Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) recently asked in a blog post whether or not we should consider baptizing robots. He was serious.
We’ve been reporting on the bizarre nature of Moore’s work at the ERLC, which other than fighting for open borders and against America’s national sovereignty, has abandoned most serious ethical issues and instead is focusing upon bizarre conspiracy tech conspiracy theories. As America’s heartland is fighting full-bore against abortion, the topics of Moore’s blog posts as of late shows truly how far the Evangelical Intelligentsia leader is disconnected from the denomination for whom he works.
In the post, Absent from Abortion Fight, Southern Baptists’ Russell Moore Focusing on Aliens and Tech Conspiracy Theories, we covered how Moore is focusing on anything and everything except abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and drag-queen storytimes. The left-of-center evangelical leader has focused on aliens, Artificial Intelligence (AI), deep-fakes, and most recently, whether or not aliens should be baptized.

Moore is calling the discussion of robot-baptism a matter of “bio-ethics.”
Citing Bill McKibben, who is an enviro-extremist and population-control Eugenicist, Moore says he found himself saying ‘amen’ a lot of his latest book, Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age. McKibben is the same author of Maybe One: The Case for Smaller Families. Moore has no problem whatsoever promoting the work of someone who believes children are bad and small families are good.
Moore agreed with the premises laid out by McKibben, chiefly focused on the topic of genetic engineering, robotics, and nano-technology, arguing that the dangerous eugenicist has an “almost biblical vision of human nature.” He commends McKibben for avoiding “the semi-Pharisaism of some conservative Christians…”
Avoiding “semi-Pharisaism” is pretty easy for a Eugenicist who wants most of the world to die and for people to stop reproducing for the good of the environment, of course.
Moore promotes McKibben’s work, and then asks a super-tough question, “How will we minister to human clones,” before specifying that he’s personally against baptizing robots.
Add “preaching to clones” to the list of things Russell Moore is concerned about, along with aliens, AI, deep fakes, and tech conspiracy theories. But on abortion, Russell Moore is almost altogether silent. On topics like homosexuality, transgenderism, and drag queens teaching little kids to twerk, his opinions can’t even be publicly found.