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Southern Baptist Pastor Compares Current Treatment of Women to Past Treatment of Slaves

[Capstone Report] A prominent Southern Baptist pastor attacked the Patriarchy, err the biblical practice of men preaching, in a fiery tweet likening the oppression of African Americans by whites to the suppression of women in Southern Baptist churches today. The explosive charge against biblically-minded Southern Baptist leaders was made Sunday evening. “The same spirit that … Read more

‘Christian Minister’ Claims Pre-Marital Sex is Not Sinful

Three false ministers, including one who identifies as homosexual and another as polyamorous, recently told the Huffington Post that they believe that sex before marriage is “not sinful,” and that it is rather “unreasonable,” “outdated and silly” to expect people to stay chaste until marriage. One said that he doesn’t “judge” those who choose to … Read more

Off Point: CRTV Partners with Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke

One of the newer players in the conservative media marketplace is CRTV.  The online subscription service (it’s basically Fox News for millennials) has made a name for itself by providing no-nonsense, right-leaning news commentary and features popular figures such as Steve Deace, Allie Beth Stuckey, Mark Levin, and Phil Robertson. CRTV now also features disgraced pastor … Read more

Influential Evangelical Leader Now Embraces Polyamory, Says it’s “Holy, Welcome and Celebrated”

This is is Brandan Robertson. He is an emerging personality on the religious left. Robertson pastors Missiongathering Christian Church, a San Diego church affiliated with the Disciples of Christ. Robertson graduated from  Moody Bible Institute. He has written in  The Washington Post, Tim Magazine, and The Huffington Post. He also speaks at the Wild Goose Festival, a liberal religious gathering … Read more

What Do Russell Moore and These Leftist God-Haters Have in Common? More Than You Might Expect…

Vice, which is among the top one hundred websites in America, ran an article about “The Woke Young People Trying to Make Christianity Cool Again.”  The term, Woke, is urban slang originating with the pop-culture film, The Matrix, and refers to someone who has been awakened to the important cultural realities around them (for those of … Read more

Tongues: The Final Word … Got Better, Not “Lesser”

  For believers who are part of the glorious, contemporary revival of Reformed theology spreading across the globe, the pillar of sola Scriptura – Scripture Alone – is a well-known feature revived during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.  We recognize that Scripture is THE sole rule for our Christian faith and life.  It is the infallible … Read more

Heresy-neutics: A Review of “Destined To Win” by Kris Vallotton

Destined To Win: How To Embrace Your God-Given Identity And Realize Your Kingdom Purpose Author: Kris Vallotton Foreword: Lisa Bevere Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Thomas Nelson (January 3, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0718080645 / ISBN-13: 978-0718080648   The endorsements alone are enough to warrant a “Warning: Heretical & Hermeneutical Danger Ahead” notice on its cover.  … Read more

Jerry Falwell Jr. Looking to be Repaid for His Donald Trump Campaigning

Jerry Falwell, president of the flagship Southern Baptist university, Liberty University, and one of Donald Trump’s loudest evangelical supporters, is now seeking repayment for all of his efforts in helping Trump land the job of the nation’s leader. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that Falwell has expressed interest in serving a prominent role in the Education Department … Read more

Superstar Mega-church Son of A (Hopefully Ashamed) Preacher Man Andy Stanley: Scripture Can’t Be Defended

Presume for a moment that you haven’t read the title of this article. See if, from these selected quotes from some 2,000 years of Christian orthodoxy, you can identify the errant claim, the one which stands clearly outside the scope of that orthodoxy. “Look carefully into the Scriptures, which are the true utterances of the … Read more

Book Review: Magnificent Obsession (with Roman Catholicism)

malignant [mah-lig´nant] tending to become progressively worse and to result in death;[source] MALIGNANT OBSESSION WITH ROMAN CATHOLICISM David Robertson, the author of Magnificent Obsession: Why Jesus is Great, has a malignant obsession with Roman Catholicism that will become progressively worse and result in certain eternal death unless he repents. David Robertson is a pope-promoting wolf in Reformed … Read more

These Bible Belt Police Ignore Their Oaths and Oppress the Innocent

Pulpit & Pen called your attention last week to the situation at the child sacrifice center in Norman, OK, where the city’s police department has, in a very real de facto sense, renounced the oaths they have taken to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law and to protect and serve the innocent. Multiple … Read more