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Conservative Evangelicals Walk Out During Wheaton’s Marxist Brain Trust Meeting

Pulpit & Pen reported on Tuesday that evangelical leftists, some of whom are financial recipients of globalist financiers, George Soros and James Riady, recently gathered at Wheaton College to game-plan how to turn evangelicalism to the hard left. Our reporting, as usual, was proven accurate as several attendees at the invitation-only event left the venue … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Promotes Illegal Immigration

Karen Swallow Prior is a radical animal rights activist who believes animals go to Heaven because naming them gives them personhood, says she’s more upset over animal abuse than abortion, says abortion isn’t murder and calling it such is unchristlike, promoted erotic gay literature, and has attended gay fundraisers and uses gay-affirming language. She calls … Read more

Nine Less-than-Stellar Moments in the SBC in 2017

The Modern Day Downgrade is rapidly growing in the SBC, and getting worse from year to year. Here are nine of the worst moments in the SBC last year. SBC blog touts lawsuits against SBC entities. It’s one thing for someone who believes they have been wronged to sue some SBC entity. After all, Southern Baptist … Read more

Cataloging Michael Brown’s Lies About the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Part 1

  PART 1 THE BOOK THAT STARTED IT ALL: This year, a controversial book has been published and caused a ruckus in the Christian media scene. The book is called, ‘The Rise of Network Christianity: How Independent Leaders Are Changing the Religious Landscape’. It was written by Brad Christerson and Richard Flory. Sadly, judging by how they came … Read more

Star Wars Mania: The “Jedi Church” is a Growing Phenomenon

Technically, it’s called “Jediism” and it’s a growing phenomenon. It sounds like it’s a joke, but it’s not. People are converting to the religion by the hundreds, if not thousands. An actual 501(c)3 organization, the Temple of the Jedi Order is recognized by the IRS and exempt from taxation (you can see their IRS exemption … Read more

David Barton and the History of Basketball

Oral Roberts University had a very good men’s basketball team in 1972.  According to Wikipedia, the Oral Roberts Golden Eagles led the nation in scoring that year, averaging 105.1 points per game.  That’s no small feat for any college, especially a private religious institution that had started with only 300 students just seven years prior.  … Read more

Lecrae Divorcing “White Evangelicalism”

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28, ESV) Christianity began as a unified religion, bringing people from different tribes and tongues together into one. From the earliest of days, racial segregation or division was … Read more

James MacDonald Canned From Church Leadership

Harvest Bible Church has released a statement, explaining to its members that James MacDonald has been released from his leadership position. Oddly enough, they have retained him as a preacher and teacher, but don’t want him to help lead the church. The Elders want to do a better job of overseeing our church during challenging … Read more

New Calvinists Compromising on Creation

There is no name more synonymous with New Calvinism than Tim Keller. Although several definitions of “New Calvinism” have been given in recent years (most famously by Mark Driscoll), Pulpit & Pen will use the characteristics given by polemicist, JD Hall, at the recent Judge Not Conference. Characteristics of New Calvinism include: A Calvinism devoid … Read more

We Are Now Offering Mentoring to Lifeway Executives

Thom Rainer, President of Lifeway ‘Christian’ Resources, believes so much in the principle of Biblical mentorship that he has offered to indiscriminately mentor people for the low low price of only $249.47 per month. To be fair, that price is for the Platinum Mentorship Program, in which you’ll actually be entitled to having a video … Read more