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Turning a Gospel Preacher into a Mystical Guru

**Editor’s Note: This Review was written by Bruce W. Davidson, and is being published here with permission. A Review of Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards by Kyle Strobel Bruce W. DAVIDSON Introduction One of the unfortunate results of the current boom of interest in Jonathan Edwards is … Read more

The SBC In The Lone Star State: Texas Has Two Gay Whorehouses In It (But They Call Themselves “Churches”)

  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, … Read more

Desperate Apologists for the NAR: Dembski and Qureshi Put Their Faith in Bentley and Bethel

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson While scripture demands that every believer always be ready to make a defense for his hope in Christ, the most polished defenses of the Christian worldview are expected to come from professional Christian apologists. These men spend their careers obtaining graduate-level educations … Read more

Lifeway: Jesus Wouldn’t Be Calling If They Really Had Doctrinal Guidelines

  “In a recent interview, [Hatmaker] voiced significant changes in her theology of human sexuality and the meaning and definition of marriage — changes which contradict LifeWay’s doctrinal guidelines,” LifeWay spokesman Marty King told Baptist Press today (Oct. 27). “As a result, LifeWay has discontinued selling her resources.” (Source, Baptist Press) While many on social … Read more

Christian Science

  Christian Science is a cult that was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in the 19th century, built upon the premise in her 1875 book, Science and Health, that illness doesn’t technically exist and can be dispelled by prayer. Christian Science came on the tail end of the Restorationist Movement. Eddy founded the Church of … Read more

Joyce Meyer Undead, David Barton Buys A Ph.D & Conan O’Brien Is Ordained The concluding line from the Charisma News article that reported on the erroneous announcement of  wolf Joyce Meyer’s death is itself a perfect example of rhetorical touche. “And please remember, not everything you see on the Internet is true!” (Insert melodic drumroll of ignominy here while pondering exactly how much on Charisma News can actually … Read more

Polemics Terms: Evangelical Intelligentsia

DEFINITION The Evangelical Intelligentsia are those who purport to be smarter or more distinguished academically than most local church leaders. Typically, the Evangelical Intelligentsia consists of those not in exclusive ministry to local churches, serving instead academic institutions or parachurch ministries. HISTORY Peter Berger coined that phrase in The Emerging Evangelical Intelligentsia Research Project done for … Read more

The Gathering … Cuz America is the New Israel

In just a couple of days, the preeminent, and self-proclaimed, spiritual “leaders” of “American Christianity” will be convening, on behalf of America, a “solemn assembly,” a la Old Testament precepts for God’s actual and only chosen nation – Israel. (But really, pesky little interpretative details about God’s revelation in Scripture don’t really matter when it’s … Read more

A Report on The Farm League Of Prophetically Anointed Femme Fatales

  One would think that with the growing, evident depravity in the world today, a “prophet to all nations” would focus her message on more spiritually profound, eternally consequential matters than calorie counting and dropping a couple of dress sizes. Something ala John The Baptist, perhaps. “Repent and believe.”  You know.  Alas, for one femme fatale … Read more

David Wood, Seth Dunn and Nabeel Qureshi

I awoke and stumbled out of my Sunday afternoon hibernation bunker to a flurry of messages in the combox I share with the Pulpit & Pen guys, and saw that Seth Dunn was being beaten like a red-headed stepchild in social media (sorry for the lack of colloquialism trigger warning for all you gingers out … Read more

Nabeel Qureshi Redux

“RZIM does not have an official ministry position on the doctrines of the Catholic tradition; RZIM focuses its ministry on evangelism and apologetics and strives to stay true to that vision…” Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Some weeks ago, I wrote a critical article about popular RZIM apologist Nabeel Qureshi. In the article, I criticized Qureshi … Read more

A Dallas Police Officer Speaks Out To Evangelicals

**Editor’s Note: The following was written entirely by a Dallas Police Officer that reached out to me. With the exception of minor formatting, no modification was done to this letter.  I’m a Dallas police officer.  For reasons related to the safety of my family, I must withhold my name.  I knew Sgt. Mike Smith who … Read more

Pokemon: Cuz The Church Needs To Be Relevant, Right?

“In the beginning was the video game. And the game was enchanting.  And the game was augmented reality.” (The gospel according to Pokemon?) The article popped up on Challies’ a la Carte serving Tuesday, July 12.   Eight Ways Churches Can Capitalize on Pokemon Go appears penned on The Wardrobe Door website. I bristle at this. … Read more