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The Self-Deceived Conference “Christian”

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”  Acts 2:42 There is little argument that the post-modern persona of the “church” has been grotesquely deformed from what the first-century bride of Christ looked like.  The church has been prostituted.  Her visible face is no … Read more

Calvinists, We Need to Talk

Alright, I need to talk to the Calvinists out there. Stop with the John Piper memes for five minutes and gather ’round; it’s time for a family discussion. Like you, I came to Calvinism by the mercy and grace of God. I’m one of you. I named one of my daughters Piper. I named another of … Read more

Heresy-neutics: A Review of “Destined To Win” by Kris Vallotton

Destined To Win: How To Embrace Your God-Given Identity And Realize Your Kingdom Purpose Author: Kris Vallotton Foreword: Lisa Bevere Paperback: 224 pages Publisher: Thomas Nelson (January 3, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0718080645 / ISBN-13: 978-0718080648   The endorsements alone are enough to warrant a “Warning: Heretical & Hermeneutical Danger Ahead” notice on its cover.  … Read more

RZIM Speaker, Editor at The Gospel Coalition Compares Jesus to a Transgender

Sam Allberry, an editor for The Gospel Coalition and a global speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), recently wrote an article at The Gospel Coalition entitled, What Christianity Alone Offers Transgender Persons. The only acceptable answer that could have been provided in the article would be, “forgiveness for the sin of transgenderism as well as … Read more

On WWUTT and the Dressing Down of Discernment

You should keep watching, listening and reading WWUTT material. It’s pretty good. That being said, I’ve been wanting to add two cents to the recent discussion surrounding a brief but brusque soundbite on a recent WWUTT podcast. While critiquing Nabeel Qureshi’s affinity for Word-Faith and Montanist cult, Bethel Church Redding, Gabriel Hughes said… “…and Nabeel … Read more

7 Reasons We Cannot Ignore Theology

Unfortunately, it seems that with each new poll that comes out we continue to find a declining interest and concern regarding theology among those who identify themselves as evangelical. People are attending church, but those in the pews are more ignorant of doctrine, theology, and biblical content than they ever were. Beyond the seemingly obvious … Read more

Church of The Red Kettle: Is God Just A Highly Effective Fundraising Tool? (Salvation Army Part Two)

“There is no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another.” E. B. White E.B. White’s observation of the obvious is assuredly the case when looking at the goings-on of The Salvation Army. Things get very complicated when trying to determine exactly what the Army is and … Read more

How Entertainment Has the Church in Bondage to Sin

If our church members fall into the habit of frequenting the theatre, we shall soon have them going much further in the direction of vice, and they will lose all relish for the ways of God. If theatre-going became general among professing Christians, it would be the death of piety. Yet one finds the taste … Read more

Church of The Red Kettle: What You May Not Know About The Salvation Army (Part One)

While it was provocatively illustrative of the spiritual and Scriptural abuses of the Roman Catholic church, the melodious jingle attributed to indulgence hawker Johann Tetzel has found its place in church history as, perhaps, the first Reformation-era musical heresy. (Today, of course, this genre is headlined not by Dominican papists, but by the heresy-hurling likes … Read more

Clayton Jennings and the Demise of a Fallen Ministry

It appears that Clayton Jennings’ “ministry” may be at an end, at least for now. With the way celebrity, Christianity seems to work anyone can be “restored” back into ministry if they spend enough time in Purgatory. If you haven’t been following what has been happening with Clayton Jennings, please read these articles written by … Read more

Hillsong & Beth Moore Unite: Using Weak Women To Capture Weak Women (& others)

“so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith.”  2 Timothy 3:8 When the imprisoned, soon-to-be-martyred Paul wrote his final letter to Timothy, effectively passing the mantle of ministry to his young protégé, he warned the young disciple about the imminent persecution that would come “in the last days.” The … Read more

Justin Peters & Jim Osman on Spiritual Warfare: Binding Satan

“The most widely known – and the most widely misunderstood – concept of spiritual warfare.”  Justin Peters “It sounds like hocus-pocus because it is hocus-pocus.”  Jim Osman The modern church’s belief about what constitutes spiritual warfare is, as Justin Peters remarked, perhaps no better exemplified than by the almost universal, though Scripturally absent, practice of … Read more