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The “Gospel” Coalition to Include Non-Christians in Panel

In a post today, the Gospel Coalition laid out a defense for their inviting of TGC15 panelists who do not believe, well…the Gospel. Following the trend set by evangelical heavy-hitters including the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and others, The Gospel Coalition is capitalizing on the controversy in Ferguson, Missouri to focus on social justice … Read more

Lifeway Pulls Heaven Tourism For Good…Still No Acknowledgement of Alex Malarkey

The Baptist Press article about Lifeway pulling Heaven Tourism began with a lie… NASHVILLE (BP) — LifeWay Christian Resources has stopped selling all “experiential testimonies about heaven” following consideration of a 2014 Southern Baptist Convention resolution on “the sufficiency of Scripture regarding the afterlife.” This is not true, and no one believes it. The 2014 … Read more

Lifestyles of the Rich and Baptist: Creflo Dollar and Robert White

“Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. Thus they were haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it.” Ezekiel 16:49-52 “Plain and simple: Pastor Creflo Dollar is a disgrace,” wrote Steve Siebold of the Huffington Post … Read more

Alex Himaya, Ronnie Floyd, and Strange Things

Ronnie Floyd recently announced the members he has named to participate in the Committee of Committees, chosen to nominate the committee members who will actually do the nominating of leaders of various positions in the SBC for 2016. Sounds like a drawn out process, right? It is, and it begins with this committee of origin. … Read more

Floyd Names Leaders for Committee on Committees

Ronnie Floyd, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, has named the 2015 Committee on Committees. This is the committee that is responsible for actually nominating the two people of their respective states to serve as members of the Committee of Nominations, who, in turn, nominate trustees to serve on boards of the various entities of the SBC. It’s … Read more

Addressing Critics of the Discerning – Part 1

Once in a while, I’ll have a conversation with a pastor, usually a Southern Baptist pastor, who has read some of my articles, and find it puzzling that I would be calling out such leaders as Russell Moore or Ronnie Floyd. What I often notice however, is that while most of the time this pastor … Read more

Russell Moore’s ERLC: Change Agents of the United Nations

It is no doubt that Russell Moore has worked his way up to the top of the largest Protestant denomination in the world, only to promote ecumenism and UN-friendly ideas through the use of his position within the Church. But there is more to it. The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission as a whole is … Read more

Ronnie Floyd and Life Action Ministries – Mystics in Disguise

President of Southern Baptist Convention, Ronnie Floyd, has for some time been known to dabble with questionable theology. He endorses the First Fruits tithing heresy of Robert Morris and also endorses the contemplative mystic, Mark Batterson and his new age book, the Circle Maker. But another troubling partnership between Floyd and New Age mysticism exists—between him … Read more

Russell Moore: Advancing Socialism ”starts with the Church.”

The Southern Baptist’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s President, Russell Moore, has been very outspoken about the need for the Church to address racism. In fact, the majority of the SBC’s leadership has followed him into this rabbit hole and made dealing with racism their personal mission, as well as one of the official missions … Read more

Coptic Christians Not Christians, Evangelical Leaders Need Reminded **UPDATE** IMB pulls references to Coptic Christians as Non-Christians

Twenty-one Egyptians who were being held by Islamic extremists were executed yesterday. They were decapitated. They were killed because they were not Muslims and because that’s what the extremists do…they kill people, savagely, brutally, horribly, sinfully. Regardless of the religion of those twenty-one people, the world should be outraged. The western world should be horrified. … Read more

Evangelicals: Fornicating with the Harlot

There is no doubt that the word “evangelical” doesn’t mean the same thing it used to mean. The word is used to describe almost anyone who says the name “Jesus” these days. Mormons are referred to as Evangelicals, as are Jehova’s Witnesses, and other unbiblical sects like the New Apostolic Reformation. There is even a … Read more

Caner Resisted Racism Accusation, Resigns Immediately after “Inappropriate Behavior” Accusation

“We didn’t consider Dr. Caner in spite of the attacks; we elected him because of them. He has endured relentless and pagan attacks like a warrior.” — BPC Trustee These words from a nameless Brewton-Parker College trustee need to live in infamy. The attacks in question, of course, were many concerned individuals (most of whom … Read more

Why ‘Racial Justice’ is NOT a Gospel Demand

The proponents of racial reconciliation within the Church, especially the Southern Baptist Church, continue to propagate this idea that we need to set aside our differences and reconcile our racial divide. Racial tensions in the US are mostly a fabrication of mainstream media anyways, and aren’t nearly as bad as they would have you believe. … Read more