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Disgraced ‘Christian Comedian’ John Crist Returns to Social Media – Is He Back?

Comedian John Crist, once the darling of the evangelical world before his reputation tanked and burst into flames after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light, is seemingly poised for a comeback and ready to rejoin the social media scene after a short sabbatical. Crist, a popular Christain entertainer known for his comedy routines and … Read more

Bethel Church Hires Lindsay Lohan Crisis Manager Over Dead Baby Controversy

What do you do when you’re a celebrity pastor with a crisis? You call Hunter Frederick to manage publicity for you. It’s what he does. Sources within Bethel Church have confirmed to Pulpit & Pen that Hunter Frederick, who has served as a crisis manager for Lindsay Lohan and disgraced pastor Perry Noble, was hired … Read more

Stop Dancing, Monkey: John Crist to Only Take a Two Month Break?

Although Charisma Mag broke the story with their (excellent) reporting, discernment proves to trump faux-prophecy every time. We first warned you about John Crist a little less than a year ago and cautioned Christians about following his ‘humor ministry.’ When worship songstress, Lauren Daigle, found herself unable to state whether or not homosexuality was a … Read more

Perry Noble Admits He’s Disqualified from Ministry, then Says He’s Not Quitting

The pastoral epistles are very clear on the qualifications for pastoral ministry. While those qualifications are not given under the expectancy that any man, all the time, flawlessly perfects those stipulations, they are designed to generally typify or characterize his life. When someone’s life isn’t over-all typified by those requirements, their local church is to … Read more

Perry Noble Threatens Pulpit & Pen With Legal Action

Perry Noble is the (formerly?) drunken pastor who played Highway to Hell on Easter Sunday, cussed at his church members for wanting discipleship, was rebuked by his denomination for butchering the Ten Commandments, and who was released from his megachurch ministry position for unrepentance regarding alcohol and what appears to be marital indiscretions. Recently, we … Read more

Advice: Teenagers Need to Get Married, Make Babies, Conquer World

Twenty years ago on Christmas of the year 2000, my future wife read a book by Eric and Leslie Ludy called When God Writes Your Love Story. She was a freshman at college, and just got around to reading the book over the holiday, which had been given her by a High School guidance counselor … Read more

A Refutation of the ‘Theology of the City’ (Part I)

As men dressed like dancing sugar plum fairies took to the stage at Redeemer Presbyterian Church to do choreographed ballet, it finally became apparent to many evangelicals that Tim Keller’s theology was a tad different than most. But if you’ve been watching Keller’s twitter feed for any period of time, you knew that already. There … Read more

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic. Album Twenty One

The twenty-first album in an on-going series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With few churches gathering in-person in these dark times, these are the few congregations who are. For previous albums: Album #1  Album #2  Album #3 Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  Album #14 Album #15  Album … Read more

Todd Bentley Plugs Teaching on ‘Supernatural Healing’ while in Hospital with Illness

Todd Bentley has been waylaid in the hospital with a host of sicknesses and physical maladies, but that hasn’t stopped the charismatic con-man from plugging and advertising his teachings on supernatural healings. Where’s a shout of “physician, heal thyself!” when you need one? In a Facebook post, Todd reveals how he’s been sick these last … Read more

Abortion Abolitionists Are Primarying Pro-Life Republicans In Unprecedented Numbers

Oklahoma is fast becoming the battleground between incumbent pro-life republicans who have squandered their ability to abolish abortion in the state, and abolitionists primary challengers who are determined to oust them because of it. This ideological conflict has been brewing for years. Last month we wrote about how the pro-life republican supermajority killed a bill … Read more

Michael Brown’s Wolfish Wager Over Charismatic COVID-19 Prophecies

Michael Brown, chief enabler of all that is theologically weird and always eager to platform, promote, and advance every crazy-as-a-rat-in-a-coffee-can charismatic leader not named Todd Bentley, has shared some thoughts with us regarding coronavirus prophecies. Titled This is a Great Time to Test Contemporary Prophetic Words, the purpose of the post is to say that … Read more

Pro-Life Republican Supermajority Kills Bill To Abolish Abortion in Oklahoma

On Wednesday the Oklahoma State Senate tabled a motion to bring Senate Bill 13 — the Abolition of Abortion in Oklahoma Act — to the Senate floor. By a 38-4 vote, this act of cowardice shelved the bill for the rest of the legislative session and ensures that it will not be heard. SB 13 was … Read more

Abortions Now Being Done Over Skype to Circumvent Laws

It seems odd, but abortionists have found intriguing and ever-creative ways to kill people. One way they have discovered to expand their death-reach is to have doctors oversee abortions conducted remotely over Skype or another video conference platform. This allows the abortion industry to circumvent state laws that require the procedure to be performed by … Read more

Beth Moore Toadie Says White People Like Hunting Because They Want to ‘Exert Power’ Over Things

An acolyte of Beth Moore who grew up living a privileged life in an upscale white suburb, Kyle J. Howard, claims that white people like to hunt because they want to exert control. He claimed that if white people can’t exert control over people, they’ll settle for exerting power over animals. Kyle J. Howard refers … Read more