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Pastor Jeff Lasseigne of Greg Laurie’s Harvest Church Asks Statue of Pope Francis to Pray for Harvest Crusades

Jeff Lasseigne, a pastor at Greg Laurie’s Harvest Christian Center, recently put out a video of him asking a statue of Pope Francis to pray with him for the upcoming Harvest Crusades. This man is greatly deceived if he believes the Pope, in real form or in statue form, has any ability to intercede … Read more

David Wood, Seth Dunn and Nabeel Qureshi

I awoke and stumbled out of my Sunday afternoon hibernation bunker to a flurry of messages in the combox I share with the Pulpit & Pen guys, and saw that Seth Dunn was being beaten like a red-headed stepchild in social media (sorry for the lack of colloquialism trigger warning for all you gingers out … Read more

Together 2016 – Yes, It’s Still A Problem

The Together 2016 gathering on the National Mall July 16 had a grand ambition. According to its website, “Moments of historic change are often marked by historic gatherings.” While this can certainly be validated throughout the annals of history within social, cultural, and political arenas, it seems less so within the spiritual one. Indeed, the greatest … Read more

Together 2016 App locates “Gay Affirming” churches

Update: People who have recently updated or downloaded the app report that the “Find a Church” function is no longer available. Here is a link to a screenshot of the original app with the function. This was most likely removed due to the backlash. If you’re unaware of the big gathering this weekend in the … Read more

Baptist Leaders Demand Newspapers Not Criticize Entity Heads

Southern Baptists are our own best cheerleaders. The ubiquitous, distinguished sound of back-slapping can be heard long after the annual convention is held. Regardless of whatever stereotypical posturing-reboot the leadership masterminds (this year it was providing yet another chest-thumping denunciation of racism), we’re all sure it was ground-breaking, history-making and brave. Whatever dead horse we decide to beat, … Read more

Under This Sign Conquer: James White and ReformCon

For years now, Pulpit & Pen has been writing articles about the dangers of associating with false or unorthodox teachers on the conference speaking circuit.  Pulpit & Pen contributors have written so many articles about unwise partnerships that it almost doesn’t make sense to link to them in order to provide examples.  Do I link … Read more

Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi

Within the past few years, Nabeel Qureshi has taken the apologetic world by storm.  His book Seeking Allah Finding Jesus became a New York Times Best Seller.  Qureshi claims to a former Muslim and his book recounts the story of his conversion to Christianity.  According to his personal website: Nabeel is a global speaker with Ravi Zacharias International … Read more

Lecrae Joins Secular Artists Begging Government for Gun Bans

The Christian artist artist who happens to be a Christian, Lecrae Devaughn Moore (who self-identifies as simply Lecrae) has joined a litany of other musical artists in asking Congress to remove the Second Amendment right of Citizens to engage in the private trade of firearms and also remove due process from our legal system. In an open letter to … Read more

While You're Eviscerating Dobson, Don't Over Look the Real Problem – Evangelical Soteriology

“He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ, and that’s fairly recent … I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.” – James Dobson Explaining away the vile, self-aggrandizing, penitent-less, sulfured stench wafting off the vapid moral character of the Republican presidential nominee, James Dobson … Read more

SBC Prez Steve Gaines on Scripture: It Ain’t Enough

*Note, this is Day 5 of our series, Seven Days of Gaines. The diligent digester of God’s Holy Word will, when taking time to lift their head from the focus on His revelation to us to view the landscape of what is the Southern Baptist Convention today, rapidly realize that the chasm between that Word … Read more

John MacArthur Withdraws Endorsement of Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusade

  (June 22, 2016 – Update: This article has been updated to include the following comments from Phil Johnson of Grace To You.  They are included with his permission. The original article continues following the screen shot below.) Greg Laurie’s promotion of his Harvest Ministries upcoming crusade in Georgia, scheduled for September 23-25, 2016, has … Read more

The SBC Waltzes Down Apostasy Lane

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” For from him and through … Read more