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When Will Evangelicals Write Against Alt-Left Terrorism?

Evangelicals are out signaling their virtue like kids at camp run dirty underwear up the flagpole. From Beth Moore to Russell Moore, they want us to know how wicked “alt-right” ideology is, but are utterly silent on the alt-left hatred of the mass murderer in Ohio. Beth Moore preached at an audience of white supremacists, … Read more

Southern Baptist Blog Blames “Alt-Right” for Alt-Left Weekend Shootings

A progressive SBC blog for pastors is blaming the alt-left shootings over the weekend on the alt-right, proving that sometimes Useful Idiots are really, really idiotic. The Ohio shooter was an Elizabeth Warren supporter, a registered Democrat, and supported gun control. The El Paso shooter’s manifesto absolved neither Republicans nor Democrats of guilt, and he … Read more

4 Main Things Christians Need to Know About Critical Race Theory

As Christian institutions like Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary are promoting Critical Race Theory, many believers are confused as to what the doctrine is or why it’s dangerous. As the Southern Baptist Convention approved Resolution 9 in June, which promotes Critical Race Theory as an analytical tool, we … Read more

A Double-Minded Man: Albert Mohler’s Explicit Contradictions

As we explained in the article, The Two Faces of Albert Mohler: Beware the Phone Call Mind-Meld, Mohler is a double-minded man. On one hand, he swears that he is opposing Critical Race Theory with all of his vigor, and yet it is being strongly promoted in his seminaries by leaders he hand-selected. It seems … Read more

The Biblical Case for Guilt By Association

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; (Revelation 18:4) It is not uncommon for people, poorly catechized in the concept of Biblical holiness, to claim that one cannot be held accountable for their associations. The … Read more

Anti-Social-Justice Homeschool Curriculum to Help Protect Your Kids

A new homeschool curriculum is now available for those who desire to keep their kids from being indoctrinated by ‘woke’ indoctrination that seeks to subvert a Christian worldview. The curriculum is designed to teach children to value Christianity and its historic benefits to civilization and provides apologetic resources to help them reject the perversion of … Read more

Ohio Shooting Seems to Be Act of Alt-Left Terrorism

From PJ Media… [PJ Media] According to reports on Twitter and in the media, the man shot and killed by police after killing nine and injuring 27 in a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, was not just a Democrat but an open socialist. He also supported gun control, would vote for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), … Read more

Here’s the El Paso Shooter’s Full Manifesto: Read it Before You Believe the News

Authorities believe that the El Paso shooter [name withheld as an editorial policy of this publication] posted a manifesto on the website, 8chan, shortly before engaging in the mass-murder. As is always the case, people immediately searched to discover possible motives for his actions. Within mere hours, 8chan – a popular post-and-comment site of various … Read more

Attention Press Outlets: Founders Ministries is Not “Neo Cal,” So Stop Saying That

Consider this a public service announcement to news outlets and blogs who should know about something before they opine on it; Founders Ministries and the majority of Social Justice opponents are not “Neo-Calvinists.” Stop saying that. Religion News Service (RNS), a progressive news outlet, referred to Founders Ministries as “Neo-Calvinists” in a hit-piece yesterday. That … Read more

Five Good Reasons Why Nationalism is Christian

Nationalism is not Christianity, but it is Christian. There is much confusion about the ideology of Nationalism in recent months, and much of it is being propagated by those who oppose Christianity altogether. Here are five good reasons why Nationalism is Christian, and why Christians should be Nationalists. This is an important topic to understand, … Read more

Founders Min Board Members Who Resigned Caught Up in Their Own Sex Abuse Scandal

Trying to claim the moral high ground, Tom Hicks and Fred Malone publicly left Founders Ministries over a perceived slight to a sexual abuse victim, Rachael Denhollander. Ironically, they’ve been caught up in a far worse, very real sex abuse cover-up and scandal of their own. Writing of his resignation from Founder Ministries, Malone said… … Read more