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Who cares if Obama offends the pope?

If you’re not already aware, the antichrist is visiting the USA this week. He will be visiting Philidelphia September 26-27 for the World Meeting of Families, an interfaith gathering led by the Roman Catholic Church that seeks to promote traditional family values in today’s culture.

SBC Executive Speaking at Muslim-Evangelical Interfaith Gathering

Lifeway – a Southern Baptist entity – will soon have their (arguably) most prominent executive speak at a Muslim-Evangelical interfaith event. Ed Stetzer, Vice President of Lifeway Insights Division and executive director of Lifeway Research, will speak at the upcoming Spreading Peace Convocation. The Convocation is a gathering of Christian pastors and Islamic imams, and is designed – … Read more

Are the Proletariat Revolting Against the Cooperative Program?

If you’re not a Southern Baptist, you probably don’t care. If that’s the case, read something else at Pulpit and Pen that may interest you. But if you are a Southern Baptist, you may just care that there appears to be some common sense thinking going on out there in SBC-land, and common sense thinking … Read more

Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more

GOP Politicians Invited to Speak at NAMB Missions Conference Dave Miller at SBC voices, among other sources, has reported that GOP political candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush will be speaking at the upcoming North America Mission Board “SEND North America Missions Conference”.  The invitation of the political candidates to the missions conference, especially in the wake of the recent controversy over the invitation extended to politician Ben Carson … Read more

The Pulpit and Pen Reviews War Room

“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing.  In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 War Room is the latest offering from fraternal film makers Alex and Stephen Kendrick.  As is the case with their previous films, War Room is marketed to a Christian audience and written … Read more

Barnabas Piper Encourages Criminality, Follows Through On Promise to Bail Out Vandal

Barnabas Piper, son of John Piper and Lifeway employee (does anyone know what he does there, other than serving as celebrity-son-in-residency?) threw this suggestion out on June 18.   It appears that Lifeway employees – along with no shortage of Southern Baptist leaders – are busy conspiring to blame an innate sin problem on a flag. Rush … Read more

Ed Stetzer Says Preaching Verse-by-Verse Through Bible is Risky

In a roundtable discussion sponsored by Lifeway’s Gospel Project curriculum discussed the upsides and downsides of expository, verse-by-verse preaching. The SBC-owned propaganda wing, the Baptist Press – in a story entitled Preaching through Bible has Risks, Pastors Say – reports… Many pastors believe tackling Scripture verse by verse from the pulpit is the only acceptable approach, … Read more

SBC DAY 1: Sychophants, Microphones, And Shushing….

Of all the tweets I’ve seen from the #sbc15 hashtag lamenting the “Mickey Mouse court” mentality and foregone conclusions of the convention experience, most of those comments from rank-and-file Southern Baptists ring true. This one seems to summarize them the best. I couldn’t make the Convention, after sitting for five hours on the Tarmac in Fargo and … Read more

SBC has mainstreamed Roman Catholic mystical experiences as legitimate

I knew without a doubt that it was the same presence I had felt in the garden as a child and things were okay. – Rifqa Bary

Roman Catholic mysticism, long abhorred by Evangelicals and Protestants, is a form of “white magic” that basically mixes pagan witchcraft with Christianity, giving the outward appearance of being of God. Often times it is reported that contact has been made with benevolent entities, who claim to be Jesus, Mary, or some other angel of light, when in reality, these beings are of darkness. The Bible strictly forbids any form of contact with the spirit world, outside of direct prayer to God alone, and God’s specific revelation through Scripture alone. (Lev 19:31, etc.) However, mystical experiences are becoming more and more popular as we approach the Lord Jesus’ inevitable return.

Will Alex Malarkey get shouted down by Floyd at the SBC?

If you haven’t heard of the Lifeway scandal, regarding #the15 by now, I recommend reading this article. The debacle revolves around the Southern Baptist entity, Lifeway Bookstores, who serves as the publishing branch of the convention. Lifeway, as a representative of the SBC has been called out for peddling heretical materials by unsound teachers, as well as Heaven tourism books, for profit, and not responding to criticism for their actions. One particular heretical book Lifeway peddled for years for monetary gain is “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven.” The book, though officially co-authored by Alex Malarkey and his Father, was actually a work completely by Alex’s father, that Alex himself never supported. Alex recanted his story publicly, his mother publicly wrote about it, and world class apologist, and former Lifeway trustee, Justin Peters, even informed Lifeway about Alex’s recantation years before the book was finally pulled from the shelves after a massive outcry by #the15, and Alex’s recantation made viral through the Pulpit and Pen website.