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Karen Swallow Prior Attacks BACON!

Karen Swallow Prior, a gay-affirming feminist who works as a research fellow for the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), has now turned her sights on the evils of…bacon. Now, it’s serious. Prior, has frequented gay film festivals, was chosen by animal rights activists to infiltrate evangelicalism since at least 2007, has joined with feminists to bash complementarianism, has … Read more

Liberty University Has Michael Vick Preach on Animal Rights…Not Satire.

Michael Vick has been redeemed. At least, that’s what radical animal rights activist, Karen Swallow Prior, wants you to think. Prior is a professor at Liberty University, a research fellow for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, who has frequented gay film festivals, was chosen by animal rights activists to infiltrate evangelicalism since at least … Read more

Charismatics and Catholics to Unite, October 24-26

Since Vatican II in 1959, the Harlot of Rome has been trying to get Christians to come back under her skirt. The bawdy fornicatress of the Roman Catholic church, having tried to eliminate authentic Christianity with oppression and bloodshed, turned to a devilish, palms-up approach of coaxing back into her fold those who she once … Read more

Testimony: JD Hall’s Recent Visit to Heretic Jim Bakker’s Studio

The following testimony from JD Hall regarding a recent visit to Jim Bakker’s studio and Morningside Ministries was sent to Pulpit & Pen for publishing. While on a working vacation in Branson, Missouri on August 2 – just prior to my debate on Cessationism and Charismaticism in Cleveland the following weekend – I spent time … Read more

Polemics Term: Cross-Heresy Addiction

Several years ago, I was employed as an addictions counselor. One of the more tragic aspects of addictions counseling is successfully weaning someone off a substance or chemical addiction, only to have them succumb to an altogether different and new addiction. In reality, the individual is still an addict, and they unfortunately just exchanged vices, … Read more

Joel McDurmon: Wrong on MacArthur, Wrong on the Kingdom of God

Joel McDurmon – who left the major distinguishing tenets of theonomy some time last year – is for some reason still keeping the fires stoked at American Vision. One would think that the last organization promoting theonomic reconstruction that’s not yet in archive mode might have dismissed McDurmon for ideological treason (they’ve treated other absconders … Read more

Nabeel Qureshi Redux

“RZIM does not have an official ministry position on the doctrines of the Catholic tradition; RZIM focuses its ministry on evangelism and apologetics and strives to stay true to that vision…” Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Some weeks ago, I wrote a critical article about popular RZIM apologist Nabeel Qureshi. In the article, I criticized Qureshi … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Promotes Gay Black Lives Matter Activists

“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14, ESV) ERLC Research Fellow and Liberty University professor Karen Swallow-Prior has repeatedly shown a disregard for biblical holiness in her associations. Whether it is attending a “gay Christian” film festival, partnering with unbelievers … Read more

The Charismatic Delusion and Discernment Dilemma

Jim Bakker. The name says it all. The Background Getting a start on Pat Robertson’s Trinity Broadcasting Network in 1966, Jim Bakker started hosting his own show with wife, Tammy. He showed promise as the producer of a religious variety show, and soon ran off to California to star on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, ran by … Read more

Faith-Healer Asks For Prayers…For Healing. No. Really.

According to Charisma News, the preeminent faith healer, Benny Hinn, has been admitted to the hospital for shortness of breath and heart-related trouble. In fact, Hinn was in intensive care. He had just come back from a prophecy and healing crusade in Brazil, having spoken to hundreds of thousands of people in eager pursuit of … Read more

Evangelicals: Fornicating with the Harlot

There is no doubt that the word “evangelical” doesn’t mean the same thing it used to mean. The word is used to describe almost anyone who says the name “Jesus” these days. Mormons are referred to as Evangelicals, as are Jehova’s Witnesses, and other unbiblical sects like the New Apostolic Reformation. There is even a … Read more

Pulpit Notes

Monday – Program Summary: On Monday’s Program, JD explains why he doesn’t believe in “prayer in schools” and Christians shouldn’t advocate for it. He then discusses an article by Bob Hadley explaining that Biblical Monergists for some reason believe that the Gospel is for sanctification and not conversion, and end in the Daily #DOWNGRADE segment … Read more

‘I Am Second’ Features False Converts Carrie Underwood and Husband Mike Fisher

Country superstar Carrie Underwood and husband Mike Fisher have partnered with I Am Second to launch a new digital short series where the couple candidly and openly discuss their faith, family and the highs and lows they’ve had in their marriage. “We wanted to do this to share some of our personal journey in hopes … Read more

2 Important Facts About the Personal Religion of Brandt Jean

Here are three important facts about Brandt Jean, the loving young man who forgave his brother’s killer and embraced her in a hug during the sentencing face of the murder trial. Jean captured the world’s attention when he took to the witness stand to encourage Amber Guyger – his brother’s convicted murderer – to embrace … Read more