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Attention Press Outlets: Founders Ministries is Not “Neo Cal,” So Stop Saying That

Consider this a public service announcement to news outlets and blogs who should know about something before they opine on it; Founders Ministries and the majority of Social Justice opponents are not “Neo-Calvinists.” Stop saying that. Religion News Service (RNS), a progressive news outlet, referred to Founders Ministries as “Neo-Calvinists” in a hit-piece yesterday. That … Read more

“Justice Democrats” Founder is THE Organizer of Evangelical Social Justice Movement

In this bombshell report by Pulpit & Pen, we will demonstrate how Democratic financier and organizer Zack Exley is behind the successful attempt to change the political ideology of America’s major evangelical institutions, ministries, and seminaries through propagation of what is known as “Social Justice.” SUMMARY We will explain—with a compilation of original sources, some … Read more

American Jesuit Magazine Endorses Communism, Say It’s the Christian Worldview

According to The Gospel Coalition’s Carl Trueman, someone can’t be a Marxist if they’re a theist. According to Jesuits – Roman Catholic priests in the order founded by Ignatius Loyola – that’s not true. A Romanist magazine operated by American Jesuits claimed this week in an article entitled The Catholic Case for Communism that the … Read more

SBC and Social Justice: A List of Links To Prove the Agenda is Real

This post is designed to provide an extensive but not comprehensive list of articles from Pulpit & Pen documenting SBC leaders pushing so-called “Social Justice” upon its membership. It is designed to be simple and straight-forward. The Problem: Social Justice is a term invented by South American Roman Catholic Priests and the churches affiliated with … Read more

Teacher Reports 10-year-old UK Girl and her Church to an Anti-Terrorist Group for ‘Hate Speech’

“Sir, please, may I not take part in this lesson?” is now treated as a terrorist death-threat. Last month, Susan Papas, headmaster of a UK LGBTQA+ indoctrination camp cleverly disguised as a primary school, suspended two 10-year-old-students with allegations of making “homophobic remarks” after they asked permission to be excluded from a gay-pride math lesson. Both … Read more

Rebecca McLaughlin Tangles Reason in her “5 Reasons to Disentangle Sexuality and Race”

The Gospel Coalition and Rebecca McLaughlin have weighed in on the homosexuality question again. Rebecca McLaughlin, a married woman who refers to herself as a Christian with lesbian desires, is best known for her intense focus on identity politics. McLaughlin recently published a book on apologetics which seeks to prove that the Christian faith has always bowed down … Read more

AOC and Woke Evangelicals Have Identical Talking Points on Communism and White Supremacy

The leftist firebrand representative from New York, Andrea Ocasio Cortez (AOC), seems to have identical talking points as woke evangelicals when it comes to branding the term Communism or Marxism as racists epithets. It’s a scary thing when evangelicalism is identical to far-left extremism. Ocasio-Cortez, who literally advocates for socialized everything and promotes policies designed … Read more

Pelosi Says Churches Are Key Ally for Immigration Lawlessness

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says that churches and faith-groups are an important Democratic ally in promoting open borders, amnesty, and immigration lawlessness. Many evangelicals are taking part in a leftist propaganda plot, and don’t know it. Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you; for in my wrath I struck … Read more

“Thabiti Anyabwile” Offers Apology to “White Evangelicals” Before Pulling Back

In an “I’m sorry you got offended” type of public apology, Burns issued a mea culpa regarding some of the brazen militancy of his discourse. What many people are overlooking is that it was originally addressed to “White Evangelicals” and then changed to “Some Evangelicals.” This is important because Anyabwile’s entire agenda has served to … Read more

My Two Cents on the Doug Wilson and Andrew Klavan Thing

I really like Douglas Wilson. It’s not like a man-crush level of attraction, but I deeply admire the gentleman and often have opined on the brilliance of his writing (for example, this recent post was just great). And so, I swallowed part of my tongue in a seizure of surprise to see that an editor … Read more

TGC Doesn’t Want You to Vote for Trump. WE GET IT.

The Gospel Coalition doesn’t want you to vote for President Trump in 2020. We get it. The political organization, masquerading as a religious 501(c)3, couldn’t be clearer that their main goal is to change the voting patterns of evangelicals. Their blog, conferences, and speakers come from a variety of backgrounds, but all have a singular … Read more

Amazon Bans Books on Gay Conversion Therapy

Pssst. Don’t tell homosexuals that they can change. That thought is banned. Amazon has added itself to the long list of entities that are banning discussion of reparative therapy. Whether it’s religious regeneration, self-control, or self-actualization, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to express your opinions that homosexual behavior is a choice, and even the desire can … Read more