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They’ve Had Enough: Conservative Baptists Form Group to Fight Liberal Drift

Southern Baptist leaders most responsible for the liberal drift in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) – chiefly Albert Mohler and Danny Akin, presidents of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary respectively – claim there is no liberal drift in the denomination. Meanwhile, both seminaries have sold out to the leftist ideologies of … Read more

Russell Moore Says Abortion Isn’t a Political Issue, Don’t Worry About How You Vote

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is led by an insufferable Democrat quisling, Russell Moore, who says he wishes his wife was a Democrat and more like Hillary Clinton. While weaponizing their “research fellows” over the March for Life weekend to attack Donald Trump for being pro-life, the … Read more

American Family Radio Now Covering SBC’s Compromise on Homosexuality

The Southern Baptist Convention has been changing its tune on homosexuality, as reported by this website for a number of years, and its “softening tone on homosexuality” has even been reported in the Washington Post as early as 2014. Meanwhile, many Southern Baptists find it hard to believe that the denomination is turning liberal on … Read more

An Open Letter to Members of FBC Naples

Brothers and Sisters, I greet you in the most sincere warmth and goodwill. Raised a Southern Baptist, saved a Southern Baptist, baptized a Southern Baptist, educated a Southern Baptist, and ordained a Southern Baptist, I have an affinity and personal affection for your church and denomination. In fact, until last year, the church I have … Read more

Mannish Woman Who Tried to Urinate Standing Up Now Trying to Correct John MacArthur on Gender Roles

Jackie Hill Perry, who has the more holes punched in her Gospel Coalition Intersectionality Score Card than anyone else, went on the offensive against Dr. MacArthur’s position on Biblical gender roles. After John MacArthur echoed what basically anybody with a Biblical view of gender roles has been saying for more than a decade – that … Read more

Being Pro-Choice is a Biblical Concept

There is a lot of debate about abortion in evangelical circles today. Seemingly, some are for it; others against it. However, being “pro-choice” is a biblical concept. Hear us out. The Bible gives us all kinds of choices. Consider Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is … Read more

Evangelical Elite Act Like They’re Non-Political While They Campaign Against Trump

Just like when Donald Trump ran his first campaign, the New Progressive Evangelical movement launched an anti-conservative “never-Trump” campaign against him. At the heart of the Evangelical anti-Trump movement was Russell Moore, the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) head who daily launched invectives at a man who clearly stood against the progressive … Read more

If Thabiti Anyabwile is Really Sorry, He’ll Change His Name

Thabiti Anyabwile’s non-specific apology to non-specific people for non-specific things has accomplished its purpose; it has signaled his virtue as an introspective man and caused his ideological opponents to graciously bow to his humility. We wrote about his faux apology in the articles, Please Do Not Dignify Thabiti’s Unmanly Apology and ‘Thabiti Anyabwile’ Offers Apology … Read more

Please Do Not Dignify Thabiti’s Unmanly Non-Apology

Today TGC’s Thabiti Anyabwile issued what he perhaps intended as an apology to white evangelicals. The article is entitled: Errata: An Apology to Some Evangelicals. The URL suggests this is an altered title. The original title appears to have been Errata: An Apology to White Evangelicals. I have heard apologies. This isn’t exactly it. Thabiti’s “apology” condensed: (And if you … Read more

Remember Back When Russell Moore Promoted Patriarchy?

In what is an amazing turn of events, the leftist-progressive and “soft-complementarian” (also known as an egalitarian) and Beth Moore’s chief Southern Baptist armor bearer, Russell Moore, dropped some incredible lines in defense of Patriarchy. Yes, that’s right. You might have thought you would never live to see it, but the soft-handed yard gnome mascot … Read more

Black Baptist College Demands SBTS Pay Reparations, Mohler Refuses to Put Money Where His Mouth Is

Last December, Pulpit & Pen reported how Southern Seminary decided to launch a completely unnecessary investigatory committee into the seminary’s racist past in the post, Virtue Signaling Southern Baptists Apologize for Slavery for the 1,394th Time. The committee found nothing new, and all of SBTS’ torrid affair with slavery has been widely publicized literally forever. … Read more

Moron, That’s Not What Happened: An Open Letter to Jared Wilson

Jared, Listen, we know you make a living primarily from your ability to make pithy tweets and shmooze shoulders with prominent evangelical celebrities. We get it. But our ability to stomach blind sycophancy has its limits, and that limit for us happens to be defiling intellectual honesty. And you, Jared, have been intellectually dishonest. It’s … Read more

Rachel Held Evans in Coma

Rachel Held Evans, best known as a liberal ‘Christian’ columnist and feminist writer, is in a medically induced coma after experiencing seizures. She is in intensive care and doctors are still unaware of the cause or solution to the medical emergency. Evans’ husband, Dan, is updating her blog with information. Held Evans is a good … Read more

Al Mohler Says ‘Reformers Would Mourn the Loss of Notre Dame.’ John Calvin Disagrees.

Like most in the Evangelical Intelligentsia, Albert Mohler is signaling a virtue that is almost altogether disconnected from his theology. The long, long line to mourn the loss of a Temple of Idols forms somewhere near the headquarters of The Social Gospel Coalition, who lean heavily upon Roman Catholic Liberation Theology to support their progressive … Read more