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Censored: See the Meme that’s Getting Christians Banned All Over Facebook

Facebook has waged war on science. Even though the American psychiatric community is in agreement that misgendering yourself is a mental disorder, Facebook has decided that reality is against their community standards. A new graphic, or meme, is circulating on Facebook and countless Christians (or others who embrace medical science) have been banned for sharing … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #26 – Terminal Patients Would End Their Lives

This entry is part 26 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 This post is the twenty-sixth in a series that addresses a list of “40 Harmful Effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page … Read more

Trump Endorses Bible Courses in Public Schools: How Should Christians React?

Among other outlets, Yahoo News has reported that President Donald Trump gave his endorsement to recent state-level initiatives to teach “Bible Literacy” classes in public schools. Trump’s statement has generated a fair amount of controversy, not only among secularists, but Christians as well. While many secularists are openly hostile to the biblical message, some Christians … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #25 – Children traumatized by Descriptions of Hell

This entry is part 25 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His … Read more

Charlie Stamp: Pete Rose’s Induction to Hall of Fame Sign of Christ’s Return

Charlie Stamp, the self-proclaimed prophet of God, recounts a divine vision given to him by God regarding a significant sign of the imminent return of Christ. According to Stamp while appearing on The Jim Bakker Show, Peter Rose (also known by his nickname “Charlie Hustle”), the disgraced former professional baseball player and manager of the … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #24 – Slavery Condoned by Religious Texts

This entry is part 24 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“If you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall serve for six years; but on the seventh he shall go out as a free man without payment.” Exodus 21:2 This post is the twenty-fourth in a series that addresses a list of “40 Harmful Effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook page and has … Read more

United Methodist University Presidents Call for Policies to Include “Sacred Worth” of LBGTQ ‘Christians’

(RNS) — Ahead of next month’s special session on sexuality intended to resolve an issue that has dogged the United Methodist Church for decades, a group of affiliated college and university presidents issued a strong call for full inclusion of LGBTQ Christians. The group, which represents presidents of 93 United Methodist-affiliated colleges and universities, urged … Read more

Lauren Daigle Rebrands Image as Non-Christian Artist

Lauren Daigle writhes seductively with her midriff exposed in her Christian music videos, while singing about Jesus in tones that make you wonder if he’s her boyfriend. The Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry and its fans love it, as they look for a genre as close to godlessness as possible while still occasionally alluding to … Read more

Collegiate Christian “Urbana Conference” Apologizes for Christianity

With more than ten thousand young people gathered at a conference sponsored by InterVarsity, true Christianity was replaced with the Social Gospel and an apology video was given on behalf of Christianity for all the world’s ills. Lauding the secularist #MeToo movement and its pseudo-religious version, the #ChurchToo movement, the narrator goes on to attack … Read more

Christian University Uses MLK Day to Promote Transgender Rights

Martin Luther King denied the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the resurrection of Christ, and the inerrancy of Scripture. On top of that, Luther was a sex-trafficking bisexual and whoremonger. Usually, when Christians – like the ELRC and The Gospel Coalition – promote this lost man it’s because of his contributions to racial equality. … Read more

40 Harmful Effects of Christianity #23 – The Destruction of Great Works of Art

This entry is part 23 of 32 in the series 40 Harmful Effects of Christianity

“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4 This post is the twenty-third in a series that addresses a list of “40 Harmful Effects of Christianity” that originated on the American Atheists Facebook … Read more

Russian Orthodox Pope Says Smartphones Are Tool of Coming Antichrist

The Russian Orthodox “Pope” is warning that smart phones will be a tool for the antichrist to control people. The Russian Orthodox Church, known as the Moscow Patriarchate, is an autocephalous division of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church has many of the same idolatries and heresies of the Roman Catholic Church, but … Read more

New Social Media Censoring Software — Could it be The New Christian Gulag?

The idea started at the University of California at Berkeley. The idea that I’m talking about is software developers building an “Online Hate Index” for social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Thus, “hate speech” could be removed without any sort of human involvement, according to Campus Reform. The “idea,” according to an article in the University … Read more