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Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more

Is Attending a Gay Wedding a Matter of Conscience?

Sadly, I’ve seen several otherwise ‘solid’ individuals claim that attending a gay wedding (like Karen Swallow Prior has said she would attend under the right circumstances) or a gay wedding reception or after-celebration (like Russell Moore has said he would attend) is a matter of Christian liberty or “Christian conscience.” Is it? Is it really? Very … Read more

Christian Group Puts Bounty on Lions Until Planned Parenthood Defunded

[Bakersfield, California] Walter Palmer, an American dentist, recently killed a beloved lion in the nation of Zimbabwe. Cecil, as he was lovingly called, was a common sight in Hwange National Park. According to reports, Palmer paid fifty thousand dollars to hunt the beast, wounding it, tracking it for 40 hours, killing it and decapitating it to … Read more

Somebody Inform Evangelicals that Catholicism is Not the Answer to Homosexuality

  Karen responded glowingly… If you click the large pic above, you’ll see it take you to where it’s posted at Ignatius Press. Underneath it, you’ll see the following advertisement. “New evangelism,” of course, was a decree issued by Pope John Paul II in his Papal Encyclical, Evangelization in the Modern World. The strategy at proselytizing … Read more

Stupid or Sinister? Seven Ways to Tell the Difference Between Spiritual Dullards and Deviants

“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” – Matthew 10:16 Rick Warren is a harmless teddy bear. He truly doesn’t understand why people have a problem with him. He’s just not the sharpest guy, but God has really used him. … Read more

What is Gay-Affirming?

I’m sorry, but part of the brouhaha has been over defining what ‘affirming’ and ‘non-affirming language.’ This is affirming language. It may be very poorly expressed by the author here, because she says she’s not. But if you quote this…this argumentation…what’s the only possible conclusion? That we should approve of these relationships. I mean, at … Read more

Chris Christie’s Strong Conservative Voice Has Something to Say to America’s Evangelicals

Pulpit & Pen usually shies away from covering politics because, as I often say, “The problem is always sin and the answer is always Gospel.” What I see in the potential presidential nomination of Chris Christie, however, is a powerful message of conservatism that evangelicals need to listen to. In fact, as a guy who … Read more

Living in Laodicea; Evangelicals and Friendship with the World

[Editor’s Note: A great many of our readers and listeners were disturbed at the defenses provided for Karen Swallow Prior’s attendance and support for a pro-LGBT and “gay Christian” film festival, advocacy for gender-preference public restrooms as a “commonsensical and refreshing idea” and saying that “…gay marriage remains an act rooted in love.” Those defenses … Read more

“Justice Democrats” Founder is THE Organizer of Evangelical Social Justice Movement

In this bombshell report by Pulpit & Pen, we will demonstrate how Democratic financier and organizer Zack Exley is behind the successful attempt to change the political ideology of America’s major evangelical institutions, ministries, and seminaries through propagation of what is known as “Social Justice.” SUMMARY We will explain—with a compilation of original sources, some … Read more

SBC and Social Justice: A List of Links To Prove the Agenda is Real

This post is designed to provide an extensive but not comprehensive list of articles from Pulpit & Pen documenting SBC leaders pushing so-called “Social Justice” upon its membership. It is designed to be simple and straight-forward. The Problem: Social Justice is a term invented by South American Roman Catholic Priests and the churches affiliated with … Read more

Southern Baptists Surrender on Abortion, Turn to Fight Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Ever since Russell Moore, the leftist communitarian and former Democratic staffer, took control of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, it has focused less and less on the topic of abortion. The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is the entity of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) that are supposed to be … Read more

Charisma News Says Spurgeon Would Attend Conference with NAR Apostles, Hillsong, Bethel and IHOP Pastors

No one who spoke at the G3 Conference alongside the Rauschenbuschists wanted to interact with my post on why Spurgeon would not attend G3. They did not interact with the article because they could not. It was indisputable. While these men claim the heritage of Spurgeon, they ignore his absolute detestation of partnering with compromise … Read more

SBTS Faculty Consult Attorney on Release of Mohler Correspondence

Anyone paying attention to wider evangelicalism – and especially that represented in the Southern Baptist Convention – is well aware of a dramatic shift in focus and tone on social issues. When Albert Mohler repented of the notion of reparative therapy (the idea that through Biblical counseling a homosexual could break their addiction to unnatural … Read more

Russell Moore ‘Likes’ Tweet Calling Social Justice Statement “Stupid”

It was Russell Moore’s hard push leftward that led – in part – to the Dallas Statement, also known as the Social Justice and the Gospel Statement. Moore, a former Democratic staffer who now works for George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table (Moore is also slated to speak at a Soros event in November) and has … Read more

SBC Entity Creates Affirmative Action Scholarship in Honor of Martin Luther King

As the Southern Baptist Convention is hemorrhaging members in dramatic decline and suffering from giant missions shortfalls, more than four million dollars is dedicated annually to the socially-progressive entity, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), run by former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore. For that four million dollars, the SBC has received in return a … Read more