’s 76 minutes of umbrage and traducing of us as fundamentalists waging “Jihad” and an “Inquisition” to the 63 minutes of thoughtful discussion on the topic of Christian Liberty we had on the Bible Thumping Wingnut Program.
I am a bit bewildered as to why so much inordinate time in podcasts, blogs and social media posts can be spent on why Michael Marcavage, Heather Clarke, Christian News Network and JD Hall are bad for asking questions about Christian Liberty all the while claiming there’s not time to discuss Christian Liberty.
And so, he’ll soon gather with Jeff Durbin at Apologia Studios for a well-polished advertisement regarding all the good things that Apologia Church does. And, I suspect but I pray not, we’ll see the only thing we’ve seen up to this point from James White…deflection and attack.
Hopefully I’m wrong, but the attitude up until now seems to be an echo of Kimberly “Sweet Brown” Wilkins, “Ain’t nobody got time for that!