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Why Donald Trump is a Discernment Issue

…and his head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother. (Matthew 14:11 ESV) The crime of John the Baptist was opposing King Herod on account of his adultery. Herod’s response, prompted by his mistress’ daughter, was to cut off John’s head. The first century Christian political … Read more

Eddie Long: “Halleluja, Hocus Pocus, Praise the Lord!”

ho·cus-po·cus /ˌhōkəsˈpōkəs/ : noun meaningless talk or activity, often designed to draw attention away from and disguise what is actually happening – (source) “Bishop” Eddie Long, the senior pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a megachurch outside of Atlanta, told his congregation the truth for once. The well-known preacher of the false Prosperity Gospel … Read more

Russell Moore Turns ERLC Into a Rubio PAC

As we’ve reported ad nauseam, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is being utilized as a Political Action Committee (PAC) for Roman Catholic presidential contender, Marco Rubio. ERLC president and former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore, shares a number of ideological similarities with Rubio, not the least of which is their mutual … Read more

Village Church – The Gospel Is an Agenda

It is always disturbing to find Christians who carry the name, label, or implication that they are Bible-believing, conservative, and doctrinally orthodox but who mess up in significant ways when given a visible platform. Obviously not all such mistakes approach the gravity of heresy, but truth-loving people should speak up to correct errors either way, … Read more

Women in the Draft: Will the Evangelical Intelligentsia Now Turn on Marco Rubio?

“…we need to note—and this is what is essential to the Christian worldview—that we should not interfere with anything that would tamper with or compromise a culture’s ability for women to fulfill what is made very clear in Scripture, and that is the primary responsibility in the home and clear patterns of responsibility in the … Read more

SBC Meltdown: Next, Al Mohler Capitulates To Catholic, Rubio

In a long stream of capitulation lately, especially in the Southern Baptist Convention, evangelicals have been salivating over the Roman Catholic presidential candidate, Marco Rubio. The ooze-fest, spearheaded by Russell Moore of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission (ERLC), has led many into confusion over what Christianity is and is not. Moore has stated, despite … Read more

Liberals, Mystics, Catholics…Oh My *UPDATED*

The speaker lineup for Liberty University’s Convocation is, well, interesting. The list includes liberals, mystics, Roman Catholics, and….Trump. As a Liberty University student, I understand the stated rationale for these guests, but I believe there is a problem in offering these individuals a venue as notable as Liberty University with which to disseminate their views. … Read more

SBTS Prof Promoting Nefarious Charismatic Gathering? Say it Ain’t So.

We polemicists have been trying to get your attention on the charismatic craziness of Christine Caine for, like, a long time. And, we’ve been trying to warn you that Piper’s been destroying his legacy by constantly canoodling about with Caine and others for some time. In short: Christine Caine is a Word-of-Faith impastor who heavily relies … Read more

Why Gay Celibacy is Not the Gospel-Centered Answer

Gay celibacy is not the Gospel-centered answer for those struggling with the sin of Same-Sex Attraction (SSA). And yet for many evangelicals, celibacy for those with SSA seems to be answer-of-the-moment. And that answer is a relatively new answer that is finding prominence in our newly “post-Obergfell world.” Celibacy, in fact, is being ardently defended … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior’s Awkward “Dialogue” at Gay Film Fest

…it sounded like an uncomfortable attempt by an eighth grade girl trying to explain her parents’ views, of which she isn’t fully convinced herself. It, frankly, reminded me of the same uncomfortable squirming one sees when Osteen addresses the topic of hell. It was painful to watch. Never using the word sin, addressing the topic of repentance … Read more

Josh Duggar, Scumbaggery, and the Gospel

Josh Duggar is a serial adulterer. Josh Duggar is a child fondler. There, I said…er, wrote it. When I heard that the Ashley Madison website (a prominent website that facilitates spouses cheating on one another, for those of you who don’t read the news or aren’t addicted to porn) had been hacked several weeks ago, … Read more

Who Are the Evangelical Intelligentsia?

If you have followed Pulpit & Pen for any amount of time, you’ve heard or seen me use the phrase, “Evangelical Intelligentsia.” The first time I used that term was on Twitter in response to Manhattan Declaration director and ecumenist, Eric Teetsel, in response to his defense of Ed Stetzer’s peddling of heresy and his subsequent … Read more