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Under This Sign Conquer: James White and ReformCon

For years now, Pulpit & Pen has been writing articles about the dangers of associating with false or unorthodox teachers on the conference speaking circuit.  Pulpit & Pen contributors have written so many articles about unwise partnerships that it almost doesn’t make sense to link to them in order to provide examples.  Do I link … Read more

Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi

Within the past few years, Nabeel Qureshi has taken the apologetic world by storm.  His book Seeking Allah Finding Jesus became a New York Times Best Seller.  Qureshi claims to a former Muslim and his book recounts the story of his conversion to Christianity.  According to his personal website: Nabeel is a global speaker with Ravi Zacharias International … Read more

While You're Eviscerating Dobson, Don't Over Look the Real Problem – Evangelical Soteriology

“He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ, and that’s fairly recent … I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.” – James Dobson Explaining away the vile, self-aggrandizing, penitent-less, sulfured stench wafting off the vapid moral character of the Republican presidential nominee, James Dobson … Read more

Ronnie “Ezekiel” Floyd Stands In For An Absent Benny Hinn in SBC Prayer Festival

If you web wander over to the Baptist Press today (June 15) – today being the day after Ronnie Floyd’s 2016 National Call to Prayer for Spiritual Leadership, Revived Churches Nationwide, and Global Awakening – you will find numerous stories about the Southern Baptist Convention’s second day of business. There was, of course, the vote for … Read more

Together2016, Ann Voskamp Declare Scripture Insufficient

Pulpit & Pen recently confirmed and reported that the Pope of Rome will be joining Southern Baptist President, along with Hillsong United, Lecrae, and many other professing evangelical Christians in Washington D.C. for an ecumenical fornication-fest. The event, dubbed Together 2016, is estimated to host over 1 million attendees. Recently, a tweet appeared from Together2016’s … Read more

SBC’s Mosque-Building Moore Defends Alliances With Evil

Not so many months ago, Americans watched the current Administration create an intentional alliance with Iran, perhaps the greatest threat in the Middle East, and certainly the most vocal enemy of America. Those on the right bellowed a righteous, slack-jawed “what are you possibly thinking?” while many on the left hemmed and hawed searching for … Read more

“The Daniel Prayer” – A Book That Will Move Your Credit Card, Change Your Bank Account, & Leave You Doctrinally Bewildered

Released on May 10, 2016 Anne Graham Lotz’s latest book is sure to make its mark in the “Christian” publishing market.  The reasons for this are twofold.  The book is authored by someone with the evangelically hallowed name of “Graham,” which itself is enough cause to prompt the Biblically-astute to cast a discerning eye.  Secondly, … Read more

Perry Noble Does (not?) Endorse Trump

  Five days after Donald Trump announced that, despite the “I was born with this anatomy” gender clues, people should be free to use the bathroom of their choice, Perry Noble tacitly endorsed him.  At a minimum, Noble lauds “the Donald” as a worthy leadership example. In Four Reasons Why I Believe Donald Trump Will … Read more


I started this journey nearly five years ago. Who was I? I was a nobody. No one knew who I was. There were no “anti-JD” protest blogs. There were no “anti-JD” twitter or social media accounts. There were no angry feminists, survivor blogs, antinomians or spiritual ne’er-do-wells ranting and raving about me. Heck, there was … Read more

The Disgusting Taste of a Complacent Church

You will recognize them by their fruits. – ( Matthew 7:16a) Complacency plagues the professing church, especially in America. The vast majority of professing Christians are living comfortably, lavishly, and without any sense of urgency in their mission. The church, molested by the likes of Joel Osteen’s prosperity propaganda, or Andy Stanley’s moralizing “follow Jesus, … Read more

The Blood of Innocent Children on the Hands of the Church

Abortion is by far the most heinous crime against humanity to ever exist. Over 58 million children in the United States have been slaughtered at the hands of bloodworkers since 1973, and nearly 1.5 billion worldwide. The level of human depravity amassed at a single murder facility, between the workers and the patients, is beyond incomprehensible, and … Read more

Guilty by Association or Accessory to Heresy?

Almost every time someone points out the evils of partnering with heretics, sharing the stage with false teachers, or in any way violating the “one degree of separation” rule clearly laid out in Scripture, the complaints of labeling them “guilty by association” begin. This never fails. If someone were to mention that John Piper is … Read more

Southern Baptist deacon builds abortion clinic with pastor’s approval

“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But he who practices the truth … Read more