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Evangelicals and the Encroachment of Cultural Marxism

[Center for Cultural Leadership] Cultural Marxism, a designation Leftist dvocates despise and naïve evangelical proponents reject, has always exploited Orwellian Newspeak to identify itself lest its origins with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels be exposed. It began long ago after Marxism’s failure to achieve worldwide revolution following WWI. Marxism began to morph under the ingenuity … Read more

Holy Sprit: Not Welcome Here

Holy Spirit is a popular and powerful worship song currenty played on Christian radio stations and sung in Sunday Services all across America. The song was first released in 2012 by the band Jesus Culture and has since made its way westward from Redding, California, the band’s home. It’s lyrics are as follows: There’s nothing … Read more

SBC Seminary Promotes Critical Race Theory in 6-Part Blog Series

We first revealed that Danny Akin had threatened Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) faculty for criticizing “Critical Race Theory” back in June. Threatened with racial sensitivity training and possible firing, faculty were told not to even utter the term, Critical Race Theory, on their personal social media pages. Now, SEBTS has run a series of … Read more

Is this the Worst Pastor Job Listing EVER?

If this isn’t the worst pastor job listing ever, it’s close. Although this has been written about at both the Social Gospel Coalition and Relevant Magazine, it’s time to dissect this at Pulpit & Pen. The badness of this job listing is palpable. It’s so bad that even the two aforementioned organizations lifted it to … Read more

SBC Executive Committee Shuts Down Free Speech, Criticism of “Woke” Leaders

Russell Moore is the head of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). He is, as Wikipedia points out, a Christian Democrat and Communitarian. He is also a former Democratic staffer, one of the most vociferous critics of President Donald Trump, works for George Soros on his Evangelical Immigration … Read more

Chelsea Clinton Calls Abortion “Social Justice Issue,” Says It’s Christian Duty

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Bill Clinton and former Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, recently argued that ending abortion is unchristian. Speaking on the radio program, “Signal Boost,” which airs on Sirius Radio, Clinton spoke of the necessity of abortion-on-demand and explained that her Christian faith motivates her to keep infanticide “safe” and “legal.“ When … Read more

Why “Justice” is Not the Mission of the Church (In the Most Simple Terms Possible)

Is doing justice a major component of the New Testament Church? Many want to know, and the Dallas Statement on Social Justice answers the question in the negative. Others, who don’t know that conservative evangelicals (including Albert Mohler) universally condemned “Social Justice” a decade ago, are flabberghasted that anyone argues that Social Justice isn’t part … Read more

Russell Moore to Speak at George Soros Event

Russell Moore will be a plenary speaker at the National Immigration Forum, an organization formed and funded by Democrat financier, George Soros. The purpose of the National Immigration Forum is to advance the cause of amnesty for illegal aliens, demolish national sovereign borders, and establish a global government. In short, the National Immigration Forum would … Read more

Moore of Babylon

The Moore of Babylon? It’s not uncommon these days to use ‘click bait’ titles to grab the attention of the reading audience – however is this article title a warning of things to come? As the title suggests, the topic is Beth Moore (and her fellow NARpostles). We explore there the possibility that her ministry … Read more

As SBC Moves Egalitarian, Remember Russell Moore Promoted Patriarchy

I just made mention of the “old days,” which would be, in Reformed evangelical circles, about six months ago, and even earlier. – Douglas Wilson, here. The thing about the Downgrade – the theological notion defined here – is that it happens so quickly you hardly notice. It is, as Spurgeon said, “going downhill at … Read more

The Rise of Woker-Than-Thou Evangelicalism

Unless you have been living in seclusion somewhere, you will have noticed that a radical putsch is currently underway to get evangelicals on board with doctrines borrowed from Black Liberation Theology, Critical Race Theory, Intersectional Feminism, and other ideologies that are currently stylish in the left-leaning secular academy. All of these things are being aggressively … Read more

New Evidence Suggests SWBTS Wrong for Firing Patterson

A letter released by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary donors reveal the full story and makes a very plausible argument that trustees made the wrong decision in both the May 23 demotion and May 30 firing of Paige Patterson. We know that a large part of Patterson’s firing at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) was due … Read more

Karen Swallow Prior Glib About Dining with Planned Parenthood

There is really no God-hater with whom Karen Swallow Prior would not join herself in fellowship. Some more charitable souls than myself view Prior as just a simple-minded woman who, like an evangelical and female J. Quincy Magoo, has somehow found herself in the upper echelons of the Evangelical Intelligentsia, irrespective of her woeful lack of self-awareness … Read more

Danny Akin, SEBTS, Allegedly Threaten Non-Woke Faculty with Sensitivity Training and Firing

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary has been at the forefront of the Social Justice Wars of the SBC in recent months and years. A promoter of Critical Race Theory and Marxist Intersectionality, president Danny Akin has installed an Affirmative Action wing for the seminary – called the Department of Kingdom Diversity – and has promoted the … Read more

The #MeToo Movement Takes Out Paige Patterson

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) trustees were under immense outside pressure during yesterday’s meeting to oust long-term president and bulwark of the Conservative Resurgence, Paige Patterson. Patterson, an old war-horse of conservative evangelicalism, has survived many scandals over his tenure. From protecting rapist, Darrell Gilyard to enrolling Muslims in the seminary as an evangelism strategy, … Read more