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Beth Moore Toadie Says White People Like Hunting Because They Want to ‘Exert Power’ Over Things

An acolyte of Beth Moore who grew up living a privileged life in an upscale white suburb, Kyle J. Howard, claims that white people like to hunt because they want to exert control. He claimed that if white people can’t exert control over people, they’ll settle for exerting power over animals. Kyle J. Howard refers … Read more

Privileged White Man Claims that Homeschool is a Racist Plot

In Critical Race Theory, privilege equals “whiteness” and oppression equals “blackness.” Combined with the fact that Kyle J. Howard was raised by a set of highly-affluent, upper-class attorney parents in a posh suburb (one of whom was white), this means that according to the “helpful analytical tool” of Critical Race Theory, Howard is a privileged … Read more

The Cesspool of ‘Reformed’ Facebook Groups and the Scourge of Social Media’s Doctrinal Cuckolds

There is a growing plague of Facebook groups whose self-identification as ‘Reformed’ is as dubious as Bruce’s Jenner’s identity as a woman. The only difference is that these groups are significantly more estrogen-fueled than Jenner himself. FAUX-REFORMED FACEBOOK ‘FANTASY THEOLOGY’ GROUPS These self-pronounced ‘Reformed’ groups are, on average, no more Reformed than – as Spurgeon … Read more

There is No Black Christianity

It is a common assumption among African American Christians that they are the “Black Church” and that they have unique needs and thereby are distinct from “White Christianity.” Is this a legitimate matter? A prominent spokesman, Kyle J. Howard, has spoken of ethnic matters grounded in history as “African American concerns.” See his article here. … Read more

Victim Celebrity, Rachael Denhollander, Insists David Raped Bathsheba. But Did He?

Rachel Denhollander might make a great victim, but she’s a terrible theologian. After being victimized by Olympic doctor, Larry Nassar, Rachael Denhollander courageously spoke-out and led the choir of right-minded folks calling for criminal justice. And then Denhollander presented the Gospel in her victim impact testimony, which was touching. After the spotlight of the mainstream … Read more

2 Important Facts About the Personal Religion of Brandt Jean

Here are three important facts about Brandt Jean, the loving young man who forgave his brother’s killer and embraced her in a hug during the sentencing face of the murder trial. Jean captured the world’s attention when he took to the witness stand to encourage Amber Guyger – his brother’s convicted murderer – to embrace … Read more

Beth Moore’s Wicked Daughter Calls God’s Promise to Noah “Nonsense”

Beth Moore’s hostile, militant, and recently divorced daughter, Melissa Moore, recently derided a Southern Baptist pastor who reminded the Fox News audience that God promised Noah not to flood the world again. Apparently, Moore thought the Nohaic Covenant is “nonsense.” This follows on the heels of many other angry, leftist tweets from Ms. Melissa Moore … Read more

We Should be Prayer Shaming Albert Mohler

We should be prayer shaming Albert Mohler. It will unite the movement against the subversive agenda of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality that are killing our institutions. Prayer shame Albert Mohler today. And prayer shame the rest of the corrupt institutional leaders who say one thing and do another. Pray like this: God in heaven, … Read more

Mass Shooter in Atlanta Was Black, Woke Evangelicals Silent

In the wake of a mass shooting that happened on a black college campus in Atlanta Tuesday — which got very little national coverage — the usual woke evangelical race-baiters are silent. The shooting, where at least four people were shot, happened at 10:30 pm on Tuesday evening. Here is how CNN described the suspect. … Read more

SBC Voices Hit-Piece on Tom Ascol the Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Read

SBC Voices, a poorly-read SBC pastor’s blog published a hit-piece against Tom Ascol of Founders’ Ministries yesterday. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for hit-pieces, as some ideas and idealogues need (metaphorically) hit. However, I feel that if I don’t speak up about the vapidity, insipidness, and mental emptiness of that “blog” post I would … Read more

Who Are #The15 Contras? Join Up Now.

In late December of 2014, a prominent evangelical leader inferred that the Pope was a brother-in-Christ, and some Christians on Twitter sought clarification regarding his comments. It was then that uber-smug Lifeway executive Ed Stetzer claimed that the outrage was from “the same 15 angry Calvinists who are mad at everyone.” The Background What came … Read more

AOC and Woke Evangelicals Have Identical Talking Points on Communism and White Supremacy

The leftist firebrand representative from New York, Andrea Ocasio Cortez (AOC), seems to have identical talking points as woke evangelicals when it comes to branding the term Communism or Marxism as racists epithets. It’s a scary thing when evangelicalism is identical to far-left extremism. Ocasio-Cortez, who literally advocates for socialized everything and promotes policies designed … Read more