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Moron, That’s Not What Happened: An Open Letter to Jared Wilson

Jared, Listen, we know you make a living primarily from your ability to make pithy tweets and shmooze shoulders with prominent evangelical celebrities. We get it. But our ability to stomach blind sycophancy has its limits, and that limit for us happens to be defiling intellectual honesty. And you, Jared, have been intellectually dishonest. It’s … Read more

Creepy Joe Biden Wants to “Make America Moral Again,” Seriously?

Please allow me to demonstrate my immediate reactions to the news today that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s most recent campaign slogan is “Make America Moral Again.” First: And then: This morning on ABC’s Good Morning America, reported Democrat front runner Joe Biden told the viewing audience: Make America return to the essence of who … Read more

Jordan Peterson: The MLK of the 21st Century…but better.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a thought leader, a civil rights activist, and an icon. King, although articulate and pivotal, was not necessarily essential to the Civil Rights Movement even though he was central to it. Others came before him and stood beside him to free mankind from the tyranny of discrimination and remnants of … Read more

Uncle Joe Biden, the “Conga-Line of Accusations,” and the Old Guard

[Bruce Thornton | FrontPage Mag] One of the more interesting fronts in the Democrat internecine struggle between the rich, old People of Pallor and the “woke,” young People of Color centers on Joe Biden and his penchant for inappropriately touching women. Biden’s bad habit of invading the personal space of women and girls in sexually suggestive ways … Read more

Alyssa Milano and Joe Biden

Let’s begin with the recent passing of Georgia Law HB481, the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act which prohibits abortion when the heartbeat is detected. While waiting for Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to sign the legislation, on March 22, Alyssa Milano called for the Hollywood establishment to boycott filming in the state. Through the … Read more

“A Love of All Things Dark,” Joe Thorn to Speak at The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Conference

[Heather Clark | Christian News] In a move that some would say is counter to its mission of “calling the church … to repent of its worldliness,” The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has invited an unorthodox pastor and podcaster who espouses a love for all things dark—from horror movies to death metal to dark fiction—and … Read more

What Happened to Justice? ‘Woke’ Evangelicals Largely Silent on New York Abortion Holocaust.

All we hear from the ‘woke’ Social Justice Warrior in evangelicalism is about how important it is to “engage culture.” WorldMag accused Phil Johnson of not wanting to engage culture, which is an old canard used against those of us who want to preach the Gospel rather than preach Social Religion. In reality, however, when … Read more

“Reformed Baptist,” Joe Thorn, Claims Women Can Preach to Men

He has “1689,” the year of what is supposedly his Confession of Faith, tattooed across his upper-hand, touching his knuckles. His hipster face-mane, no doubt coated in organic beard balm of some kind or another, touches down to reach his screen-printed t-shirt. In his hands, he holds a smoldering cigar. On his face, he wears the … Read more

Tim Keller is a Marxist: A Response to Carl Trueman

I rejoice in Tim Keller having to finally address whether or not he is a Marxist. I rejoice because rarely – and I mean rarely – do the Evangelical Intelligentsia respond to anything. They follow the advice of Ligon Duncan, the “woke” president of Reformed Theological Seminary (a major financial recipient of Socialist billionaire and … Read more

Agents of Betrayal in the Church

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The original can be found here. AGENTS OF BETRAYAL: WILL EVANGELICAL INFLUENCE BE RUINED FROM WITHIN? WHICH TRUSTED EVANGELICAL LEADERS HAVE SOLD OUT THE FLOCK AND WHY. Note: This author is focused on the church and the serious infiltration of the … Read more

Joel McDurmon: Individuals Should Fork Over Wealth to Racially Reconcile

You might remember when Joel McDurmon, the heir apparent of Rushdoony’s decaying and rotting corpse of Reconstructionism, son-in-law of Y2K conspirator and economist, Gary North, believed that Biblical “justice” required stoning homosexuals. There was a time, back before our debate on theonomy, when Joel McDurmon was an actual textbook theonomist. He has since redefined theonomy … Read more

MacArthur Launches Second Salvo Against Social Justice

After eagerly waiting for the elder theologian to enter the fray on the topic of Social Gospel, deceitfully renamed Social Justice, Dr. John MacArthur waded into the controversy last week with his first article on the subject. He was quickly maligned as being a white supremacist, as “fighting ghosts,” and was accused of “attacking racial … Read more

Joe Thorn To Take Part in Cultural Marxism/Critical Race Theory Event

Tatting up his knuckles with “1689,” the year of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, Joe Thorn cemented himself as the token representative of old-school Reformed Baptists for a new generation. The bearded hipster, who advertises his cigar and alcohol choices like George Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel, is popular among New Calvinists, the large subset of … Read more