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After Exposing Cru’s Gay Agenda, Leader Gaslights Whistleblower and Instructs Staff on How to Brush Off Concerns

matt mikalatos

[REFORMATION CHARLOTTE] Reformation Charlotte along with other ministries has been running a series of exposés on Cru’s gospel compromise through its promotion of social justice, feminism, and even homosexual activism. Cru, formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, has taken a sharp turn toward progressivism over the last few years. Two of Cru’s most prominent speakers have been relentlessly promoting the … Read more

Pro-Gay Campus Crusade Leader Calls for Black Out on Compromising Information

Matt “You can be gay and follow Jesus” Mikalotos, instructed Cru (Campus Crusade) employees to ignore the criticism he has been receiving about the surrender to heresy being committed by Cru’s top leadership. Matt Mikalotos, a well-known Cru leader, speaker, and author, and director of the Cru19 conference, called for a total blackout on the … Read more

Victim Celebrity, Rachael Denhollander, Insists David Raped Bathsheba. But Did He?

Rachel Denhollander might make a great victim, but she’s a terrible theologian. After being victimized by Olympic doctor, Larry Nassar, Rachael Denhollander courageously spoke-out and led the choir of right-minded folks calling for criminal justice. And then Denhollander presented the Gospel in her victim impact testimony, which was touching. After the spotlight of the mainstream … Read more

Black ‘Reformed’ Organization Hires Pro-Abortion Advocate

A prominent “Reformed” ministry for blacks has brought on a pro-abortion contributor to write for their supposedly Christian organization. The Witness began as the Reformed African American Network (RANN), and was founded by Jemar Tisby, a protege of Dr. Ligon Duncan of The Gospel Coalition and Reformed Theological Seminary (the two have done talks together … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Says White Heterosexual Men are Society’s “Oppressors”

[Capstone Report] A Southern Baptist Pastor who said white Christians should admit their parents and grandparents were complicit in the assassination of Martin Luther King has now argued that white heterosexual men oppress LGBTQ persons in the United States. In a Twitter exchange over Critical Theory, Thabiti Anyabwile was asked by Neil Shenvi: “Thabiti, do … Read more

Tim Keller Tells Christians Not to Identify with Republican Party

Tim Keller, the Marxist co-founder of the political organization, The Gospel Coalition, wrote an op-ed in the New York Times, warning Christians not to identify with the Republican Party and not to assume the Democratic Party is not “the Christian one.” This editorial seems to have set the tone for more recent attacks against partisanism … Read more

Jared Wilson Complains People Use Term “Heresy” For Heresy-Peddling Website

In a case of extreme irony, a Twitter-minister and Social Gospel Coalition author, Jared Wilson, wrote an article complaining about the use of the term “heresy” on a retail website that sells Word-Faith theology, Roman Catholic mysticism, Eastern Orthodoxy books, and the prosperity gospel. Jared Wilson is a famously wind-blown doctrinal chameleon whose positions on … Read more

Fake Conservative and Real Idolater, Rod Dreher, Calls for Trump Impeachment

Rod Dreher has been a speaker at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, interviewed by Albert Mohler, and he has been vigorously promoted among Evangelical Intelligentsia organizations like Christianity Today, the ERLC, and The Gospel Coalition. This is in spite of the fact that Dreher is not a Christian, but rather an idolater of the icon-laden, propitiation-denying … Read more

Ironic: Woke “Relevant Magazine” CEO Accused by Staff of Racism and Bigotry

Relevant Magazine is a ‘woke’ evangelical news publication, whose primary journalistic purpose is making cultural worldliness theologically palpable. The progressive-liberal religious magazine, who according to Alexa stats shares Popularity Gospel sites Desiring God and The Gospel Coalition as its top referrers, was pushing wokeness before it was cool. However, as ironic as Justin Trudeau in … Read more

Gay ‘Christian’ Journalist, Jonathan Merritt, Leaves Evangelical Faith

A prominent gay ‘Christian’ journalist and son of former a SBC president, Jonathan Merritt, announced his apostasy on Twitter over the weekend. Merritt joins Joshua Harris, Marty Sampson, and a string of others who have renounced their Christian faith over the last few weeks. We have written about Merritt many times before, including the post … Read more

Lessons From Hunting (Heretics)

So, Tom Ascol wrote that Matthew Hall told him on the phone that he didn’t believe in or affirm Critical Race Theory. And then you had all the cultural marxists, the critical race theorists, the closet socialists, the Frankfurt School folks at The Gospel Coalition, and all of the acolytes go: “See, he explicitly denies … Read more

Gov’t Intelligence Analyst/Counterterrorism Expert Issues Warning About P&P, “Evangelical Dark Web”

A United States government intelligence analyst and counter-terrorism expert has issued a warning about Pulpit & Pen and what he calls the so-called “Evangelical Dark Web.” The analyst has evaluated the influence of our “insurgency” and then issued bullet-points for how to best resist our influence. Brian Auten is a counter-terrorism expert, a “supervisory intelligence analyst … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Writings Defending Marxism, Terrorists, Anti-Semites Now Discovered

A popular contributor to Social Justice institutions like The Gospel Coalition and 9 Marks, Ron Burns (who now goes by the name Thabiti Anyabwile) wrote articles defending Marxism and radical anti-American and anti-Semitic terrorists. Anyabwile is a leading figure in the new Evangelical Left. And yet, the sin of racism seems to stain his past … Read more