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SBC's Bible Translation Changed to Appease Charismatics

The Holman Christian Standard Bible The creation of the Holman Christian Standard Bible was funded by the Southern Baptist Convention entity, Lifeway Christian Resources. After the death of the HCSB’s braintrust (and former editor of the New King James Version), Arthur Farstad, the project continued under different leadership and a slightly changed direction (and translation source). … Read more

SBC "Traditionalists" Invite Believer in Purgatory, Pseudo-Universalism to Speak at Event

A group of Southern Baptist “traditionalists”* are taking part in an upcoming conference and have invited a speaker who falls far, far short of Christian orthodoxy. Leighton Flowers, who hosts the anti-Calvinism podcast, Soteriology 101, is organizing the event. It will take place August 11 through August 12, and is called “The Great Commission Summit.” … Read more

Are the ERLC and TGC Merging into One?

There are two primary engines driving the popularity of Social Justice into the heart of quasi-conservative evangelicalism. Once bulwarks for a solid Biblical worldview and stalwart defenders of the Gospel, both organizations have experienced serious mission drift in recent years. Both organizations have developed a penchant for terminology from the social progressive lexicon, like “racial … Read more

Money Talks: IMB Backs Away From Supporting Mosques

With Russell Moore’s ecumenism in full view (the former Democratic staffer has led interfaith prayers with Sikhs and Muslims at the Becket Fund’s Interfaith gathering), it was no surprise when the social progressive leader of the Southern Baptist’s ERLC supported an amicus brief (put together by the Becket Fund) asking the federal government to force a … Read more

Rap Artist, Sho Baraka, Dropped from Lifeway for "Explicit" Language

Warning: This post includes citations of mild coarse language.    Last week we brought to you the news that quasi-Reformed rapper, Sho Baracka, liked to smoke the dope in the post, Christian Hip-Hop Artist, Sho Baraka, Endorses Recreational Marijuana. This week we report to you that Lifeway “Christian” Resources has dropped Sho Baraka from their … Read more

Polemics Terms: Evangelical Intelligentsia

DEFINITION The Evangelical Intelligentsia are those who purport to be smarter or more distinguished academically than most local church leaders. Typically, the Evangelical Intelligentsia consists of those not in exclusive ministry to local churches, serving instead academic institutions or parachurch ministries. HISTORY Peter Berger coined that phrase in The Emerging Evangelical Intelligentsia Research Project done for … Read more

Polemics Terms: Dissection of a Downgrade

This term, “Dissection of a Downgrade,” refers to the way in which Downgrade ordinarily happens within popular evangelicalism. The term was first coined in a 2013 article in the Reformation Montana Journal. As written in the Journal, which explains the phenomenon of Downgrade (the definition is linked above)…. Much Down Grade, Spurgeon argues in his … Read more

Polemics Terms: Single-Issue Discerner

DEFINITION What is a Single-Issue Discerner? A single-issue discerner is one who discerns right from wrong in only one particular area of theology but may be blind toward problems in other areas. EXAMPLES A Calvinist may be a single-issue discerner when it comes to Calvinism, believing that “Calvinist = good” and “Arminian = bad.” The single-issue … Read more

Russell Moore, Andy Stanley, and their Identical Cultural Worldviews

Sadly, the greatest defenders of Russell Moore today tend to be those who hold the mantle, “Reformed.” For many, a mere association with Albert Mohler is enough to buy all sorts of accusational immunity. For others, who haven’t noticed The Gospel Coalition turning into The Social Gospel Coalition over the last couple years, Russell’s association … Read more

A Dallas Police Officer Speaks Out To Evangelicals

**Editor’s Note: The following was written entirely by a Dallas Police Officer that reached out to me. With the exception of minor formatting, no modification was done to this letter.  I’m a Dallas police officer.  For reasons related to the safety of my family, I must withhold my name.  I knew Sgt. Mike Smith who … Read more

Phil Johnson, Thabiti, and SBC Voices

SBC Voices is a place for regurgitated ideas, unoriginal thoughts, Southern Baptist scuttlebutt in the form of pumped sunshine, and a nearly endless droning on of denomination optimism, oblivious to the doctrinal downgrade and corruption that’s common place in America’s largest evangelical denomination. With material from well-meaning guest posters like this polemicist’s own big brother (link) … Read more