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Thabiti Anyabwile Tells White Evangelicals No Reconciliation Without “Owning” Their Complicit Racism

In the latest video from Thabiti Anyabwile at The Gospel Coalition, he mirrors his statements from two weeks ago that white people are complicit in the murder of Dr. King. Anyabwile’s real name is Ron Burns. Burns took the name “Thabiti Anyabwile – he says – to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement. A product … Read more

Watch this Amazing Video on How Soros “Rents” Evangelicals to Push Social Justice

Pulpit & Pen has been exposing George Soros’ funding and partnership of Russell Moore and James Riady’s funding of Ligon Duncan. In reality, both Soros and Riady have been funding numerous groups and speakers who are represented at the The Gospel Coalition, Together for the Gospel, and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. However, much … Read more

Marxist Brain Trust Gathers at Wheaton to Discuss Moving Evangelicals Left

It’s no secret that the Communist Party intentionally infiltrated the so-called “black church” (an abominable term indeed, in a Biblical worldview that refuses to view people through a racial construct, which is forbidden in places like Galatians 3:28, Romans 3:29, Colossians 3:11) during the Civil Rights Movement. This historic reality has been written about in … Read more

2018 SBC Pastors’ Conference is Affirmative Action in Action, with Predictable Result

For some, it was a big deal that H.B. Charles was elected the first Black president of the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference, which precedes the annual convention meeting each summer. Charles is the pastor of Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, and is a council member for The Gospel Coalition. The Baptist Press called his … Read more

The SBC Should Not Want Black Leadership

The Southern Baptist Convention should not want black leadership. The very idea is doctrinally bothersome, theologically incoherent, ethnically untenable, and morally perverse. After the MLK50 veneration conference, hosted by The Social Gospel Coalition and the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Southern Baptists are calling for the white-guilted apologies offered to the world on … Read more

Pro-Gay Teacher, Tony Campolo, Hopes to Convert Evangelicals to Social Activism

Pro-gay Bible teacher, Tony Campolo, hopes to convert evangelicals to social activism through his “Red Letter Revival.” Ironically, evangelical leaders in once-conservative camps like the Southern Baptist Convention and The Gospel Coalition have already beat him to it. Following on the heels of their MLK50 conference, which served to venerate Dr. King and invigorate the … Read more

Thabiti Anyabwile Says All Whites Are Complicit in Murdering Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ron Burns changed his name to Thabiti Anyabwile to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement. When he converted from Christianity to Islam and then from Islam back to social-justice Christianity, Anyabwile continued to identify with the Black Nationalist Movement and kept his name. Today, Anyabwile – a protege of Mark Dever – is a favorite … Read more

SBC Entity Creates Affirmative Action Scholarship in Honor of Martin Luther King

As the Southern Baptist Convention is hemorrhaging members in dramatic decline and suffering from giant missions shortfalls, more than four million dollars is dedicated annually to the socially-progressive entity, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), run by former Democratic staffer, Russell Moore. For that four million dollars, the SBC has received in return a … Read more

Joel McDurmon, Once Repudiating Social Justice, Now Promotes It

Joel McDurmon has a problem with definitions. He also has a problem being blown to and fro with every wind of doctrine. Beginning as a fire-breathing son-of-the-south and grandson-in-law to the preeminent proto-Kinist, RJ Rushdoony, McDurmon was a staunch advocate of stoning rebellious youth and promiscuous women, as was every theonomist before him. After a … Read more

Is a Corrupt Globalist Billionaire Influencing America’s Reformed Community?

[Editor’s Note: This is part 1 in a series that will explain how James Riady, a corrupt and felonious Globalist financier, is influencing America’s Reformed community. Part 1 will give a brief overview of Riady’s past, continued corruption and problematic leftist ties, and explain Riady’s influence over American Reformed leaders and American religious institutions] INTRODUCTION … Read more

On Mahaney’s Withdraw from TFG Conference and SGM Abuse Allegations

Sovereign Grace Ministries is an evangelical mega-church comprised of numerous campuses and churches throughout the United States, with branches in Australia, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Great Britain, Germany, and Mexico. Once known as “People of Destiny International,” the group began to call itself “Sovereign Grace Ministries” in 2003. Started by a “Charismatic Catholic,” Larry Tomczak, the organization … Read more

Black Panther Sermon Series Begin Around Country

Usually, it’s the Summer blockbusters that turn into cinematic sermons around the country, but the despite Punxsutawney Phil’s delayed forecast, the season seems to now be upon us. As Chris Rosebrough wrote back in 2010… It’s summertime and you know what that means…it means that if you attend a seeker-driven church your pastor can let … Read more