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An Open Letter to Southern Baptists: You Are in Sin

This is an open letter to Southern Baptists who continue to support the Cooperative Program and fund its grievous errors. That caveat, in italics, is important. I wrote this as an email to a Southern Baptist pastor and I’m making it available as an open letter to all Southern Baptists who spit upon the Bible’s … Read more

Video: How to Survive a Church Shooting

A movie trailer for Emanuel, the film about the 2015 shooting at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, was released several days ago. The mass shooter [name purposefully withheld] walked into the church’s Bible study and open fired, killing 9 church members. The film which is produced by NBA star, Stephen Curry, highlights the tragedy … Read more

Whitest Member of ERLC Leadership Council Accuses SBC of Racism

A new member of the ERLC Leadership Council is now accusing his own denomination of racism because there hasn’t been enough “minority interviews” for open entity positions. Dave Miller single-handedly turned his blog of run-of-the-mill Southern Baptist pastors, SBC Voices, into a fully-woke Social Justice blog. Following the cue of popular evangelical leaders and continuing … Read more

Russell Moore Silent on Trump’s Defense of the Unborn

Russell Moore attacked Donald Trump so vehemently and relentlessly during the presidential primary (Moore had the entire ERLC turned into a shameless Rubio PAC), that Trump referred to him as a “very nasty guy with no heart.” Perhaps Trump knew that Moore, even then, was a financial partner of George Soros. Regardless, it seems that … Read more

Russell Moore Suggests Renaming SBTS Chapel after Albert Mohler

Russell Moore, the most prominent protege of Albert Mohler, wants to rename the chapel at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Mohler Chapel.” Moore is a communitarian, leftist and social justice advocate in the vein of Sojourner’s Jim Wallis, with whom he serves on George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table. Moore has done more to push a radical globalist … Read more

The Biblical Answer to Migrant Caravan is Bombs and Bullets

The Biblical solution to the migrant caravan preparing to invade the United States includes bombs and bullets. As a pastor and theologian, the answer is clear to me. A nation has a right to sovereign borders. The invasion of sovereign borders by those who are not permitted therein should be met with judicial force. To … Read more

SBC Executive Committee Shuts Down Free Speech, Criticism of “Woke” Leaders

Russell Moore is the head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). He is, as Wikipedia points out, a Christian Democrat and Communitarian. He is also a former Democratic staffer, one of the most vociferous critics of President Donald Trump, works for George Soros on his Evangelical Immigration … Read more

Russell Moore ‘Likes’ Tweet Calling Social Justice Statement “Stupid”

It was Russell Moore’s hard push leftward that led – in part – to the Dallas Statement, also known as the Social Justice and the Gospel Statement. Moore, a former Democratic staffer who now works for George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table (Moore is also slated to speak at a Soros event in November) and has … Read more

SBC Messengers Reinstate ERLC Trustee in Support of Russell Moore

After not being renewed for a second term as trustee to the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for allegedly appearing to be “in the pocket” of ERLC president, Russell Moore, Southern Baptist messengers overturned SBC due process to renew the trustee’s term after a passionate plea from Russell Moore supporters. In Southern Baptist life, church … Read more

Resolution to Leave Southern Baptist Convention

This was the resolution, passed unanimously, by the Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana. And with it, we remind ourselves of Spurgeon’s words… “We fear it is hopeless ever to form a society which can keep out men base enough to profess one thing and believe another; but it might be possible to make an … Read more

Ed Stetzer Attacks National Rifle Association (NRA)

Ed Stetzer is the former Lifeway Vice President who was warned by Justin Peters that they were selling a Heaven Tourism book whose author had recanted it, and chose to continue profiting from the book anyway. When the story of Alex Malarkey’s Open Letter to Lifeway (his now-famous repudiation of the book written about him … Read more

David Platt Resigns At IMB

David Platt’s tenure at the International Mission Board certainly hasn’t been without controversy. Soon after taking office it was revealed that the IMB mismanaged hundreds of millions of dollars and Platt was left with the unfortunate clean-up duty of relieving a thousand missionaries of their overseas positions. One of Platt’s first actions was to allow … Read more

SBC Voices Claims Russell Moore is a Conservative (lol)

Lol. That’s the response that is due the recent SBC Echoes post defending the former Democratic Staffer, animal rights activist, Martin Luther King celebrator, Cultural Marxist, illegal immigrant amnesty-supporter and George Soros partner, Russell Moore. In polemics there’s a term called “website orthodox,” and it’s a term with which anyone capable of entry-level discernment should … Read more

Nine Less-than-Stellar Moments in the SBC in 2017

The Modern Day Downgrade is rapidly growing in the SBC, and getting worse from year to year. Here are nine of the worst moments in the SBC last year. SBC blog touts lawsuits against SBC entities. It’s one thing for someone who believes they have been wronged to sue some SBC entity. After all, Southern Baptist … Read more

ERLC Promises to “Change the Culture” With Your Financial Giving

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission already siphons more than four million dollars anually from the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program. This means that when Southern Baptist laymen put their tithes and offerings into the local church offering plate, a percentage of their giving (varying from church to church) goes to the coffers of the SBC, … Read more